Everybody likes getting pretty pictures during their national park visit, whether they are using a smartphone camera, a point-and-shoot, or an SLR. Traveler's "Photography In The Parks" series offers images of national park scenes you might see for yourself during a visit, along with links to past photo columns by contributing photographer Rebecca Latson full of tips and techniques for getting the best shots from whatever camera you use.
Yellowstone's Grand Loop Road Part 1
Perhaps you only have one or two days to spend in Yellowstone National Park. Where should you go during that time and what should you photograph? Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson takes you along the park's Grand Loop Road from Mammoth to Tower-Roosevelt Junction to show you the many photo ops available.
My 11 Favorite Shots From 2024
In keeping with a January tradition started around 2015, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson showcases her 11 favorite images captured over the course of 2024.
Mount Rainier Photography
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson offers tips and techniques for capturing awesome images at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington State, using her own shots as examples of what you can see and photograph with your own camera.
Sunset, Alpenglow, and Blue Hour At Glacier National Park
Continuing with photography in Glacier National Park, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson shows you some great spots for capturing sunset, blue hour, and alpenglow imagery, while providint tips and techniques for getting those great shots.
Capturing Sunrise At Glacier National Park
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson takes the work out of looking for, getting to, and setting up for great sunrise shots at Glacier National Park in Montana.
Cave Photography
How many of you have taken a cave tour in one of the cave-centric units of the National Park System? What camera did you use? An SLR? A point-and-shoot? A smartphone camera?
To Tripod, Or Not To Tripod
While it is always a good idea to bring along and use a tripod for your photography, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson believes it's not always necessary, and there are times when it is more prudent to simply handhold your camera for a national park photo.
Photographing History At Fort Spokane
Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area encompasses the grounds of historic Fort Spokane, home to a fort, federal Indian school, and hospital over various times. Contributing photographer Rebecca uses this historic location to demonstrate how to capture history with your camera.
Two Cave Parks Above And Below
During contributing photographer Rebecca Latson's road trip to South Dakota, she visited both Wind Cave National Park and Jewel Cave National Monument and writes about the above-ground landscape and below-ground cave tours in this article.
Badlands In April
In April 2024, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson embarked on a road trip to South Dakota to visit several units of the National Park System, including Badlands National Park.
What's In My Camera Bag Redux
How many of you national park camera toters have changed your mindset about one or more aspects of photography, cameras, lenses, camera packs, or travel over the years? Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson has certainly changed her mind (and camera brands) over the years.
Great Sand Dunes In Winter
An off-season visit to Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in Colorado is a chance for solitude, no crowds, and awesome winter light over amazing landscapes.
Abstracts In Nature
Nature in a national park (or anyplace, actually) is replete with orderly mathematics, but it also has a share of abstracts.
My 10 Favorite Shots From 2023
Continuing a tradition started several years ago, Rebecca Latson lists her 10 favorite images captured during 2023, why she likes them, and how she got the shots.
Always Be A National Parks Traveler
Contributing photographer and writer Rebecca Latson has spent the past 11 years with the National Parks Traveler, writing about tips and techniques for getting the best national park photos – no matter what camera you use. In her final article for 2023, Rebecca recaps some of those tips and techniques.
Road Trippin' The Canadian Rockies
Who doesn't like a good road trip through some stunning mountain scenery? Photographer Rebecca Latson drove her own 2,000-mile road trip through four national parks in the Canadian Rockies and wrote about her photographic journey.
Winter Is Coming
Winter presents new landscapes (and freezing temperatures) and there are a few things you should know when preparing yourself and your camera for some winter photography.
Wildlife In The Landscape
Sometimes when you visit a national park, you see some amazing wildlife but you either don't have a telephoto lens attached to your camera, or the telephoto lens / setting you have just doesn't have the reach to get a good close head shot of the wildlife. In that case, why not just capture the wildlife as part of your landscape image?
Plane Lights, Satellites, Meteor Lights
What better place to view the peak nights of the Perseid meteor shower than the Sunrise area of Mount Rainier National Park in Washington state. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson provides tips and techniques for achieving great night shots of "The Mountain" and how to tell the difference between plane lights, satellites, and meteors in your night sky image.
Death Valley Days
A visit to Death Valley National Park in May presents the photographer with some amazing scenery and a few lessons in handling a camera in 114-degree F heat.
Photo Documentation
Many of you apply your photographic talents to more than just Instagram, right? Perhaps you use your national park imagery for blogs, reports, or other photo documentation.
Low-Light Compositions Indoors And Out
Digital cameras capture pretty much all the data, but sometimes you must tease out the subtleties of light and shadow, color, texture, and pattern from that data on your memory card – especially if it’s an image photographed under low-light circumstances. And just what would those circumstances be?
Same Spot, Different Time / Season / Weather
Everybody has a favorite national park, even if they say they like them all equally. C’mon, be honest. There is at least one park unit within the National Park System that resonates with you more than others. There’s one, maybe two or even three, park units you may find yourself returning to, given the time (and money). Why? Is it for a particular view area? A particular hike? When you return to that park, do you revisit those same view areas? Trek that same trail? You should.
The Invitation Of An Intimate Composition
How many times have you viewed someone’s national park images and one shot in particular pulled you into the composition? This shot invited you in. This is the power of an intimate composition.
The Beauty Of A Simple Composition
There’s something to be said for a simple composition, you know. Something to be said for an image not requiring much parsing through of various details combined to create a shot, the gist of which might take time to fully comprehend. A simple image can pack a punch and create an emotional response despite, or perhaps because of, its minimalism.
Capturing Atmospheric Phenomena
Chances are, during a national park visit, you’ve probably photographed – intentionally or accidentally – an interesting event involving the play of light known as an atmospheric phenomenon. This manifestation may show up as the subject of your composition, or perhaps as an accessory highlighting your subject.
10 Favorite Shots From 2022
Every photographer has at least one, if not more, favorite images captured over the course of a year. In keeping with a Traveler tradition started in 2015, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson lists her 10 favorite photos captured in 2022.
A Matter Of Perspective
Perspective is a particular way of viewing things, and how you view your photographic subject is a matter of perspective. Perspectives change, depending upon whether you are at ground level, above, or below your subject. Capturing different perspectives of the same subject fleshes out your subject’s story and your park trip.
Getting Great Smartphone Shots, Part 1
The smartphone camera is an amazing piece of technology, and people are capturing all sorts of amazing national park photos with their smartphones. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson shows you how you, too, can get great shots with your smartphone camera during a national park visit.
Getting Great Smartphone Shots, Part 2
Traveler contributing photographer Rebecca Latson continues her exploration of smartphone cameras and how to get great shots instead of "grab shots" with this Part 2, using images captured during a trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park in California.
Favorite Parks For Photography, Part 1
Of the park units contributing photographer Rebecca Latson has visited, there are favorites for particular subjects (landscape colors, sunrises/sunsets, wildlife, etc.). In this Part 1, Rebecca names her favorites, what you can photograph, and why they are her favorites.
Favorite Parks For Photography, Part 2
Traveler contributing photographer Rebecca Latson continues with her list of favorite parks for particular photographic subjects with this Part 2, including favorite parks for wildflowers, birds, geology, and forests.
Exploring The Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, Part 1
There are so many places to visit within the National Park System - in addition to national parks - and the route of the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail provides a great learning and photographic experience for the intrepid road tripper, including giant current ripples, miles-wide coulees with columnar basalt walls hundreds of feet high, and the site of an ancient waterfall that dwarfed Niagara Falls.
Exploring The Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, Part 2
In this Part 2 of contributing photographer Rebecca Latson's exploration of the Eastern Washington portion of the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, you'll follow Rebecca as she hikes and photographs Frenchman Coulee along the might Columbia River.
Exploring The Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, Part 3
Part 3 of contributing photographer Rebecca Latson's exploration of the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail takes her to Drummheller Channels National Natural Landmark, a unique volcanic landscape set within the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington state.
Following In The Footsteps Of Lewis And Clark, Part 1
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson decided to follow in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark along the Washington state portion of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. In the first of several photo columns, Rebecca writes about what she saw and photographed during her exploration of Horsethief Butte, Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve, and the Mighty Columbia River.
Following In The Footsteps Of Lewis And Clark, Part 2
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson continues her explorations following the Washington state portion of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. In her second photo column about the national historic trail, Rebecca writes about what she saw and photographed during her exploration of Beacon Rock State Park and the Mighty Columbia River.
Following In The Footsteps Of Lewis And Clark, Part 3
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson continues her explorations along the Pacific Northwest portion of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. In her third photo column about the national historic trail, Rebecca writes about what she saw and photographed during her continuing explorations of the Columbia River as it empties into the Pacific Ocean, including photographing king tides at Cape Disappointment.
Yellowstone In Winter
Visiting and photographing Yellowstone National Park in winter has long been on contributing photographer Rebecca Latson’s bucket list. Rebecca shares her images, along with tips and techniques to help you capture your own amazing images if you ever visit Yellowstone between December and early March.
10 Favorite Shots From 2021
In keeping a tradition began with the National Parks Traveler some eight years prior, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson has listed her 10 favorite shots captured during 2021. Rebecca explains why she likes the image and how she got the shot.
Being Prepared And Knowing Your Limits
Are you ready for that national park trip? Traveling solo, or with one or more people? Is this a spur-of-the-moment choice or have you done a little research into things like the weather, the terrain, and/or the difficulty level of the trails in this park unit? Are you taking what you need for yourself and your camera?
The Faces Of Winter
There are many faces to winter in a national park. Some park units have no snow, while others host feet of the fluffy white stuff.
A Great Time In Great Basin National Park
Great Basin National Park in Nevada covers 77,100 acres of desert and mountain terrain, providing plenty of opportunities for great photo compositions.
Capturing The Colors And Character Of Fall
Fall is that magical time of year when the air is crisp and clear and the leaves in many park units change from summer green to saturated shades of yellow, gold, orange and red.
Yosemite Tried, True, And New
Yosemite National Park is a well-known, much-visited park unit with many iconic spots from which to photograph. There’s nothing wrong with getting your own shot of a very popular spot, but while you have your camera out, why not try shooting new perspectives of those landscape icons as well as new subjects to further define North America’s third national park.
Fun Fact Photography, Part 2
National parks are a treasure house of interesting facts, and this column continues with more fun facts about the subjects captured with a camera lens.
Fun Fact Photography
Photography not only builds your observation skills and tells a story, but also teaches both photographer and viewer about what is framed within that composition.
Water, Water, Everywhere
National parks and protected areas are brimming over with water scenes, from glaciers to snowy landscapes to ponds to rivers to misty mornings. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson provides tips and techniques for how to capture those myriad forms of water (glaciers, snow, ponds, streams, rivers, mist, clouds) in a composition.
Seeing The Forest For The Trees
Forests and their trees flesh out the story of a national park visit and the Traveler’s contributing photographer Rebecca Latson provides example images, tips, and techniques to help you capture the forest story of your own park trip.
The Yin And Yang Of A Composition
When you look at photos you’ve captured during a visit to a national park unit, do you notice one or more of your shots clearly showing a division of light and dark, or energy and calm, or two different colors, or two different textures? Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson sees this phenomenon in many of her own images, calling it the “yin and yang of a composition.” In this month's column, Rebecca provides examples of this yin-yang concept and how you can look for it in nature with your camera.
Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
Before heading home from her Redwood National and State Parks visit, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson took a detour over to Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, returning with tips on what you can see and photograph within this recreation area risen from the ashes of the 2018 Carr Fire.
The Art Of Patience
You’ve heard the sayings “patience is a virtue,” and “patience has its rewards.” Patience is, indeed, a virtue that produces photographic rewards in a national park, if you have the time for it. Photographer Rebecca Latson explains why you *should* take the time to practice some patience behind the tripod, and how that virtue can yield great shots and more.
10 Favorite Shots From 2020
Every photographer has their favorite images taken over a single year. Contributing Photographer Rebecca Latson shares her 10 favorite shots captured during 2020, why she likes them, and how she got the shot.
Winter Wonderlands
Winter is a wonderful season during which to photograph a national park visit. Some parks are snowy white, while others are not. Here's a great introduction to winter photography, no matter what kind of scenery you might see during that time of year.
Birdy, Birdy, In The Sky
Photographing birds help flesh out the story of a national park or protected land you visit. You don't have to be a hard-core birder or an expert in avian photography to capture great images of the birds you see.
The Redwood Forests Are Made For Vertical Shots
While many people photograph images of very tall trees - like those seen in Redwood National and State Parks - as horizontals, in truth, vertical compositions capture the height of these amazing trees much better.
Capturing Sunrise, Sunset, And The Milky Way At Mount Rainier's Sunrise Area
If you enjoy photographing sunrises, sunsets, and/or the stars in a national park, the Sunrise area of Mount Rainier National Park is definitely a must-see-and-photograph location you should place on your bucket list.
My Final Favorite Places For Photography
Planning for your next national park trip? Can’t decide where to go? Photographer Rebecca Latson shares her final list of favorite spots for photo ops within national parks she’s visited. Perhaps her favorite spots will become your favorite spots. Or perhaps her favorite spots already are your favorite spots.
A Short Stay In Crater Lake National Park
Photographer Rebecca Latson took a short trip to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. She returns with tips and techniques you can use to capture your own great photos.
Gearing Up, Staying Safe, And Getting Back Out There With My Cameras At Crater Lake National Park
Visiting a national park during the coronavirus pandemic is going to be a different affair. Photographer Rebecca Latson believes it's possible to do so while staying safe and healthy and keeping others safe and healthy during a trip she made to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon.
Back In Business Again
Mount Rainier National Park quietly reopened its gates to the Nisqually entrance up to Paradise on June 5th. Photographer Rebecca Latson took a trip with her cameras out to the park and reports back with her images and observations.
Even More Favorite Places For Photography
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson has visited quite a few national parks within the past two decades and shares with you even more of her favorite spots for photography in the national parks she’s visited.
When Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Sometimes, your national park visit might coincide with a hazy atmosphere created by a forest fire near or far. Photographer Rebecca Latson provides tips and techniques to help you get WOW-worthy images despite any smoky haze over the landscape.
More Favorite Spots For Photography
Photographer Rebecca Latson continues sharing with you her favorite spots for photography in the national parks she has visited, explaining why they are her favorite places to revisit time and time again.
My 10 Fave Photos From 2019
Continuing a New Year's tradition started with the Traveler several years ago, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson shares with you her 10 favorite images from 2019, explaining why she likes them and how she got the shots.
My Favorite Spots For Great Photos
It's a no-brainer that you can capture beautiful photos in any of the National Park Service's units. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson has her own favorite spots in the national parks she has visited. In this first of several articles, Rebecca shares with you some selected spots she returns to again and again and why she likes them so much.
Bringing It All Together In Yellowstone
Photographer Rebecca Latson summarizes the information from selected articles written for the Traveler which she applies most often to her own photography, with images captured during her recent trip to Yellowstone National Park to provide examples, tell her story, and bring it all together for you.
Your Armchair Photography Guide To Olympic National Park, Part 3 - The Mountains
In this final Part 3 of the Armchair Photography Guide to Olympic National Park, photographer Rebecca Latson takes you out of the shadowy green forests of this park up into the mountains for some higher-elevation photography tips and techniques.
Your Armchair Photography Guide To Olympic National Park, Part 2 - The Forests
In Part 2 of the Armchair Photography Guide to Olympic National Park, photographer Rebecca Latson talks about exploring the old-growth and temperate rain forests and how to capture their inner glow and many shades of green and brown.
Your Armchair Photography Guide To Olympic National Park, Part 1 - The Beaches
Olympic National Park is the place to go if you want to visit a park with a little bit of everything. In this Part 1 of the Armchair Photography Guide to Olympic National Park, photographer Rebecca Latson shows you how to get amazing shots that capture the beauty of Olympic's beaches.
Mount Rainier In May
May in the mountains. Lower elevations get rain and the higher elevations get snow. Mount Rainier National Park is a perfect example. Contributing editor Rebecca Latson tells you what you might expect from a May visit to Mount Rainier, and what you might actually receive regarding photo ops.
Your Armchair Photography Guide To The North Cascades Complex

Pyramid Mountain and evening scenery, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, North Cascades Complex / Rebecca Latson
The North Cascades Complex, comprised of Lake Chelan National Recreation Area, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, and North Cascades National Park, is a vast landscape of cold, clear rivers, thick forests, and rugged mountains webbed with a network of trails having few access roads and mainly for backcountry backpackers. Photographer Rebecca Latson recently visited this area and returns with an Armchair Photography Guide to prove you can still get awesome photos of the North Cascades Complex without having to hike into the backcountry to do so.
The Geometry Of Nature

Delicate Arch in the winter, Arches National Park / Rebecca Latson
If you look hard enough, you'll find mathematics everywhere, even in nature. Photographer Rebecca Latson has photographed that geometry, both manmade and natural, during her national park visits and shows you how to see the obvious (and not-so-obvious) lines, angles, circles, arcs and ellipses to improve your compositions and create beautiful national park photos of your own.
Yellowstone - More Than Just Geysers And Wildlife

Calcite Springs and the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
Depending upon the time of year and length of stay, you may or may not get to see and photograph everything on your to-do list for Yellowstone National Park. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson shares her observations and tips for getting gorgeous photos of whatever it is you do see during a trip to America's first national park.
A 1,000-Foot Difference

Sunrise over the North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Having visited the South Rim in 2009, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson added the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park to her itinerary during her summer move from Texas to central Washington. Rebecca writes about what she saw and photographed, providing tips for you to capture unique images during your own trip to that part of the Grand Canyon.
Capturing The Grandness Of The Grand Tetons

A home where the bison roam, Grand Teton National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson spent 2-1/2 days photographing the beauty of Grand Teton National Park, coming away with wonderful images and a new appreciation for the word "Grand."
Negative Space And Color Space

Thundercloud over the hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Negative space and color space both have a huge effect on your national park compositions. Photographer Rebecca Latson defines and discusses these terms to help you better understand how to frame and later process your national park images so they look their best for online and print use.
The Armchair Photography Guide To Bryce Canyon National Park

Monsoon clouds and a summar rainbow, Bryce Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Rebecca's "Armchair Photography Guides" are for those who cannot, or do not, wish to venture very far away from car, camper, cabin or tent, and still want to capture great national park images. Whether you are hiking the Rim Trail or just stopping at one of the overlooks along the park road, this particular photo guide to Bryce Canyon National Park provides tips, techniques, and a general overview of the photo ops available to you.
A Winter Shutdown Stay In Olympic National Park

Ruby Beach logjam, Olympic National Park / Rebecca Latson
Olympic National Park encompasses scenery ranging from rugged beaches to temperate rainforests to craggy peaks. Contributing photographer and writer Rebecca Latson traveled to this large national park in January, returning with images to whet your own photographic appetite for a visit to this national park any time of the year.
Two Point-And-Shoots And A Smartphone in Zion National Park

Early morning at the Court of the Patriarchs, Zion National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson packed a couple of point-and-shoot cameras and her smartphone, in addition to her SLR, for a winter photo trip to Zion National Park. In this article, Rebecca shares the results as well as advice and tips on getting your best shot, no matter what camera you use.
A Photographic And Geologic Gem Of A Painted Park

A painted park, Petrified Forest National Park / Rebecca Latson
Petrified Forest National Park is a less-visited, colorful geologic gem worthy of your time and attention with a camera. Photographer Rebecca Latson discovered this during her summer move from Texas to Washington, and shares how she captured her own images of this "painted park."
Don't Forget About Those Little Things

Butterflies and wildflowers, Glacier National Park / Rebecca Latson
While the majority of us visit a national park to capture The Big Picture with our cameras, we should also remember to photograph the smaller things in order to flesh out our national park story. Contributing photographer and writer Rebecca Latson shows you how to capture great shots of those little things.
Capturing The Face Of Winter

A winter vista at Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park / Rebecca Latson
In addition to much cooler temperatures, winter the national parks may markedly change the landscape. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson provides tips and techniques for capturing awesome images as well as prepping yourself and your camera for the elements.
The Armchair Photography Guide To Canyonlands National Park - Island In The Sky

The view beyond Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson's latest Armchair Photography Guide takes you through Canyonlands National Park's Island In The Sky District. Rebecca provides tips on gear and techniques to help you photograph stellar shots of the wide-open vistas of this national park and make the most of your visit without having to hike long trails or venture into the backcountry.
Adding A Sunburst To Your Sunshine

A sunburst sunrise over Arches National Park / Rebecca Latson
How many of you have looked at national park images of the sun and viewed a golden-yellow or golden-orange orb with the shape and brilliance of a star? That’s called a sunburst, and creating one with your camera is great for learning more about your camera’s manual settings. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson shows you how this is done.
Capturing Texture, Pattern, And Color In Your Compositions

Saturated texture, Mount Rainier National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson wants you to focus your powers of observation on the properties of texture, pattern, and color that you see through your viewfinder during your next national park visit. Rebecca offers five techniques she uses when focusing her imagery on any and all of these properties.
Capturing Nature With A Time-Lapse Video

Sunrise viewed from Sunrise Point, Bryce Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing writer and photographer Rebecca Latson is always trying to learn something new about her cameras that she can pass on for you to use during your own national park visit. In this article, Rebecca demonstrates the capture of time-lapse videos utilizing any type of camera.
Capturing Lava By Sea And By Air

A toehold amongst the lava flows, Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park / Rebecca Latson
Photographer Rebecca Latson returned from a trip to Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, where she enjoyed wild rides both by boat and helicopter to bring back some amazing lava photos. Rebecca provides tips for you to go out and capture your own incredible images of lava, both molten and cooled.
Birds, Beaches, Blooms, And Bottles At Padre Island National Seashore

Cruising the currents, Padre Island National Seashore / Rebecca Latson
Over a long April weekend, photographer Rebecca Latson traveled to Padre Island National Seashore for a little photographic fun on the beach. Rebecca provides 21 tips based upon her experiences to help you make the most of a photographic visit of your own to this national seashore in Texas.
Snowshoes, Cameras, And Winter In Glacier National Park

Winter reflections on Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park / Rebecca Latson
Glacier National Park is an amazing place to capture incredible photographs during spring, summer and autumn, but have you thought about traveling there in the winter? Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson took a January trip to Glacier and returned with helpful advice to encourage you to make a winter visit to this national park in Montana.
Photographs That Teach Both Photographer And Viewer

Cross-beds and dune geology, Zion National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson provides examples of what she has learned about the geology of Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, and Bryce Canyon national parks, while offering tips and techniques for framing that perfect composition of whatever it is that encourages you to learn more about a national park.
Shooting Wildlife In The Fall ... With Your Camera

Portrait of a moose cow at Fishercap Lake, Glacier National Park / Rebecca Latson
It’s not just landscapes that make autumn such a spectacular season for you and your camera. The wildlife opportunities are wonderful, as well. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson shares tips and techniques for shooting (with your camera) the wildlife you may see during a national park visit.
Your Armchair Photography Guide To Mount Rainier National Park

"The Mountain" and its reflection, Mount Rainier National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson continues her Armchair Photography Guide series with a visit to Mount Rainier National Park, in Washington State. She provides sample images of what you might see and photograph without having to venture very far away from your campsite or car.
Your Armchair Photography Guide Of Banff National Park To The Border Of Jasper National Park

A spring morning at Lake Louise, Banff National Park / Rebecca Latson
Our neighbor up to the north has some pretty spectacular national parks, and photographer Rebecca Latson provides another of her Armchair Photography Guides with tips and techniques for helping you get the most out of your visit to the rugged mountains of both Banff and Jasper National Parks.
The Great Rewards Of Lowered Expectations

An ocotillo plant, the Chihuahuan Desert, and the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park / Rebecca Latson
Sometimes, you might not see what you expected to see during a national park visit. What then? Photographer Rebecca Latson urges you to lower those expectations just a little bit and focus on other things to photograph within that national park.
Prime Time In The National Parks

A prime lens (14mm) view along Lost Mine Trail, Big Bend National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson demonstrates the advantage of including a fixed-focus lens with the zoom lenses you pack for your national park photography.
Put Some Humanity In Your Photos

A little scale and perspective on the trail, Bryce Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Most landscape photographers tend to roll their eyes at the thought of putting people in their national park images. Photographer Rebecca Latson explains why placing a person here and there in at least of few of your national park shots adds, rather than detracts, from the image.
Don't Forget Those National Park Lodge Photos

The Glacier Park Lodge lobby, Glacier National Park / Rebecca Latson
When visiting a national park with your camera, don't forget to flesh out your travel album with some interior or exterior images of those national park lodges. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson shows you how to take advantage of the photo ops offered by these park buildings.
Focus On The Eyes, Focus On The Light

Blue grouse chick, Mount Rainier National Park / Rebecca Latson
What do getting a clear portrait shot of wildlife and capturing the luminous light of a forest interior have to do with each other? Photographer Rebecca Latson explains how focusing on the eyes and focusing on the light can help you achieve great images of wildlife or forest interiors during your next national park photographic foray.
Don't Forget To Pack Your Flash Or Reflector For Some Fill Light

Strawberry Pitaya cactus blooms, Big Bend National Park / Rebecca Latson
Photographer Rebecca Latson describes a couple of techniques used to lighten up your national park subject within a less-than-well-lit venue.
DOF, Foreground Objects, And Framing

A bee and a prickly pear bloom, Big Bend National Park / Rebecca Latson
How and where you choose to focus on your image can make a huge difference in how a viewer perceives your national park photo. Rebecca Latson provides explanations and tips for helping you with your photo composition.
A Day And A Night In Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park

A view beyond the rainforest of Kilauea Iki Trail, Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park / Rebecca Latson
Before the 2018 eruption of Kilauea Volcano that changed much of the landscape of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, photographer Rebecca Latson had the opportunity to visit this park. Rebecca provides tips and techniques for capturing volcanic features you might see for yourself.
Your Armchair Guide To Big Bend National Park

A winter sunrise at Big Bend National Park / Rebecca Latson
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson continues her Armchair Photography Guide series with a photo tour through Big Bend National Park in southwest Texas. Rebecca provides tips and techniques on how to capture images of the desert and mountains within this vast, remote national park while at view areas, pullouts and along short trails.
Your Armchair Guide to Mesa Verde National Park

Late afternoon at Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park / Rebecca Latson
Mesa Verde National Park is a place devoted to highlighting the ancient culture and architecture of the Ancestral Puebloans. Photographer Rebecca Latson continues her series of Armchair Photography Guides with advice and example photos to help you make the most of your own Mesa Verde visit.
Your Armchair Guide To Arches National Park

A winter view of Pine Tree Arch, Arches National Park / Rebecca Latson
This red-rock national park is filled with the most natural arches of anyplace in the world, fascinating geology, and landscape vistas worthy of your camera's memory cards. Photographer Rebecca Latson provides an Armchair Photography Guide filled with advice on capturing your own amazing images.
Oh Denali!

Rivers run through it, Denali National Park & Preserve / Rebecca Latson
In addition to seeing Denali mountain, there are other grand vistas around every corner of Denali National Park & Preserve to capture with your camera. Photographer Rebecca Latson gives you example photos and a story as to why you should add this park to your bucket list of national parks to visit.
Digitally Capturing The Bears In Lake Clark National Park & Preserve

A nuzzle from Mommy, Lake Clark National Park & Preserve / Rebecca Latson
Having photographed the bears of Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, during an organized photo tour in Alaska, Rebecca Latson returns to give us some tips on how she captured those shots and how you can use these insights to get amazing bear images (or any wildlife images) of your own.
The Bears of Katmai National Park & Preserve

Just standing around, Katmai National Park & Preserve / Rebecca Latson
A visit to Katmai National Park & Preserve in Alaska is something to cross off your wildlife photography bucket list. Photographer Rebecca Latson returned from Katmai with photos and advice on making the most of digitally capturing the Alaskan brown bears as they fatten up during the salmon run along the Brooks River.
Capturing The Fall

Autumn color in Acadia National Park / Rebecca Latson
Fall is a favorite season for Rebecca Latson and her photography. Learn how to capture your own autumn images with tips and techniques provided by Rebecca.
Use Your Telephoto Lens For Those Park Landscapes

A telephoto landscape at Walhalla Overlook, North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Most people think of a telephoto or zoom-telephoto as good for wildlife and sports images, not landscapes. Photographer Rebecca Latson demonstrates how you can capture beautiful landscapes using your SLR's "long lens" or your point-and-shoot's telephoto setting.
Sunrises, Sunsets, And SIlky Waters

The silky turquoise water of Saint Mary Falls, Glacier National Park / Rebecca Latson
Sunrises, sunsets, and silky waters. These are three of photographer Rebecca Latson's favorite subjects to capture with her camera during a national park visit. In this article, Rebecca gives you the keys you need to focus on and succeed in capturing these three aspects of photography.
Made For Monochrome

Monochrome storm clouds over the canyon, Grand Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Monochrome images bring forth nuances of light and shadow, as well as texture and pattern. Photographer Rebecca Latson provides tips on creating wonderful black and white compositions that should convince you to try capturing a few monochromes of your own during your next trip to a national park.
It's Not Always About The Camera, But It Is Always About The Photographer

A tree and a river, Zion National Park / Rebecca Latson
A beautiful national park photo may have a little bit to do with the camera, but much more to do with the person behind the camera. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson offers 6 mainstay photo techniques to help you get the most out of your national park photography.