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Traveler's View

We don't often take sides, but when we do, you can find our position here.

Traveler's View: National Park Service Has Its Blinders On At Cumberland Island

A decade after the National Park Service acknowledged feral horses at Cumberland Island National Seashore are a nonnative species that has damaged natural, cultural, and historical resources and that a management plan needed to be developed for them, the agency still lacks such a plan and has endorsed a defense of legal technicalities to oppose emergency food and water for them.

Traveler's View: The National Park Service's Perplexing Director

Charles "Chuck" Sams came to the National Park Service's directorship as an outsider being counted on to improve employee morale, fight harassment in the agency, oversee how millions of Great American Outdoors Act dollars were being spent, and, as some believed, to be "a leader that NPS employees will admire and respect."

Traveler's View | Overcrowding Paradise...

Last week on the National Parks Traveler’s podcast we talked with Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Cam Sholly about the state of his park. Part of that conversation touched on crowding and congestion, a problem a number of parks have been dealing with in recent years. It’s a good problem, in that more and more people want to visit these amazing places, but it’s not without its impacts on park resources.

Traveler's View: Past Time For Transparency For Recreation.Gov

It shouldn't require a lawsuit to provide some transparency into the inner workings of, but now that one has been filed it hopefully will reveal how much it costs Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., to operate the national portal for recreating on public lands, the process it follows to set its add-on fees, and how much it is earning from the public's desires to enjoy their federal lands.

UPDATE | Traveler's View: Did Washington Hear About Yellowstone's Disaster?

Neither Interior Secretary Deb Haaland nor National Park Service Director Chuck Sams has publicly commented on the catastrophic flooding at Yellowstone National Park, if only to express their deep concern and intentions to rally government resources around the beleaguered park known around the world and often credited with spurring the global national parks movement.

Traveler's View: America's Outdoor Recreation Act Of 2022 Needs Help

Recreational interests were understandably thrilled when the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee sent to the Senate floor America's Outdoor Recreation Act of 2022, but there are flaws with the measure that heighten risks to federal lands and the flora and fauna that depend on them.

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