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Tamarisk, aka "Salt Cedar," A Thirsty Scourge Of Western National Parks

May 7th - 09:24am | haunted hiker

"Plant removal techniques range from use of herbicides and bulldozers to biological controls such as insects. Once the invasive plants are killed or removed, effective restoration depends on replacing them with plant species that meet the specific goals of the planned restoration..." This is playing God. And sounds like the log line for a horror/scify movie.

Hazing of Yellowstone National Park Bison, A Controversial Rite of Spring

May 7th - 07:09am | C.C.

This animal abuse~no other name for it! APHIS has also started an unnecessary "testing" procedure on bull buffalo that recently resulted in two bulls being shot. The creatures need to be left alone to follow their natural migration path without hazing. Tax-payer dollars being spent to have helicopters chase buffalo~seriously, what is going on in Montana?

Obama Administration Indefinitely Postpones Scoping of Off-shore Oil Lease Proposal for Coastal Virginia

May 7th - 02:11am | Ray Bane

The Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 should have taught the nation a lesson; once large volumes of oil are released into the ocean it is virtually impossible to effectively influence its movement, recover more than a tiny fraction of its mass or to prevent it from contaminating lands and resources along whatever course it may take.

Join a Covered Wagon on the Santa Fe Trail near Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site

May 7th - 02:11am | MRC

The huge wagons were introduced on Santa Fe Trail after Mexican Governor Manuel Armijo introduced a flat tax of 500 USD per wagon in 1839. The traders obviously reacted by building bigger wagons. Official Nuevo Mexico was deeply concerned about their economy after the border was opened for trade after the constitution of the independent Mexican state in 1823.

May 6th - 18:51pm | Anonymous

Historian Mark Gardner did a comprehensive study of wagons used on the Santa Fe Trail. Conestoga wagons were definitely used on the trail. Wagon makers in Missouri started making large freight wagons that, like a Conestoga, could carry around 5-6000 lbs of goods. Mark's book is a must for anyone who wants information on wagons on the Santa Fe Trail.

Yellowstone National Park Access Through East Entrance Scheduled for Friday

May 6th - 18:27pm | Kurt Repanshek

Don't forget to pack your down jacket....;-)

May 6th - 18:18pm | Meg

Thanks for the information. We'll be in the park on May 14th [g].

Woman Dies in Fall From Angels Landing At Zion National Park

May 6th - 16:19pm | Rivk

I'm in awe of anyone that has the courage to climb AL. I'm very fascinated and also scared to death of heights, the pictures are truly breathtaking. While I have no desire to climb AL, I fully appreciate others that are able to do these daring acts. The freedom to experience our country's National Parks is what they were protected and proclaimed for.

Watch Your Step....

May 6th - 10:56am | Kurt Repanshek

Dave, I liked the Roosevelt shot, as well. Wish Muir was more recognizable. Regarding folks with image problems, as noted by Steve above, if you have the latest version of Internet Explorer, you likely can solve the problem by clicking on the "compatibility view" button under the icon "view pages."

May 6th - 10:37am | Dave Crowl

The picture on the link are awesome. I thought the one of Roosevelt on horseback is worth looking at. Thank you for the pictures.

May 4th - 20:00pm | Kurt Repanshek

It shouldn't be blocking the panther story, Steve. If it is, your browser settings might be off. A way to get around it is to click on the headline of the panther story. That will open the story on a separate page.

May 4th - 19:37pm | Steve Nelson

Is there any way to "click off" this photo? It is blocking the article on the Florida panthers, so I can't read it?

Updated: Drilling Rig Disaster Could Send Oil Spill Into Gulf Islands National Seashore

May 6th - 08:49am | Anonymous

I live in mary esther florida, I've lived near the ocean my whole life, from the florida keys to west palm beach... it seems like some kind of propaganda is going on... official sources are saying the water is fine, the truth is it is better hidden being more mixed with the water as it rises 5000 feet... 2 days ago a small pocket of well mix oil and water flowed into the inter coastal...

The World's Top Ten National Parks

May 6th - 03:54am | A. Clarque

I haven't been to North America yet (neither South America) but I stayed for few months in South-East Asia. I have to say that this region is truly incredible ! I spent some time in 3 national parks: Bako national park and Mount Kinabalu national park (this one listed as world heritage site) on Malaysia Borneo and Bromo national park on the island of Java – Indonesia.

Civil War Buffs, This Photo Contests For You!

May 6th - 03:37am | Patty Hankins

I would encourage anyone who considers entering this contest to fully read and understand the contest rules on what rights you are granting CWPT when you enter the contest.

Reader Participation Day: Has Arizona's Approach To Controlling Illegal Immigrants Led You To Cancel a Grand Canyon Trip?

May 6th - 01:08am | AZ Lisa

y_p_w, I don't understand your point. Back to the original point, I'm disheartened that I probably won't get to see the beautiful mountain islands in southern Arizona again. It is a grassy savanna with mesquites and cottonwoods dotting the hills and high mountains in the distance. ***SIGH****

May 5th - 17:56pm | y_p_w

AZ Lisa: The illegal immigration fuels the horrific activity of the drug smugglers and coyotes that prey on both the immigrants as well as Americans that get in their way. Of course I won't let American illicit drug users or employers of illegal labor off the hook either. But the coyotes and drug smugglers are the scum of the earth.

May 5th - 15:34pm | AZ Lisa

Rick, Wow! That's cool. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I always wondered about that and I'll look into it. However, the fact that National Park Rangers have a more dangerous job than FBI agents and that National Parks along the Mexican border are the most dangerous still stands. Lisa

May 5th - 14:48pm | Rick Smith

Lisa-- I assume you are talking about Paul Fugate when you mention an unsolved murder in Chiricahua NM. To my knowledge, neither the Cochise County Sheriff not the National Park Service definitivley concluded the Paul was the victim of a crime. See the Traveler story, "Where in the world is Paul Fugate", published in March of 2009. Rick

May 5th - 14:30pm | AZ Lisa

Kurt- My sincerest thanks to you for being an honest broker moderator! :-) Happy was a beautiful season, but I too ran across a whopper rattlesnake this spring that scared the bajeebas out of me. Justin -

May 5th - 14:03pm | AZ Lisa

Kurt- Rincon and Saguaro are well above the areas you have to be concerned about. They are both adjacent to a major metropolitan area...Tucson. The areas I'm concerned about are adjacent to the border. The Chiricahuas are in such a remote area, jaguars have been spotted in the park. You should also be aware that there is still an unsolved murder of a park ranger in 1980.

May 5th - 13:51pm | justinh

Thanks, Lisa. I think you've importantly parsed what seems to have been otherwise blurred above: "Not so much by the illegal immigrants but the drug smugglers and coyotes that traffic in these regions." Justin

May 5th - 13:31pm | AZ Lisa


May 5th - 13:05pm | Kurt Repanshek

Justin, From what I've read, and my limited experiences (I was in Saguaro about two weeks ago and did some day hiking), the greatest threats seem to be in remote areas of the state and the parks. My wife and I spent about 4-5 hours in the Cactus Forest of Saguaro's Rincon District and the only concerns we had revolved around a rattlesnake.

May 5th - 12:58pm | justinh

AZ Lisa et al., Is there a wave of violence inflicted upon park travelers by immigrants illegally crossing the border? There are a few anecdotes being invoking here, but is there any evidence of a crime spree imperiling travelers to Texas an AZ parks?

May 5th - 12:20pm | AZ Lisa

I'm not real fond of Russel Pierce, who sponsored the bill. But in his defense, he was also responsible for sponsoring the bill that does target employers. But that is very hard to enforce given that there are so many employers and illegal immigrants are dispersed throughout a myriad of small businesses. Also, id fraud is very prevalent in AZ.

May 5th - 11:40am | AZ Lisa

Kurt- I am from Arizona and my answer to which parks I will attend is this. I will go to any park that is at least 60 miles away from the border. I love Organ Pipe and would have loved to hike on some of the back trails. I no longer would feel safe there due to the heavy illegal drug and human smuggling.

May 5th - 09:29am | Kirby Adams

I often wonder if people that post on these blogs or spout off in public realize that opinions liberally spiced with personal insults work wonderfully for turning popular opinion against their cause. I come into this conversation being largely ambivalent of Arizona's actions - certainly not horrified by any aspect of them.

May 4th - 16:54pm | Becky

So, it's not illegal for an Arizona business owner to hire an illegal immigrant, but it is illegal for the illegal immigrant to live in the state of Arizona. Talk about a hypocrisy!

Fans of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Being Asked to Contribute Ideas to Lakeshore's Future

May 5th - 20:39pm | Anonymous

I agree with all the comments and support the idea of a section of the beach designated as clothing optional. I would use it more. It should definitely be implemented.

May 4th - 23:20pm | Anonymous

My husband, the kids and I just returned from a vacation in the Miami area. We've gone before and like the area, but the south beach area is just outragously priced, so we went a bit further north this year to Sunny Isles. As we like to walk the beach, on our second day we came accross Haulover Parks clothing optional beach.

National Parks Rimming the Gulf Coast Watching, Waiting, and Preparing For Oil Slick

May 5th - 19:14pm | Barky

people have no idea how damaging this will be. Because oil is basically already decomposed to it's simplest form, it's not gonna go anywhere anytime soon, and things will not have a good time growing in it. It literally is like paving over the ocean.

Upcoming Programs At Assateague Island National Seashore

May 5th - 14:09pm | RangerLady

Don't forget the VA side of the National Seashore. Both the NPS and the FWS offer great programs there as well. My favorite was Marine Explorers where the kids get to go into Toms Cove with a net and learn about the things they catch. The critters are kept alive in a tank and then in the afternoon the kids go to a lab inside the FWS visitor center and use microscopes to learn even more!

Mystery Fungus 1: The Deadliest Thing in the Woods Doesn’t Have Teeth or Claws

May 5th - 14:03pm | RangerLady

Bah! That's the one I was thinking of but that 3rd clue threw me off. Now that I've had caffine I get it. Darn my slow brain

May 5th - 11:56am | Bob Janiskee

You've got it, Kirby. This deadly beauty is the death cap (Amanita phalloides).

May 5th - 09:33am | Kirby Adams

Amanita phalloides

May 5th - 09:11am | Kurt Repanshek

No, afraid it's not Armillaria mellea, Laura.

May 5th - 08:47am | Laura

Armillaria mellea? I submitted Armillaria first as anonymous but then no one will know it's me :)

Reader Participation Day: Are We Overreaching With Wildlife Management in National Parks?

May 5th - 12:03pm | Anonymous

I believe they are less successful in Cape Hatteras is because the weather there varies combined with substantial overwash and prevailing winds. I have been to all of these locations and by far Cape Hatteras has the least inviting beaches for a bird that nests in such a shallow divot in the sand.

Missing From the System? Fort Monroe, Preserving Civil War History

May 5th - 09:34am | Sarah

Fort Monroe should definitely be preserved as part of the parks system! Every single kid or history student could have some of the best stories brought to life by going there. I just wrote a big research paper on the fort and Hampton. The whole time I wished I could have hopped in a car and gone there to see the area, see the fort itself and its views of Hampton Roads. I'm in CT.

Oil and Gas Production And the National Parks

May 5th - 07:29am | Dave Pidgeon

The political impact from the Gulf oil spill has already reached the state level. The Pennsylvania state House with a surprising amount of Republican support approved a bill that would impose a three-year moratorium on additional natural gas drilling on state forest land. The bill would also mandate government studies of the environmental, economic and societal consequences of drilling.

Planning To Visit Grand Teton National Park? Here's Your Road Construction Schedule

May 5th - 00:44am | Michael

Thanks for the udpate!

House Republicans Say Interior Secretary's Proposed Snake Ban Bad for Business

May 5th - 00:33am | Richard Carlson

Well only fools would start a business in this kind of trade. People forever use money and the excuse of making a living to continue in a business or not to come to meet new standards which they will never ever meet unless pushed by the law. This is just plain B.S. find another business you do not have the freedom to destroy the Native species in this country.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement on ORV Use at Cape Hatteras National Seashore Released

May 4th - 22:33pm | ksw4obx

It is obvious to me that some of the folks posting comments have never been to the cape hatteras national seashore. as far as the comment about the lack of pedestrian only beach areas and the over abundance or orv beach access ...

Democrats Introduce "Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act" To Help Wildlife Cope With Climate Change

May 4th - 22:15pm | Bear Country

Right on, we should bring the grizzlies back to the putrid sound where they use to roam free.

Landmark Ranger Station Along Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park to Get Facelift

May 4th - 17:50pm | Laura

Yep, constant door knocks....but, what a magical place to work! As a park interpreter at Phantom Ranch, I gave geology talks by sitting in the creek, in uniform, and pulling out rocks that had migrated from various parts of the upper canyon...then talking about where they came from, and how they were formed.

May 4th - 16:34pm | MRC

Dear haunted hiker, now that is a nice story of an amazing place. If ever this cabin might be considered for the National Register of Historic Places, please make sure your experiences find their place in the official report. And I mean it.

May 4th - 15:24pm | haunted hiker

Despite the constant "door knocks" from visitors and the ill hikers vomiting on my porch, I have fond memories of the River Ranger Station. Around 1996, several of my employees installed new carpet and painted the walls for me (At that time the Corridor District Ranger stayed at the RRS whenever working at Phantom Ranch.) and I was quite comfortable there.

Isle Royale National Park's Wolf Population Loses Two Packs, Moose Population Steady

May 4th - 16:30pm | MRC

Hi Emily, why don't you start with googleling "predator prey interaction"? You might not understand everything you find, but most probably you will get the basic idea. When is your report due? If you have some time after your first round of research you might tell us what you already got and what you don't understand yet.

May 4th - 14:53pm | Emily (6thgrade...

Hi, I was wondering, because I have to do a report on the wolves and the moose of Isle Royal if you could possibly answer this "Why does the moose population rise while the wolf population falls?" Thanks for all your help.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.