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Money Found To Finish Restoration of Bodie Island Light at Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Jan 29th - 17:13pm | Kurt Repanshek

The short answer is NPS. Which fund was tapped wasn't mentioned.

Jan 29th - 17:10pm | Anonymous

What's the source of the new funding?

Jan 29th - 15:04pm | Barky

Nice. :-) Love the history of shipping along the Carolina coast, and you can't tell that history without including the story of the lighthouses and their keepers.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Partners Develop Program To Strengthen Connections With Surrounding Community

Jan 29th - 15:06pm | Barky

I would suspect GSM is one park that has the worst relationship with the locals because of hunting bans. Anyone have local knowledge on that? Does the NPS address hunting in these outreach programs?

What's the Word at Chiricahua National Monument After Last Summer's Major Wildfire?

Jan 29th - 15:03pm | Barky

Fire is as much a part of life & nature as water and wind. It's also a great opportunity to educate visitors.

Jan 29th - 13:09pm | Lee Dalton

Thank you, Jim.  I have been worried about the fire after having visited there last spring.  I was especially worried about the fire in the campground and around the other visitor facilities.  That was such a delightful place, I was scared that it had been torched.

Poll Shows Maine Residents Support Creation of National Park, Sustainable Logging From the North Woods

Jan 28th - 20:25pm | Anonymous for an alternate point of view.

Bus Bust at Petrified Forest National Park Nets Stolen Wood - and a Lot More

Jan 28th - 19:59pm | Jim Burnett

I suspect Lee is correct - involvement of the county was most likely a mutual aid situation. Very few parks have a trained drug dog, and with only two rangers on the scene and 12 suspects, it was prudent to call in whatever resources were available. Since the cases were heard before the federal magistrate, it's clear these individuals were charged with federal violations.

Jan 28th - 19:52pm | Lee Dalton

Was it permission or mutual aid?  They were taken to see the federal magistrate.  I'm guessing the rangers didn't have a drug dog handy. Also, in many areas with concurrent or proprietary jurisdiction, rangers are often also deputized by the local jurisdiction.

Jan 28th - 18:32pm | y_p_w

I'm just thinking aloud. Marijuana possession is actually a federal crime, as is theft of federal property. NPS rangers (as federal law enforcement) wouldn't even need permission from the local law enforcement to enforce those laws. In many states, NPS LE and US Park Police need the permission of the local LE agency to enforce state and local laws, even for traffic violations.

Jan 28th - 09:48am | ed-123

Glad they were caught...Gives a new meaning to Stoner though

Talking About Video Games, History, And Teens At America's Summit On National Parks

Jan 28th - 12:04pm | rdm24

Actually, I'd love it if game designers were encouraged to use national parks settings more. If you play Red Dead Redemption, you can recognize a number of features from national parks throughout the Southwest. I'd like to see more of that, but in a less fictionalized form.

Jan 27th - 19:30pm | Anonymous

No technology can replace the one on one communication between people motivated to connect on a human level.  In many cases interp/tech people are leaving the most important quality behing.  It's not just about information but information related on a personal level that is where the true benefit to us are.  Not just the next pop thing to grab attention.

Jan 27th - 12:19pm | Rick B.

I don't know about video games, but with various other technological tools I consider them to be additional methods for cultural resource, natural resource, and interpretive NPS staffs to present and enhance visitor experience.  Kurt - I envy you the experience of this event.

Jan 27th - 09:08am | Anonymous

A few years ago I would have said oh that won't work etc etc.  However, I've been playing Farmville for a few years now and it inspired me to grow a square foot vegetable garden last year and I am going to continue with my vegetable garden this year.  I am getting ready to plant some lettuce Feb 1 and onions in the middle of Feb.  Had I not been influenced by Farmville to garden, I would have b

Jan 26th - 11:12am | Anonymous

I was encouraged to hear Sally Jewell's push back of the gaming idea.  The need to take the Parks to the people whether they be in the Parks or away rang true to me.  The parks in their naturalness is where the good is so bringing all the distractions  that disconnect us from our humanity in the urban world to these places of real discovery seems very bad to me, indeed.

Zion National Park Adding New Restrooms In Watchman Campground

Jan 27th - 22:02pm | Lee Dalton

Ah, showers in Zion.  Back in the old days (and it may still be the case), we'd get frequent reports that "there's a naked man taking a shower at the RV dump station." Invariably, it was a Frenchman who seemed compeletly baffled as to why someone reported him for simply taking a shower.

Jan 27th - 12:12pm | thearys

what they need in zion is SHOWERS!!!! they have no shower facilities in either campground. 

Jan 27th - 11:31am | Jim Burnett

The term "comfort station" has been in use around the NPS for years. Since there are quite a few places in parks where it's many a mile between such facilities, the term is probably very appropriate :-)

Jan 27th - 11:24am | Mehmet

Very useful information. I was very pleased. Thanks

Jan 27th - 10:01am | Nick Christensen

Yeah, really… why overcomplicate it? It's a restroom. Even if the NPS is calling it a "comfort station," it's a restroom.

Jan 27th - 08:38am | Dick G.

 Comfort station?? Is that what we call bath rooms now??LOL

Jan 27th - 08:12am | Lee Dalton

When I was in Watchman last spring -- during a beautiful snow storm -- two other new restroom buildings were under construction.  I was surprised and delighted to find that each campsite there also had an electric service box that made power (included in all campground fees) available.  That will eliminate the constant noise of generators to run air conditioners in the summer months.

We've Added The Blue Ridge Parkway To Our Collection of Essential Park Guides

Jan 27th - 08:43am | Kurt Repanshek

We've got a loooonnnngggg list of parks to create guides for. As you can imagine, it can take a lot of time to put these together. Which park are you interested in? Perhaps we can bump it up the list.

Jan 26th - 18:39pm | Anonymous

How would one go about getting a Essential Park Guide made for their own park?

National Park Mystery Spot 34 Revealed: Up the Creek

Jan 27th - 05:08am | Bob Janiskee

[Eric Nelson submitted the following comment yesterday in reference to the Mystery Spot 34 puzzle.  It gave away the answer, so it was not allowed.  I'm posting it here because it's darn good information. Thanks, Eric. rlj]

Consider A Foot Path From Canada To Texas Through The Great Plains

Jan 26th - 19:11pm | steve myers

Thanks to everyone who commented here!  I am encouraged by the support and enthusiasm that has been shown toward this effort.  Onward with the Great Plains Trail!

National Park Mystery Spot 34: Focusing Too Much on the Details

Jan 26th - 17:15pm | Bob Janiskee

And ed-123 makes nine. You guys are on a roll. We might be on the way to a record tally.

Jan 26th - 14:09pm | RangerLady

For some reason the NPS wants me to count their money more than answer riddles.

Jan 26th - 13:33pm | Bob Janiskee

...and RangerLady makes eight.  What took you so long?

Jan 26th - 09:59am | Bob Janiskee

Good going, ILoveRoadTrips. That's seven and still counting. Who's next?

Jan 26th - 08:54am | Bob Janiskee

Kudos to viewmtn, who checked in with the correct answer, opined that this is an easy one,  and lamented the fact that he didn't make the first-five cutoff for prize drawing eligibility.

Jan 26th - 08:35am | Bob Janiskee

Eric Nelson has also solved it  (to nobody's surprise). Good work. That makes five so far.

Jan 26th - 07:17am | Bob Janiskee

Aron has put it all together.  Nicely done. That makes four so far.

Jan 26th - 06:11am | Bob Janiskee

Right on the button, Eric.  Nicely done. 

Jan 26th - 06:01am | Bob Janiskee

Kudos to La. Hardware Man, who not only nailed it, but thanked me for posting an "easy one."  You're welcome. That makes two.

Jan 26th - 05:55am | Bob Janiskee

DStaniforth has nailed this one on the button, right out of the blocks.  Good job.

Bluffs Lodge Along The Blue Ridge Parkway Shuttered For 2011

Jan 26th - 15:16pm | Jack Cotrel

My wife and I are saddened by the closing of The Bluffs, it is one of those "special" places where life memories are made.  Is there any new about Aramark possiby reopening or acquiring rights by the spring of 2012.  Sure hope someone will open it again.

Jan 26th - 10:01am | Greene Family R...

  We vote to reopen! 20+ years of family reunions here.  Great place.

For Safety's Sake, Yosemite National Park Proposes Decrease In Half Dome Permits

Jan 26th - 09:27am | Mark & Andy

If safety (free-flowing travel conditions on the cables) is the real concern, as opposed to controlling the masses, why not consider adding a 3rd cable, allowing for separate Up/Down traffic flow on the Dome?

Tioga Road In Yosemite National Park Still Open

Jan 26th - 03:04am | Pascale


Reader Participation Day: What Was Your Most Surprising Encounter On a National Park Trail?

Jan 25th - 21:52pm | Anonymous

The big question is how that "attitude" came about while there is apparently a push for bringing more young people to appreciate the Parks.  Somebody needs their ____kicked and I don't mean just the Ranger!  How does that stuff trickle down?

Jan 25th - 21:42pm | Clara

A NP Ranger at Mesa Verde who chastised my daughter for one foot barely stepping off the trail.  It was entirely "over the top."  She was a very conscientious child, wasn't being unruly at all.  Sad that that is one of our strongest memories of the park.

Jan 25th - 20:31pm | Lee Dalton

Just remembered another one.  (There are so many, it's hard to choose.)

Jan 25th - 20:26pm | hikegnp

Two encounters at Glacier are quite memorable.  The first, while on the trail to Bullhead Lake my daughter and I came around a corner and fournd a family that was arranging their kids on a rock outcropping to get a picture.  I stopped and asked if they were trying to get a picture with the grizzly bear behind them, for about 200 ft behind them on a higher ledge was the bear.  They had not seen

Jan 25th - 18:44pm | Bill Hardy

When I was 14 (far, far too many years ago!!!) & on vacation in Yellowstone with the folks, I was hiking a backcountry trail in Yellowstone on my way to photograph yet another lovely lake.....About 2hrs into the hike, I crested a ridge in the trail and happened on a delightful sight - 2 of the cutest Grizzly cubs playing on the trail about 100 yards ahead. And no sign of Mother anywhere.

Jan 25th - 17:12pm | celbert

It's a toss-up between two wildlife encounters.

Jan 25th - 16:39pm | Yellowstone Ed

When hiking up Avalanche Lake trail in the Tetons we heard what sounded like an Alpenhorn. We heard it again several times. Finally we met a hiker coming down carrying an Alpenhorn. He was from Switzerland and had hiked to the lake to give a concert at sunrise. We had heard him playing for each hiker he met. He did the same for us and was thrilled that we had visited his homeland.

Jan 25th - 16:36pm | Ken

Took my grandson to Yellowstone for his first National Park Trip. Hoping to show him the high lites and get lucky with seeing some animals. I told him we had the whole week to find all the animals and we would have to patient. The first night in Hayden Valley we found a large black bear that soon ran away because a large Grizzly came out.

America's Summit On National Parks Opens With Advice From Past Park Service Directors

Jan 25th - 19:13pm | Bob Pahre

I had a similar moment with college students who wanted to collect some shed bison fur in Yellowstone. I enforced the rules and made it a teachable moment about the Lacey Act. But I did wonder whether the NPS could find some workable exceptions. Fall leaves?

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.