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NPCA Report Looks At Creating A National Recreation Area Along the Texas Coast Near Houston

Jan 23rd - 19:36pm | Ron Saunders

Good advice, Mr. McCants. Anonymous, You are everywhere. Ron (obxguys)

Jan 23rd - 18:58pm | Anonymous

There is no question that Cape Hatteras remains an enormous economic engine for Dare County.  That long-overdue ORV restrictions are finally in place and may impact a few surf fishermen and related businesses should not be extrapolated to the whole economy.  An NPS-run area makes a whole lot of sense.  

Jan 23rd - 14:26pm | Bernie McCants

A worthwhile project and would support  minimal developement  but urge that it be made a recreation area for the enjoyment of the public instead of a preserve/reserve where the benefit resides in a few.

Jan 22nd - 11:54am | celbert

It sounds like a reasonable proposal.  Preserving the natural buffer against hurricanes and flooding provides a strong economic argument for the NRA in addition to any tourism dollars it could bring.  In the current political and economic climate, though, I wonder if there would be enough political will to create a new park here, not to mention enough money for necessary land acquisition.

Consider A Foot Path From Canada To Texas Through The Great Plains

Jan 23rd - 13:42pm | steve myers

The intention is to create a non-motorized trail, so bikes would definitely be a part of the mix.

Jan 23rd - 12:35pm | Anonymous

Should be an interesting time in DC, Kurt.  Hope to hear what you have to report.  

Jan 23rd - 12:30pm | Mark E

Welcome news -- thanks for the update. The term "foot path" definitely implies a single-user emphasis to me, but maybe I'm hypersensitive! 

Jan 23rd - 11:36am | Kurt Repanshek

Mark, I'm on the road, so can't consult my notes, but I believe the intention is that this would be open to bikes. Perhaps I could haved used a better descriptor than "foot path."

Jan 23rd - 11:34am | Mark E

Why not take a slightly different approach and create a shared-use trail? Mountain bike groups have made major contributions to the nearly complete Arizona Trail project -- likely the leading user group for volunteer service. In such a sparsely populated region it would certainly be advantagous to be inclusive. Shared-use trails unite people, while single-use trails divide them. 

Jan 23rd - 09:14am | GK

Why not the Great Plains National Scenic Trail (the "PT") - Canada thru the wonderous plains through Guadalupe Mountains National Park to Big Ben National Park via the Davis Mountains? Wonder how water availability will be on this route?

On The Eve Of America's Summit On National Parks, Some Questions To Mull

Jan 22nd - 22:27pm | Honeymoon Bed B...

IMO trusts, non-profits and local representatives are best choices to care the national parks.They can organized events, activities etc. and run them succesfully. Government should take of other state matters.

Jan 22nd - 17:52pm | Transit Ranger ...

 I agree that some sites (many sites?) could be transferred over to conservation trusts - and yes to states.  The key issue is one of management and establishing a set of core principles, values, and strategies that can transcend across multiple agencies and managers so a standard is set that can be adhered to by everyone.  Remember the U.S.

Jan 22nd - 11:15am | Barky

I tend to agree with Cato as well, however only to conservaiton trusts & non-profits, not to the states. The political winds in the states shift as well, and it's these political shifts that threaten the parks.

Jan 22nd - 08:58am | Smoky Mtn Hiker

I would have to agree with the Cato Institute's suggestion that some national park properties need to be turned over to the states, conservation land trusts, and other non-profits. In my view, the NPS is unable to properly manage all of the properties they own right now. The bureaucracy is bloated, the budgets are strained, and many of the properties lie outside of its core mission.

Latest Studies On Yellowstone National Park's Wolf Packs Shows Stable Population

Jan 22nd - 11:04am | Anonymous

I couldn't agree more.

After Three Days Lost in Mount Rainier National Park, 66-year-old Snowshoer Walks Out and Goes Home

Jan 21st - 11:32am | Josephine Johnson

I was one of the other two snowshoers who was lost in the same area as Mr. Kim.  My boyfriend and I followed Mr. Kim and his group up the Golden Gate Trail area to the Skyline Ridge.  We were with them when Mr. Kim fell off the ridge from the other side.  We did not want to wait with them as they tried to make radio contact with Mr.

Update: Searchers Find Missing Snowshoer Alive At Mount Rainier National Park

Jan 21st - 11:13am | Josephine Johnson

I was one of the "two" missing climbers that walked out on their own in this article.  My boyfriend and I are very grateful for the assistance and support of everyone who helped guide us down off Mazama Ridge and back to the safety of the Visitor's Center at Paradise on Monday.  

Reader Participation Day: Did The Stimulus Work Conquer All the Infrastructure Needs of Your Favorite Park?

Jan 21st - 05:47am | Anonymous

The Blue Ridge Parkway received only $13.3 million which is being used for reconstructing historic stone guard walls, removing vegetation and hazardous trees and repairing trails.  But the list of needs continues to grow as the Federal budget continues to shrink for the most visited unit in the National Park System.  Historical structures need restoration and repair, visitor facilities need mo

Jan 18th - 22:17pm | Steve Nelson

I believe that Going-to-the-Sun Road received some ARRA money. But all the parks need some serious dough. We won't see it until attitudes change.

Check Out Mount Rushmore National Memorial in 3D

Jan 20th - 18:57pm | Anonymous

I thought this would be great to see before our visit this year. I had heard this was an amazing feat and was most informative. It is so exciting to be able to see these national memorials as they have never been seen before.  

Mystery Photo 42 Revealed: The Rest of The Profile

Jan 20th - 16:19pm | Anonymous

Whew.  So I was not hallucinating.  Joshua Tree!  Of course.  I really enjoyed sitting in the shade there last spring and watching those things in the breeze. Don't have to worry about hallucinations, but now I have to worry about memory or whatever you call it.

Mystery Photo 42: Nice Profile!

Jan 20th - 16:16pm | Anonymous

This one is driving me nuts.  I'm almost certain I've seen this thing, but can't for the life of me remember where. Or was I just hallucinating again?

Jan 20th - 04:16am | Bob Janiskee

This mystery photo is not the Indian Memorial at the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.

Jan 19th - 21:05pm | Marcia L. Arcuri

Is it the Indian Memorial at Little Big Horn??

Jan 19th - 17:06pm | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, Rich, but it's not the Desert View Visitor Center at Grand Canyon National Park.

Jan 19th - 16:14pm | Rich Kroon

Is it the Desert View Visitors center at the Grand Canyon National Park?

Jan 19th - 14:31pm | Bob Janiskee

Eric Nelson has also nailed Mystery Photo 42.  That makes two so far.

Jan 19th - 13:26pm | Eric Nelson

It's the metal sculpture in front of the Joshua Tree NP visitor center in Twentynine Palms.  I was there for my daughter's spring break in 2009, but I don't remember it looking quite so bad.  That is unless the lighter areas are paint that peeled off between the time this picture was taken and our visit.

Jan 19th - 11:46am | Bob Janiskee

Not Scotty's Castle in Death Valley, Barbara.

Jan 19th - 11:41am | Barbara L

Scottys Castle in Death Valley.

Jan 19th - 09:23am | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, Randy, but Mystery Photo 42 was not taken in Petroglyph National Monument.

Jan 19th - 09:17am | Randy Gardner

Is it in Petroglyph National Monument in ABQ?

Jan 19th - 09:04am | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, Dick G., but we can recognize a fishing expedition when we see one.  We are looking for the answer, not your thought processes. :o)

Jan 19th - 08:54am | Dick G.

 I see a road runner with a sun over it?? Must be in the southwest?? Best i can do__ sorry

Jan 19th - 08:00am | Bob Janiskee

Ken Unger was the first reader to ID mystery photo 42. 'Way to go, Ken.

Jan 19th - 07:46am | Ken Unger

Sculpture in front of Joshua Tree Visitor Center in Joshua Tree NP

Alcohol, a Horse and a Cliff Don't Mix at Buffalo National River

Jan 20th - 12:07pm | Stacey Wittig

Don't let those two near the Grand Canyon!

Jan 20th - 09:52am | Anonymous

THis is the kind of thing that Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue does training for emergency responders. see  Thank you - glad the horse survived the impact.  Did it continue to live or die days later?

Bluffs Lodge Along The Blue Ridge Parkway Shuttered For 2011

Jan 20th - 05:53am | Bland

We hate that the Bluffs will once again be closed as the dining venue was easy access for our guests. We have opened Mountain Hearth Lodge at mile post 231.5, just about 10 miles North of the Bluffs. We have 4 beautiful lodge rooms and 3 luxury cabins. Take a look at our web site and we hope to see you traveling the parkway this Spring and Summer.

Sullivan’s Island Was the African-American Ellis Island

Jan 20th - 04:11am | Bob Janiskee

Karen and Tasha, I understand where you are coming from on this, but I must take exception to your comments.  You have objected to my use of a term "Ellis Island" without giving due attention to the adjectival qualifier that preceded it. It changes the meaning dramatically. The sentence in which the term is first used reads thusly:

Jan 19th - 19:24pm | Tasha


After Two Years, Packing Strap Removed From Neck of Elephant Seal At Point Reyes National Seashore

Jan 19th - 19:30pm | Bruce

Well done!

Philanthropist Donates Millions for Washington Monument Repairs

Jan 19th - 19:26pm | Bruce

Quite a noble gesture on the part of a 1% member.  This 99%'er appreciates it.

Contract Issued For "Missing Link" on Foothills Parkway in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Jan 19th - 11:56am | rjohnson

Don, we asked your question of Great Smoky Mountains National Park public affairs officer Molly Schroer and she said "both the Walland and Wears sections of Foothills Parkway are closed to all visitor use as they are still under construction. Under the current construction contract we expect the completion to be sometime in 2015." Hope this helps. Randy Johnson/ NPT Travel Editor

Jan 19th - 09:32am | Don H

Help.  Does anyone down there know if either section (Walland, Wears) is open to bike/hiking at this point? Have really enjoyed riding the "closed" sections in the past and just hoping to be able to do more time... this coming May (2012). Any updates are really appreciated! D

Weather Hampering Search For Missing Parties At Mount Rainier National Park

Jan 19th - 08:27am | ecbuck

The search and rescue teams aren't on the park payroll.  It makes sense that those that put themselves at risk should be the ones that underwrite the cost of search and rescue.  Either they buy "insurance" with their entry fee or independently (for $2.50 you get S&R insurance in CO) or you pay the full SR cost if you require the service. 

Jan 19th - 08:22am | Lee Dalton

The idea of backcountry insurance is probably one to consider.  It likely wouldn't be expensive.  And while many search and rescue organizations are volunteer, it still requires money to equip and supply them.  NPS personnel make up many of the searchers, but it's not infrequent to need help from outside groups when the search requires it.

Jan 19th - 05:53am | Volpee

Aren't search and rescue teams supposed to search and rescue?   If the entrance to the park was free and the search and rescue teams were not on the payroll but were volunteers wouldn't that be a different situation?

Jan 18th - 23:40pm | Anonymous

All backcountry permits should be sold with an Insurance Fee so the general taxpayer not seeking extreme outdoor adventures does not have to pay for those eager to risk life&limb.

Traveler's View: A Time To Pause In the Parks

Jan 18th - 22:58pm | George Durkee

I'd note that the NPS also has a professional law enforcement division in the form of the US Park Police. If I may kindly point out, the NPS DOES have a professional law enforcement division. They're called park rangers and Ranger Anderson was an exemplary representative of that profession. George

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.