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Contract Issued For "Missing Link" on Foothills Parkway in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Feb 2nd - 18:32pm | Anonymous

The Parkway needs to remain uncompleted.  It will only bring more noise and traffic to an already over- motorized park. Does anyone know where I can get a map of the route of the completed Parkway from Walland to Cosby?

Appalachian Trail Conservancy Gives Friends of The Smokies $2,000 For Bear Cables In Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Feb 2nd - 18:31pm | Anonymous

Good thing the ATC cares about the backcountry because superintendent Dale Ditmanson doesn't.  It's great having these multiple user groups care for that resource in entirety so Ditmanson can propose a backcountry fee to increase his staff.  Smokies managment is absolutely disconnected from the general public.  It is time for a change from the top down over there.

National Park Mystery Photo 43: What's In Store?

Feb 2nd - 17:59pm | Bob Janiskee

In all seriousness, Eric, i agree that your guesses were well-reasoned. 

Feb 2nd - 14:59pm | Kurt Repanshek

No, not Fort Niagara Carole...

Feb 2nd - 14:51pm | Carole

Fort Niagara?

Feb 2nd - 14:45pm | Eric

I'm now on Lunch break   : ) For the record, although it took me eight guesses (and helped others by narrowing down the possibilities), all were perfectly reasonable and defendable guesses regarding where such a picture may have been taken.

Feb 2nd - 12:36pm | RangerLady

Well they were the only powder kegs I think I've ever seen in an NPS site, so without Google, that's my only guess. I'm so terrible at the Mystery Photos

Feb 2nd - 12:04pm | Bob Janiskee

Maybe if you've seen one of those kegs, you've pretty much seen them all?

Feb 2nd - 11:57am | RangerLady

I know someone already guessed Ft. Sumter, but those look just like the powder kegs I saw at the National Monument, only they were in Ft. Moultrie

Feb 2nd - 10:36am | Bob Janiskee

Eric Nelson has nailed it too. The Erics are on a roll. Anybody else?

Feb 2nd - 10:20am | Bob Janiskee

Eric has nailed it, and he didn't even have to try all 398 units of the National Park System. I told you that extra information would be helpful. Aside to Eric: now get back to work.

Feb 2nd - 10:17am | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, Lee; the photo was not taken at Salem Maritime National Historic Site. That's way too far east.

Feb 2nd - 10:12am | Bob Janiskee

Not Fort Larned National Historic Site, and not Fort Sumter National Monument.

Feb 2nd - 10:11am | Lee

Not at all familiar with military, but how about a ship? Maybe Salem Maritime. Says rifle on the barrels, but maybe powder used in canons?

Feb 2nd - 10:09am | Bob Janiskee

OK, OK; I can see that you need some more clues. There is some useful information about the mystery photo location in the following statement:

Feb 2nd - 10:04am | Eric Nelson

Since the Quizmeister's clues are meant to torment as much as inform, I'll take one more shot (in the dark). I'll guess powder kegs at Fort Larned National Historic Site, since it is very close to the 100th meridian.

Feb 2nd - 09:59am | Kori P

I'm pretty sure I've seen these... I'm going to say gun powder at the Powder Magazine in Charleston, SC.

Feb 2nd - 09:37am | Bob Janiskee

Are you channeling Rooster Cogburn, Eric?  If so, Rooster needs to sober up. Wrong again. 

Feb 2nd - 09:29am | Eric Nelson

This might be a "bold [guess] for a one-eyed, fat man," but how about Fort Smith National Historic Site.

Feb 2nd - 09:15am | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, celbert; this photo was not taken at Fort Donelson National Battlefield. How sad that you have to go to work.

Feb 2nd - 09:05am | celbert

I really have no idea, but I'll take a guess: the photo is of barrels of gunpowder at Fort Donelson.  No follow-ups; I have to get to work!

Feb 2nd - 08:58am | Bob Janiskee

NPS business, you say? The needle on the Quizmesiter's weaselspeakmeter, which has been quivering all morning, has pegged out and is threatening to break under the stress.

Feb 2nd - 08:55am | Anonymous

It's NPS related business, Bob :).

Feb 2nd - 08:47am | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, Jen, you are barking up the wrong tree. This photo wasn't taken in Valley Forge National Historical Park. 

Feb 2nd - 08:44am | Bob Janiskee

Eric, does your boss know you are spending the entire morning working on this mystery photo puzzle?

Feb 2nd - 08:43am | Jen Pawloski

Valley Forge?

Feb 2nd - 08:38am | Eric

>>>> Just wondering, Eric. Are you familar with the board game Clue? As in, I don't have a clue?? You are not suggesting that it was Colonel Mustard with a revolver in the billiard room?

Feb 2nd - 08:24am | Bob Janiskee

Not gunpowder at Fort Sumter National Monument. But you do deserve a hint, Marta, and here it is: your guess is on the correct side of the 100th meridian.

Birding in The National Parks: Bald Eagles No Longer A Ghost Bird in the National Parks

Feb 2nd - 16:27pm | JanetinKY

Last September, my sweetie and I saw a Bald Eagle at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on Lake Superior. 

Survey of Western Attitudes Shows Strong Support for National Parks, Clean Environment

Feb 2nd - 15:55pm | Jack

I know, I misspelled violators. Deport me. I also should have been more specific: Nic en? Paquete hacia fuera. Los infractores serán deportados.

Feb 2nd - 15:45pm | Jack

How to keep our parks clean: Put up signs stating... Packed it in? Pack it out. Violaters will be deported.

Wind Cave National Park Rangers Investigating Apparent Poaching Case, $1000 Reward Offered

Feb 2nd - 15:47pm | Anonymous

What a waste of perfectly good wildLIFE.

Feb 2nd - 15:44pm | Anonymous


Feb 2nd - 14:46pm | Carol B

What a perfectly good waste of meat.

Faraway Ranch Tour at Chiricahua National Monument Gets Five Stars

Feb 2nd - 15:10pm | Living History

Good report, although it's always interesting how these historic private enterprises with sense of family and the pionier spirit are memorialized by NPS as long as they hold title. The march through the lives and properties including inholdings is more akin to Sherman's March through the South.  What about giving real living and cultural history a shot.

Feb 2nd - 14:15pm | Anonymous

Lysa Wegman-French's study Faraway Ranch Special History Study, 2006, is available online for your reading pleasure. Additional information about the history of Faraway Ranch and its structures can be found online at:

Are National Park Brochures Beginning to Rely on the Internet For Depth?

Feb 2nd - 14:50pm | Curtis

I realize that there is a cost factor involved and not everyone reads the brochures, but I really do perfer to have that hard paper in my hand when I walk around the park. I would gladly print the brochure off myself it they would just post them to the parks webpage.  This would give me and my family an oportunity to read it on the way to the park.

Snake in the Grass: An Everglades Invasion

Feb 2nd - 12:59pm | Kurt Repanshek

In the Smokies? Yep, that one I'm positive of. Back in May 2000. That was before the Traveler arrived, but you can find some of the details in the following link.

Feb 2nd - 12:58pm | RangerLady

Dick G., you are correct. Green Iguanas are also an invasive species in the Everglades and surrounding areas.

Feb 2nd - 12:52pm | Dick G.

 Don't mean to be picky but... has there ever been a confirmed report of a black bear killing anyone in SMNP???

Feb 2nd - 12:51pm | Kurt Repanshek

Good catch, Dick. Just testing to see how closely folks are reading! I'll fix that....;-)

Feb 2nd - 12:47pm | Dick G.

Kurt-- I don't think iguanas are native to the glades... I sure never saw one when I was a kid living there!!!LOL

Feb 2nd - 11:53am | Laura Brandt Fr...

We seem to have lost all respect for our planet earth. People dump their pets off in the Everglades as if they were trash. Dogs, cats, snakes, whatever they grow tired of. How could anyone turn their back one their pet and drive off? The domestic animals cannot fend for themselves or find food nor clean water. They starve or are eaten.

Feb 2nd - 09:48am | RangerLady

Knowing Larry, this will be a great book. He also helped considerably with the Curriculum Guide for the schools in the area, "Don't Let it Loose"

Yellowstone National Park Officials Look To Boost Lodging at Old Faithful Complex

Feb 2nd - 12:08pm | Lee Dalton

Meg, there used to be a campground at OF back in the 1960's but it was taken out to make way for the bypass highway. Wouldn't do any good if there was one there, though.  Even back then there was a line of cars a mile and half long every morning hoping to find a spot.  There were near riots frequently when rangers had to turn people away.  Probably better as it is now.

Feb 2nd - 11:28am | Bob Janiskee

Colorado Jim and I were assigned to one of the Old Faithful Lodge budget cabins -- I think it was #42 -- during our Dumb & Dumber III trip last summer. Had I known that the cabin has no toilet facilities, I would never have allowed Colorado Jim to book us into it. We did manage, however, to survive the experience in good humor. To the best of my knowledge, nobody peed in the sink.   

Reader Participation Day: Which Park has the Most Scenic Picnic Area?

Feb 2nd - 11:49am | sgtboz

You are right, Meg!  Beautiful spot!

Feb 2nd - 11:48am | sgtboz

I think I'm a day late on this but I just had to share my fav from Grand Teton NP on the edge of Jackson Lake.  What a view!!

Feb 2nd - 11:45am | Paul

There's a little park in eastern Oregon called John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. They have several incredibly scenic picnic areas, including one in the middle of a historic orchard at the base of 1,000 ft Sheep Rock, and another 9 miles north in the otherworldly Foree Area. By far one of my favorite picnic spots.

What's the Word at Chiricahua National Monument After Last Summer's Major Wildfire?

Feb 2nd - 10:31am | CraigBowman

Hi from GA. . . thanks to 'Al' for the great photos and interesting narative on CNM. Thank God for those firefighter folks who so skillfully and tirelessly defended the historic structures throughout the area. They are my heroes. thanks again,Craig

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.