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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Agrees Whitebark Pine Trees Might Need ESA Protection

Jul 20th - 08:18am | Kurt Repanshek

Anonymous, I've read through a lot of scientific papers, and the authors always seem to couch their conclusions with many qualifiers so as to stop short of agreeing 100 percent on something. With that said....Attached to the story at the following link is NRDC's petition, and it references various studies.

Jul 20th - 07:51am | Anonymous

Kurt - Could you site the specific scientific study that has conclusively tied the spread of the mountain pine beetle to climate change.

Was This the Most Environmentally Insensitive Movie Ever Filmed in a National Park?

Jul 20th - 06:01am | Bob Janiskee

That one is easy to answer, Kolby. Since using an inert substance is cheaper and easier than using dangerous chemicals, there is no doubt that the film crew used an inert substance.

Jul 19th - 20:43pm | Kolby

So Hollywood being Hollywood, what do you suppose the actors REALLY dumped into the stream? (the prop talc/383)

National Park Quiz 84: Ringer II

Jul 20th - 05:15am | Bob Janiskee

I agree that this item could have been worded better, Anon, so I've edited it and written an explanation that gives both Bellefontaine and Detroit their due. Let me know if the weaselspeak is too much for you to bear. :o)

Jul 19th - 19:52pm | Anonymous

I agree that the first answer is false, but I think you may have been misinformed about the true location of the first. Having grown up in Bellefontaine, Ohio, it was beaten into me at an early age that the first concrete street in America was there. It was completed in 1891:,_Ohio

Bona fide Deal or Bailout? Should the NPS Acquire Grant's Farm near St. Louis?

Jul 20th - 03:38am | MRC

My mental image of Ulysses S. Grant is not connected with farming, so the significance of this site for the commemoration of the president seems to be pretty weak. The Busch family is about brewing, not about a zoo. The Barnums might justify a zoo, but not the Buschs.

Man Who Poached Elk in Great Smoky Mountains National Park Receives Jail Time, Heavy Fine

Jul 19th - 22:18pm | the Bat

I'm curious as to how the man would have gotten the elk out without anyone noticing. A bull elk is a big animal! Maybe he had a stretch Hummer to haul it out?

Jul 19th - 14:58pm | Bill

Good! I too think his hunting license should have been taken away for life, and the jail time is OK, but the fine is too little. Tie antlers to his head and let him roam outside the park is a good idea too!

Jul 19th - 14:14pm | Phil C.

His hunting license should be taken away for life, not just a few years !!!!

Jul 19th - 10:37am | Dick

Not enough!

Jul 19th - 09:28am | plet39

@ Rap: I agree with you -- except set him loose OUTSIDE the park. We don't want to tempt any of his yahoo buddies to replicate his crime. The two-year loss of his hunting license and park access should have been permanent!

Jul 19th - 08:05am | Rap

What if we tie some antlers to his head and set him loose in the park?

When Is Conservation of Park Lands Prudent, and When is the Spending Wasteful?

Jul 19th - 16:33pm | Anonymous

The bill may be a moot point anyway, as there is now a potential private buyer for the property. As Michael states above, the heirs to the land have been wishing to sell for several years and Caroline Gasperi has held them at bay hoping to preserve the land and still satisfy her family members need for their inheritance. This has been going on since 2003!

One More Request For Your Help In Keeping The Traveler On-line

Jul 19th - 15:03pm | DOCREP

The Checks in the mail. Keep up the GREAT WORK! Semper Fi Doc

Fall On Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park Proves Deadly to Rhode Island Man

Jul 19th - 13:56pm | Anonymous

If your a tourist and you think this is a cake walk, think again. If your not use to living in or by the mountains stay away from Long's Peak. You can not physically handle it.

Blue Ridge Parkway Has a Poet Laureate

Jul 19th - 13:00pm | Tanna Baumgardner

Laura Hope-Gill's book, The Soul Tree, is also available for purchase through the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation's online store!

The View is Improving at Devil's Den in Gettysburg National Military Park

Jul 19th - 12:12pm | bonitap

Interesting commentary about how modern life (a stone restroom, a string of power line, and parking for less than 20 vehicles) had infringed upon the view of such desperate historical horror. As a town resident for 25 years who has spent countless hours exploring the battlefield's fascinating natural features — including its designation by National Audubon Society as an I.B.A.

Thank A National Park Ranger on July 29

Jul 19th - 12:11pm | Benjamin Lord

The people who serve as park rangers, by and large, come from very recognizable backgrounds. These folks shop at Costco, eat balogna and cheese sandwiches, and often look for bargains on-line. Yet, when they put on the uniform, they often-times become something more. They become a special brand of public servant, able to serve the visitor with a myriad of skills and services.

Independent Review Calls on National Park Service To Bolster Its Natural Resource Stewardship and Science

Jul 19th - 11:43am | pkrnger

I wonder if it will ever be possible for the NPS to get its scientists back from the USGS? I was not thrilled when "re-inventing government" caused the NPS to lose its research staff during the Clinton years. I was also not thrilled as park resources management became a totally separate function from park education and interpretation.

Motorcylist Dies in Head-on Collision in Yellowstone National Park, Passenger Injured

Jul 19th - 09:49am | J T

This is really hard to believe. I've ridden with Dale for years and knew him to be a very skilled rider. His daughter was with him in the side car [which would have made Dale even more safety minded]. He would not have been wearing a helmet and I'm surprised he had one along. One thing for sure - he was an expert rider, great guy and will be missed. What a tragedy!

National Park Road Trip 2010: End of the Oregon Trail

Jul 19th - 09:42am | Amy and Cathy

Hello, just passing thru Vald. on our way to see Mom and Dad. Thought about you and hoping you're having a good summer! Amy and Cathy

Jul 18th - 19:49pm | John Salisbury

We are sorry that you found that the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center closed - and as you thought, due to economic reasons. However, a mile uphill from the Center is the Dr. John McLoughlin House, a unit of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site.

Jul 18th - 06:45am | George Foster

Very nice series. I enjoyed it immensely. I have visited that area of the country,but have never seen the detail of the history. It was quite the feat to travel all that distance (mostly walking). It amazes me that 90% made it through to the end.

Angler Dies After Falling Into Yellowstone River in Yellowstone National Park

Jul 19th - 08:12am | Chris Braun

Thank you to all Members of the Technical Rescue Team that assisted my sister after the death of her husband. A special thanks to the Rangers, especially Sharon, for being there to support our sister and helping her navigate through all the details. Your support was incredible & we can never thank you enough. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

Jul 17th - 23:17pm | 07 Ford Flex from VA

Very sad indeed. We were passed by several emergency vehicles on our way to see mud volcano at that particular time. A helpful ranger at that location informed us that a fisherman had had a problem. Our thoughts an prayers go out to the angler's family.

Jul 17th - 15:00pm | Anonymous

Totally! They are dropping like flies.

Jul 17th - 08:38am | Anonymous

What is going on in Yellowstone ? It seems like there have been several deaths up there lately !!!!! Is it people being careless or what ? I feel for all these families, this is such a beautiful and wonderful park.

House Republicans Say Interior Secretary's Proposed Snake Ban Bad for Business

Jul 18th - 22:14pm | Hayley Shaver

They're planning on banning interstate trade and transportation concerning huge pythons and boas? Just because Florida can't managetheir ecosystem? That's ridiculous. I have a corn snake and ball python, and am just a little woried. If they ban the interstate sell and transport of these babies, where will it stop?

Interior Department Releases Preferred Plan for National Mall

Jul 18th - 21:33pm | Rick Smith

I don't know as much as d-2 does about competing plans for the Mall, but I do know that it is not my idea of what a great urban landscape should look like. It doesn't "flow" to my eye and reminds me of something that was cobbled together from time to time without considering what either the cobbling or what was being cobbled looked like and how it fit with what was already there.

Jul 18th - 21:15pm | d-2

It is a good thing that we all are being asked to consider how the Mall in Washington DC looks, functions, and how it will look in the future.

National Park Mystery Plant 2: There’s Good Reason They Call This Thing "the Death Apple”

Jul 18th - 17:44pm | Alabama in St. John

We just snorkeled Leinster Bay (in St. John) today. (We usually are very curious and read all signs - we never saw a warning sign - anywhere - about this death apple tree.) Sure enough, my 'knucklehead' boyfriend ate just two small bites of the fruit, and I politely declined. I won't eat anything I'm not sure about... but he thought it smelled so good, it must be safe.

Climber Scales Delicate Arch

Jul 18th - 17:18pm | Anonymous

This is what the park compendium of superintendent's orders now says: Any arch or natural bridge named on the United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographical maps covering Arches National Park is closed to climbing year-round. Violating a closure subjects one to fine or imprisonment under part 1 of 36 CFR.

Jul 18th - 16:50pm | Anonymous

This is what the park compendium of superintendent's orders says: Any arch or natural bridge named on the United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographical maps covering Arches National Park is closed to climbing year-round.

Jul 18th - 16:38pm | Anonymous

A park superintendent might not be expected to know all of the rules off the top of her head. They would be expected, in my opinion, to find out before commenting. They would also be expected to know the process for rulemaking without begging off on the Office of the Solicitor. Very strange.

Jul 17th - 11:13am | Bogator

For those of you who are interested, here is a story from Outside Online which it says is the full story on this climb: The story is pretty clear that there were several people involved in this stunt.

Jul 16th - 10:55am | SD Climber

Dean has always been flashy and seeks after firsts. Heck of a climber, but an ambassador for climbers - he is no Fritz Wiesner. Some things are better left unclimbed.

Historians Don't Want Casino Next To Gettysburg National Military Park

Jul 18th - 14:10pm | Lee Dalton

Amen, SFP

Jul 17th - 22:26pm | SFP Living on t...

I take issue with the comment that the No Casino signs are only in front of the Mc Mansions - thats bull. I live in Gettysburg and I can tell you that opposition locally is much stronger than supporters would have you believe. They figure if you keep saying it long enough people will believe it. Its a national issue, not a local one. Over 85 businesses have signed a petition against it.

Pine Beetle Outbreak Leads to Fewer Campground Sites in Rocky Mountain National Park

Jul 18th - 12:32pm | LJ

You wrote, "Winter 2007-08 was one of the snowiest..." What does this have to do with temperature? Very cold temperatures for a few weeks are what kill pine beetle. When it gets that cold, it snows less. Having a snowy winter is a lame argument against climate change. I hear it all of the time and I don't think people think before they repeat it.

Maine North Woods National Park: Has The Time Arrived?

Jul 17th - 18:59pm | Anonymous

Baxter State Park isn't designated wilderness. Also they are looking at amount of areas in the Northeast run by the National Park Service, Department of Interior. Yes there is White and Green Mountain National Forests but the U.S. Forest Service is under the department of agriculture, which has a different objective than the department of interior.

Grizzly Bear Shot and Killed By Hikers In Denali National Park and Preserve

Jul 17th - 17:13pm | Anonymous

Certain areas of Denali should be closed to hikers. Very soon another bear will be killed because hikers are hiking through very thick brush in the middle of their habitat where they are known to be living and where they are seen every day. There is a lot of area in Denali where you can see what is around you from a great distance.

Battle Against Mountain Pine Beetles Launched at Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Jul 16th - 23:20pm | Anonymous

They are a natural predator for the trees, but in the past were not able to do so much damage because the temperatures in the winter would get cold enough to kill them. There is a very possible link between the pine beetle becoming more rampant and global warming, as warmer winters allow more of the beetles to survive. This is not a natural process or a way to help the forests.

Man Somehow Survives Being Swept Over Waterfall In Yosemite National Park

Jul 16th - 15:21pm | Parkhiker

Except that a Darwin Award would imply that this involves the survival of the fittest. This sounds more like the survival of the dumbest.

Jul 16th - 13:33pm | R Stefancik

Honorable mention for a Darwin Award is in order.

Jul 16th - 12:52pm | Sandpiper59

'Nuff said is right. Recreational drug induced brain lapse... Hopefully the ten walked away more humble than when they entered the park. Thank God no rangers were hurt in the rescue.

Jul 16th - 10:22am | Rap

"and one citation was issued for possession of a controlled substance"...'nuff said...

Ranger Confidential, Living, Working, and Dying In the National Parks

Jul 16th - 12:16pm | Cliff

I just read this book on the heels of "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. Bill is far better at making NPS upper management look like corrupt, self serving, crooked, politics-driven jerks who waste the precious little funds that the NPS gets from us citizens than Lankford did. But no wonder, Bill makes nearly everone he encounters in a book look like an idiot.

Reader Participation Day: How Many of the 392 National Park System Units Have You Visited?

Jul 16th - 11:45am | NatureAli

Just counted been to 24 National Parks and 88 total NP units. Pretty cool, just visited Rocky Mountain, Grand Teton and Yellowstone last week. What a wonderful legacy the park system is for current and future generations.

America's Great Outdoor Initiative Visits Asheville, North Carolina

Jul 16th - 10:24am | Kristy

The danger of greater park populations is definately not due to the Parks Dept. lack of vigilance on introducing the value of the areas granduer on newbies. And, perhaps, in areas with such grand beauty as the ones you mentioned that also have smaller local populations the mind-set is totally different.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.