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Search Being Scaled Back For Missing Plane Over Katmai National Park

Sep 6th - 13:46pm | Lee Dalton

Sorry, Greg, but you've been suckered by the radio hate mongers and email spammers.

Sep 5th - 20:57pm | Greg

My son is working at Brooks camp with these boys. He got a message to us that he was ok but these were his friends. This is so sad and we have many people praying for them from the lower 48. We purchased a SPOT ELT for my son. It was 150 + 150 for satellite hook up. We are not a rich family but this was important to us.

Sep 4th - 11:40am | Anonymous

Thanks for the updates!

Fall, A Great Season in the National Parks, Also is Closing Season For Many Facilities

Sep 6th - 10:45am | Gaelyn

Grand Canyon's North Rim will shut down all food and lodging after the morning of Oct 16th. After that the visitor center and first come first serve campground will be open until the end of November, unless the snow flies first. Then closed until May 15, 2011.

Best Places To Work: National Park Service Is Improved, But Still Far From the Top

Sep 6th - 10:00am | tahoma


Sep 5th - 19:59pm | d-2

Dear tahoma: a few of your points: I am not a fan of reorganizations; for the effort they put into it, you could actually get something done.

Sep 4th - 13:29pm | Benjamin Lord

I've always been a person who respects the "real world", and the 360 degree view that encompasses. From my perspective, the National Park Service is at the top of the list for professionalism, esprit-de-corps, and serving the public. Senior NPS management, park superintendents, and middle management fully understand the nuance and complextity of the mission and workforce.

Sep 4th - 13:12pm | haunted hiker

I'm intrigued by this study comparing the traits of NPSers to the clergy. Does anyone have a lead on where I could get a hold of that document?

Sep 4th - 11:48am | tahoma

Rick- Perhaps I didn't make my point clear. It wasn't just "incompetent employees", it was incompetent and especially unethical middle and upper management. Even more disturbing actually, is that the long and expensive bureaucratic food-chain above them either didn't know or wanted to avoid the negative

Sep 3rd - 18:53pm | Rick Smith

d-2 is right, of course. It takes a village of competent employees to manage a park. Tahoma's characterization of imcompetent employees is not consistent with what I saw during my career in the NPS.

Sep 3rd - 13:14pm | d-2

Dear Tahoma: no government agency is ever fully funded. No american ideal is ever fully achieved. It is the job of every citizen and every government worker to fight for continual improvement.

Sep 3rd - 12:49pm | MRC

@d-2: If the job earns not enough to send your kids to college, then you won't get many good people. Or the people you get have to make painful sacrifices.

Sep 3rd - 11:52am | tahoma

It's not just political correctness when I say the vast majority of the field personnel and first-line supervisors during my career were outstandingly competent individuals. Many routinely worked massive unpaid overtime and frequently went far beyond the duties of their position descriptions.

Sep 3rd - 08:40am | Fishtrek

Personally I would love to see more of the locals hired and trained for positions. In visiting different parks this past summer the ones that had a stake in the community made the best and most pleasant impressions, the others just went through the motions. I think one would say lack of common sense.

Sep 3rd - 00:23am | anonymous

The ones who emerge from this freedom are the people with character. Heaven save us from those people. You know, the ones who allow for people get to six figure legal settlements after they put their tongue down their secretary's throat while actively fomenting a cult of personality in their park (true story by the way.)

Fishing, Boating, Surfing, Permits Available for Gateway National Recreation Area Beginning Feb. 1

Sep 6th - 09:57am | ksfkay

I was very disappointed to learn of this $50 fishing permit. That is too pricey. I already bought the new $10 marines license that's supposed to grant you access to all salt waters in America. Either the fishing is that good here or don't want anyone fishing here at this spot. Which is it?

Update: Hurricane Earl Remains on Track to Impact the Outer Banks Parks

Sep 6th - 05:51am | SS1

It is not about lawyers making money but rather a few individuals who usurped a National Park under the pretence of “recreation” so they can continue their business of catering to a special interest group of visitors (ORV users). Regulations that regulate vehicle use in this National Park are overdue and have been inadequate for a long time.

Sep 4th - 09:05am | Jack

How appropriate that on the day that the Hurricane is striking our beautiful Recreation Area... the Islanders are launching their response to the Environmental (lawyers) Focus Groups. The only ones that gain in this whole deal are the lawyer, after they sue the US Gov... and win on pseudo-science... unproven studies and a pool of SPIN MONEY...

Sep 3rd - 10:12am | Anonymous

Seems illogical.. if a species is truely endangered, any help to save potential hatchlings seems prudent. Perhaps there is more involved with this philosphy? If the resource was rapidly recovering, there is less opportunity to leverage concern for them in other areas, such as reducing the use of the Park. Sounds cynical but seems to be the most obvious motive..

Sep 3rd - 10:03am | Samsdad

Darren I hope you understand I am on your side... and that the deaths of these turtles is another example of the DOI, NPS and the Enviro's Playing GOD by picking and choosing what survives and why.

Sep 3rd - 08:46am | Darren Lopez

"Sam, I think the big difference is that the oil spill was caused by man, while hurricanes are part of nature."

Sep 3rd - 07:52am | Samsdad

That excuse is used only when it benefits you. Please see Cape Hatteras NPS killing of nature by the hundereds to protect a few birds? Sound familiar. This is so typical to use a statement or science that fits the moment or your cause.

Top 10 Most Visited National Parks

Sep 6th - 02:03am | Cruise Travel

I think Zion is a side trip from Las Vegas for some people. Something to do once you've lost all your money...

Yosemite National Park To Install Large Solar Energy Complex At El Portal

Sep 5th - 20:30pm | jim hockley

the reflective glow of solar panels, especially near any water source like river or lake, will appear more like water than the real thing to birds, aquatic insects, and many other species. dragon, may, and damselflies will lay their eggs on solar panels which quickly fry the eggs. this is not acceptable no matter what the economic "savings".

Interior Secretary Plans Free Weekend Entry to National Parks to Boost Tourism

Sep 5th - 19:57pm | Anonymous

What are my taxes going for? I shouldn't have to pay to see nature,something God created to be enjoyed for FREE.Also upset for having to pay for parking by the pier at Pismo and Avila Beach...the ocean,soemthing I should be able to look at for FREE! These are hard times for everyone...I say no fees.

Fall Color, Hikes, And Wildlife in The National Parks

Sep 5th - 19:12pm | Meg

Elk bugling is lovely -- unless the elk in question is directly under your window at three in the morning. Speaking from personal experience... I was at Mammoth in Yellowstone at the time.

This Third Time Was Anything But Charming – SPOT Misuse At Grand Canyon National Park

Sep 5th - 14:01pm | Christian

"tourons (a combination of tourist and morons)" Thanks for a new word! :) Don't throw them in jail-- they don't deserve the free* food, water, and shelter. Do fine them for Abuse of Emergency Services.

Badger Pass Icon Nic Fiore Passes; Taught Thousands to Ski At Yosemite National Park's Ski Area

Sep 5th - 10:53am | tori goux

I took ski lessons from Nick and his fellow instructors (Jacque Du Pont) up at Badger Pass in the 1960s-70s and what I learned from them gave me a good strong foundation in skiing. Nick and his ski school had a love and passion for the sport-it rubbed off on me and I have been a ski tech for over 40 years and also taught for the last 3 seasons.

New Email Notification System Installed on The Traveler

Sep 5th - 09:29am | DJ

Turning all Alaska property over to the state of ALaska would stupid! There are many people throughout the world that would oppose this. Just look at the Pebble Creek Mine issue! That will threaten what is probably the most important fishery in the world and that includes BEFORE recorded history. Simply put Joe Miller is WRONG!

Fatal Fall from Angels Landing in Zion National Park

Sep 5th - 00:12am | David Trotta

A stumble can kill you on a sidewalk, a subway platform, or a bathtub, does that mean we should "rope up" to take a shower? I hiked this for the first time with my 14yr old Godson last month, and it was one of the coolest hikes I have ever done. Don't ruin it like so many other things have been ruined by over protecting everything. I think it is fine the way it is.

Body of Missing Climber Found in North Cascades National Park

Sep 4th - 22:24pm | tahoma

More info on the challenging recovery and personal details can be found at: Sounds like quite a guy; rest in peace...

Sep 4th - 15:34pm | Anonymous

I knew John. He was a really good guy. He will be missed.

Sep 4th - 09:48am | Anonymous

Our deepest sympathies to all following this story, especially the Arum Family. What a environmental attorney, as well.

Sep 3rd - 23:22pm | tahoma

A sad ending to this SAR:

Here's a Yellowstone Bear Story: Grizzly Sow Has Quads!

Sep 4th - 21:58pm | Norm M

Really enjoyed seeing the videos, so neat to see 4 of them hope they make it to adult age, these are truly beautiful animals, we were just at yellowstone in august this year, it truly is a magiacl place.

Watch For Hunters Passing Through National Parks This Fall

Sep 4th - 17:18pm | justinh

The euphemism of "food" obviously doesn't change the image.

Sep 3rd - 21:13pm | Anonymous

Maybe they should have phrased it hunters toting there food through the park

Sep 3rd - 19:39pm | DD-393

Nothing says "Mother Nature" like a bloody corpse on the hood of a pickup truck.

Sep 3rd - 12:46pm | Anonymous

BAD MOVE, for one thing it is inredibly dangerous and for another thing, seeing "The KILL" or as some people call them "Trophy's" is very disturbing to some, especially children. This is NOT the way I want the children of the world to experience our beautiful National Parks.

Sep 3rd - 11:20am | justinh

Anonymous wrote, "Why would seeing a hunter be a disturbing sight?" It's not the hunters per se. Take another look at what the post actually says: "hunters toting their kills through the parks." I go to the parks to see wildLIFE, not their corpses.

Sep 3rd - 08:58am | Scot Ferguson

Some people are funny that way. Although, most visitors with children should be gone, since they are probably back in school. And, a hunter with meat to pack out will probably have it quartered up in a pack. So, it shouldn't be an issue, unless someone chose to make it one.

Sep 3rd - 07:28am | Anonymous

Why would seeing a hunter be a disturbing sight?

"Fire and Water" – Two Incidents at Yosemite National Park Test the Park Staff

Sep 4th - 14:33pm | mdtogo

Our son is the boy who fell and was rescued, as reported in this article. He is recovering nicely, no doubt in part due to his rapid extrication and timely medical care. In fact this has been a life-changing experience for us, but our son has no recollection of the event itself (had skull fractures and a brain injury). If you have pictures or video, could you email us?

Angels Landing in Zion National Park Will be Closed For Repairs in mid-September

Sep 4th - 11:20am | RangerLady

I agree with adding the stone masonry to improve footing. When I went, I was wearing th eproper footwear and I still slipped on the fine sand covering the stones. I came very close to being the 3rd person to fall last summer. I can't imagine how people go up and down that trail with sandals when my hiking boots barely had traction.

Sep 4th - 08:57am | Lee Dalton

Good. And hopefully this work will enhance safety while not eliminating the sense of adventure which helps make the Angel's Landing hike so rewarding. Turning it into a sanitized, sterilized walk in the park path would destroy much of its appeal.

Poll Shows Maine Residents Support Creation of National Park, Sustainable Logging From the North Woods

Sep 3rd - 23:42pm | Bob M

That's right Kurt. Let's not forget that State Sen. Lowell Barron is a DEMOCRATE who would love to see the ban on ATV's lifted in the Little River Canyon Preserve. So remember, it isn't a left or right, conservative vs liberal or Republican against Democrate issue as to who respects the wilderness more.

Cost of Search for Missing Plane Over Katmai National Park and Preserve Approaching $1 Million

Sep 3rd - 13:36pm | Walter and Sabr...

We want to say "Thank you" to all the SAR teams, park employees, and anyone searching for these 4 precious men. We have known the Spradlin Family for over 16 years and know of their humbling appreciation for all your efforts, time, and money spent on finding these men alive, healthy, and of sound mind.

Cape Lookout National Seashore To Close in Advance of Hurricane Earl, Cape Hatteras National Seashore Shuttering, Too

Sep 3rd - 12:59pm | Bob Janiskee

As I understand it, the campgrounds at Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout National Seashores have been closed until further notice, pending post-storm review. Campground reservations have been suspended until further notice. You should visit the park websites for updated information.

Sep 3rd - 12:50pm | paul

Does anyone know if any of the campgrounds are open now (after Earl)? Are they opening soon? I am coming from Washington, DC and I would hate to change my vacation plans and stay in DC this long weekend. Please let me know, Thank you, paul

Mountain Biker/Attorney Argues For Making Wilderness Safer

Sep 3rd - 00:00am | Anonymous

to address your point, in most cases horses and pack animals and bikes should really be banned from federally designated wilderness-and boo hoo there is 50 m acres you can't ride-i am sure there is 5 times that amount on USFS BLM and sundry other agencies land you can ride on to your heart's content. Keep some wilderness free of mechanical transport!

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.