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Best Places To Work: National Park Service Is Improved, But Still Far From the Top

Sep 2nd - 22:05pm | Anonymous

Almost forty years ago, I had the honor of being selected as an intake ranger and participated in about four years of intensive training across the country. Over that period, my classes participated in several evaluations of the NPS. Each time, supervision and management/leadership were identified as areas in need of significant improvement.

Sep 2nd - 21:02pm | d-2

Get OVER it, people! Who ever joined the NPS for salary? Who ever joined for individual recognition?

Sep 2nd - 15:08pm | RangerLady

I have no complaint about my salary. It is too low for my debt, but that's my own doing (darn student loans!). Right now the park I work at is one of my favorites, but it does have some problems as would any job. I'd say the main issue here is lack of communication. It is difficult for departments to get together and talk about what's going on.

Sep 2nd - 14:41pm | Chief of Interp...

In resonse to pkrnger-seasonal employees were excluded from the survey-full time permanent employees only-

Sep 2nd - 13:27pm | pkrnger

Given that commentary from the field is starting to build on this posting, I would be curious to learn from NPS'ers willing to comment on this article about specific root causes to some of the ongoing problems and proposed solutions.

Sep 2nd - 12:42pm | yellowstone98

Frankly, even if it means flying out for groceries once a month I wouldn't have it any other way. If you don't like it and haven't been able to make successful inroads with anybody to instigate change, that's awful. But it certainly isn't representative of many of our experiences

Sep 2nd - 11:21am | Anonymous

I'm saddened by the comments above.

Sep 2nd - 10:26am | Anonymous

I am not surprised by this article. I have worked for the Park Service for 5 seasons, and it has been one bad work experience after another. The amazing amount of inefficiency and waste of tax payer money is astounding. It's not just in the Ranger Division- but in all divisions.

Sep 2nd - 08:21am | Anonymous

Unfortunately, this image that "your office is some of the most beautiful land in the world," is part of the problem. Most NPS employees do not work in the west and do not work in remote areas. There are more than 1500 employees in Washington DC, 500 in and around New York City, 300 in San Francisco/Oakland, many others in Atlanta, Omaha, and Denver.

Sep 1st - 18:34pm | destroyerman

i had the best summer of my life working at mt.rushmore(seasonal maintenance)pay was not that great,the people i worked for were.i am 68 yrs. old ,and would go back there to work if i sure as heck beats any job in d.c.

Sep 1st - 15:49pm | pkrnger

Kate, I hope your WE committee does a commendable job and that Mr. Jarvis pays close attention to your recommendations. There was a time when the NPS was the most prestigious organization to work for in all of the Federal Government. I'd like to see it back at the top. Owen

Sep 1st - 15:39pm | yellowstone98

For those who misunderstand: Punish the competent = Pile work on your most effective employees until they reach their breaking point while ignoring your average and poor performers. I guess it does come down to leadership around here after all.

Sep 1st - 15:13pm | yellowstone98

Our culture continues to be: pay our folks as little as we can get away with considering human resource policies and hope that the fact that we live and work in beautiful places will make up for it. Well, it does, to some extent - I have lived and worked in some of the most beautiful places on the planet. But I can't eat rainbows and I can't send my kids to college with sunsets.

Sep 1st - 14:55pm | twoeightnine

They're definitely the best "places" to work, I mean your office is some of the most beautiful land in the world, but this doesn't surprise me. Besides the stated reasons just think of the isolation from the outside world at some of the parks. It may take you one to two hours just to get out of Yosemite.

Sep 1st - 14:12pm | Kate R

In November of last year, the Director and NLC endorsed and supported the creation of a Workplace Enrichment Committee. WE (get it?) is made up of 25+ field employees, NLC members, and lead by a full-time program manager (me). I have 30 years of field experience, most recently as Superintendent at SF Maritime NHP and have long been invested in helping our workplace environment.

Sep 1st - 14:01pm | Anonymous

I can't speak to the internal workings of the NPS but the rangers I have encountered have been some of the nicest, friendliest, knowledgeable people I have ever encountered.

Need to Cull Elk in Theodore Roosevelt National Park Points To Larger Problem Across National Park System

Sep 2nd - 16:46pm | hunter

All I can say is where do I sign up? This type of management is a needed fact of life. More elk than the habitat can support leads to disease and awful deaths for animals. Hunting is the cleanest and safest way to lighten the burden on the park lands. Glad to see they have enough sense to allow it!

Poll Shows Maine Residents Support Creation of National Park, Sustainable Logging From the North Woods

Sep 2nd - 16:10pm | Kurt Repanshek

Indeed, Barky, this type of effort shouldn't be labeled right or left. There are many fine conservation stewards on both sides of the aisle. And many who are not so fine, regardless of affiliation.

Sep 2nd - 16:07pm | Barky

"It would be a nice boost especially for the left." Grrrrrr, I hate the notion that preservation is purely an issue for the "left". Am really getting tired of this "us v. them" nonsense.....

Sep 2nd - 16:07pm | Kurt Repanshek

Mike, I believe the "preserve" tag would be attached to allow for continued hunting....

Sep 2nd - 16:02pm | MikeD

Watched the video on their site - very nice. And I see they use the term "National Park and Preserve" presumably because of the envisioned logging (hunting?). Also have to say it would be a nice thing for the Obama administration to pursue given that there seems to be the will to do it. It would be a nice boost especially for the left.

Sep 2nd - 09:45am | Kurt Repanshek

I believe, Mike, that particular vision would have a national park surrounded by forests that are sustainably logged, not a park with logging within its boundaries. Olympic National Park, for example, is surrounded by the Olympic National Forest and from time to time you drive passed logged areas in the forest, not the park.

Sep 2nd - 09:18am | MikeD

Sounds great, but can you have a national park that also allows logging? Sounds more like a national forest to me... Would it have to be a national preserve or could it be a national park with logging?

Sep 2nd - 09:05am | Anonymous

I would be delighted to see a new park implemented in the north woods. I spent an entire summer in those woods collecting forestry data and fell in love with the area. The natural beauty abounds and as such I can understand why it would be a popular draw for vacation homes, but I personally would hate to see that happen. I abhor the commercialization of these natural places.

Sep 2nd - 08:38am | Anonymous

Barky - With a program like this you can bet logging as an industry will be shrinking. It will be cause-and-effect - and it will take the New England economy and thousands of jobs with it. Many people's livelihood are on the line here.

Sep 2nd - 06:19am | Barky

Interesting. I like the idea of a interior land park in New England. This whole region used to be covered in forests centuries ago, it'd be nice to preserve a chunk of that. And the compromises would seem to ensure this could be done without causing economic hardship.

Researchers To Begin 37th Year of Grizzly Bear Research in Yellowstone National Park

Sep 2nd - 16:08pm | Kurt Repanshek

Thanks for the added details, Dave. It will be interesting to see how the Yellowstone ecosystem bears fare with fewer cutthroat and pine nuts.

Sep 2nd - 16:05pm | Dave Smith

The primary reason the bears are being trapped is to get an accurate estimate on the grizzly population in the Yellowstone region so grizzlies can be removed from the list of species protected by the Endangered Species Act. Once Yellowstone area grizzlies are delisted, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho will open legal hunting seasons on grizzlies.

Mountain Biker/Attorney Argues For Making Wilderness Safer

Sep 2nd - 14:56pm | Zebulon

I think that Mr.

Sep 2nd - 00:11am | yellowstone98

[quote=haunted hiker]To say that the suggestion an agency place signs in certain locations is a wedge that will allow mountain bike in the wilderness is a ridiculous leap. I'd say that considering the person who made such a suggestion is who he is, it is not so ridiculous as one might think.

Sep 1st - 18:00pm | Random Walker

"Something will be lost, no doubt, when many pilgrims follow the mountain trails - when this wilderness, like Switzerland, is smoothed and carved for the foot of man and dotted with lodges for his comfort.

Update: Hurricane Earl Remains on Track to Impact the Outer Banks Parks

Sep 2nd - 14:38pm | Kurt Repanshek

Sam, I think the big difference is that the oil spill was caused by man, while hurricanes are part of nature.

Sep 2nd - 14:35pm | Samsdad

Why is it that when there is an oil spill in the gulf the people run to relocate turtle nests, but when a hurricane strikes no one mentions the fact that roughly 100 nests are left to surely perish? Ironic isn't it!

Consider a Donation to Help The Traveler Remain On-Line With Its Daily Dose Of National Park Coverage

Sep 2nd - 12:40pm | Kurt Repanshek

Rick, if folks click on the Help Sponsor the Traveler box in the right-hand column they'll be taken to a page that explains our mission, needs, and outreach efforts.

Sep 2nd - 10:06am | Rick B.

A check will be forthcoming on payday. I presume that this is an issue that will need to be refreshed periodically through the year. I suggest that you put a link to this thread in one of your advertising boxes.

Shock-Synthesized Diamonds Unearthed in Channel Islands Reveal a Death-Dealing Extraterrestrial Impact

Sep 2nd - 11:48am | Anonymous

I direct your attention to the recent Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper, "No Evidence of Nanodiamonds in Younger-Dryas Sediments to Support an Impact Event."

Climate Change Report Carries Foreboding Forecast for Shenandoah National Park, Historic Jamestown

Sep 2nd - 11:40am | Anonymous

I have a tough time believing that humans are causing the majority of Climate Change.

Studies Show Bear Spray More Effective Than Guns Against Grizzlies

Sep 2nd - 10:13am | Jim Ireland

A bear in a tent at night is a very frightening and dangerous (albeit very rare) scenario, no doubt. If you think that through, you are likely to be disoriented when suddenly woken up by a bear in or near your tent. You are in a dark, small and relatively unfamiliar space, likely in a somewhat confining sleeping bag, and often with other people in very close proximity.

Sep 1st - 14:53pm | Anonymous

How about the bears that attack hikers at night, in their tents? I don't think bear spray is as effective in this situation. If anything, the spray will disorient the hiker. I believe that at night people should have guns loaded and ready. Most of the bear attacks I've researched happened at night, and in a tent. I don't like the killing of bears, but in some circumstances, it is necessary.

Cape Lookout National Seashore To Close in Advance of Hurricane Earl, Cape Hatteras National Seashore Shuttering, Too

Sep 1st - 17:46pm | darlene cornett...

gosh, that is scary stuff, i sure hope Earl shifts and misses this beautiful Island, i was there in May we stayed in Buxton and loved it so much that i planned our honeymoon there on September 25th at the outer banks motel, i sure hope and pray there is still a motel there in 3 weeks, and by the way my groom to be name just happens to be EARL....

Reader Participation Day: Should Pets Be Given More Leeway in National Parks?

Sep 1st - 13:15pm | Anonymous

A misbehaved mutt poses much less danger and is much less common than a misbehaved hiker. How about we close the trails all together until every hiker is a responsible hiker??

Welcome Crater Lake Institute to the Traveler's List of Sponsors!

Sep 1st - 13:09pm | pkrnger

The Crater Lake Institute has been an avid supporter "in spirit" of National Parks Traveler from the beginning. We feel that National Parks Traveler is the best online and offline source of information, news, and commentary about our national parks and the Natonal Parks Service.

Another Daring Rescue at Yosemite National Park Uses a Bean Bag/Short Haul

Sep 1st - 12:30pm | Anonymous

Great flying!! 100+ = very low density air congratats to a great helicopter pilot.

Reader Participation Day: California, or Utah, For A National Park Trek?

Sep 1st - 11:18am | Dr. Stewart MD

I'd have to go with utah! The red rock is so beautiful! California is too crowded, but utah has so much to choose from and it's never crowded.

Cost of Search for Missing Plane Over Katmai National Park and Preserve Approaching $1 Million

Sep 1st - 11:17am | Anonymous

Thank you to all the residents, park employees and everyone searching for my nephews Neil and Seth, Mason and Marco . Our family sincerely appreciates all of your kindness, efforts, and caring help in these horrible times. God will reward you, and our family will always have nothing but wonderful thoughts about each of you. We are really blessed to have you in our lives.

Theodore Roosevelt National Park Turning to 240 Volunteers To Help Reduce Elk Herd

Sep 1st - 10:01am | justinh

Let's keep a bit of perspective here. All the science shows that natural predation creates much healthier herds than does hunting. Unfortunately, I imagine there is way too much public oppposition to the reintroduction of wolves ot TRNP.

Sep 1st - 09:05am | Anonymous

Have they chose the volunteers yet?

National Park Mystery Spot 15: After Half a Roman Century

Sep 1st - 09:08am | Bob Janiskee

Kudos to Eric and Barky, who have both hit this one right on the nose. Barky, I'm sorry that this quiz was too easy for you. As you know, we try to strike a middle chord with these quizzes to give the typical Traveler reader a fighting chance.

Cherokee Orchard Road, Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park Under Construction

Sep 1st - 06:53am | Anonymous

I was there last week trying to take my family on the Motor Trail. After waiting 5-10 minutes for the paving crew we got to the cabin and made a u-turn and left. Why the heck can't those large signs tell people the Motor Trail is closed before we waste 45 minutes in line to find out?

Work Nearly Finished On New Road Through Gibbon Canyon In Yellowstone National Park

Sep 1st - 06:43am | Connie Hopkins

The construction work has made us change our itinerary the last several visits to Yellowstone. In July when we were there, we were staying at the Old Faithful Inn and wanted to hike the Osprey Falls trail. Wanting to get an early start and knowing that the road would still be closed, we decided to catch the sun rising over West Thumb.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.