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Sixty Years Later, "Permanent" Oconaluftee Visitor Center Opens In Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apr 12th - 12:17pm | Judy Swensen

Visted the center on Wednesday April 6. Very nice. Staff knowledgable and helpful.

Recent Rescues Demonstrate Dangers Of Going Off Trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apr 12th - 11:28am | Kurt Repanshek

I think the density of the vegetation off-trail at Great Smoky makes things particularly dicey, even if you have skills and map and compass or GPS.

Apr 12th - 11:23am | Spirit Coyote

I enjoy getting off trail and finding some solitude.  One of the things I like to do is going out to find named features from the USGS topo maps.  Fortunately, I haven't gotten into any trouble yet.  I recommend starting small and gradually raising the adventure/risk factor when you're sure of your abilities.  Also, its best not to do anything to wild in a place where you can't identify the pro

Apr 11th - 23:30pm | Sierra Mark

I have done solo 5 to 8 day cross country treks for over 12 years.  It's something that requires good navigation and risk assesment skills that really only come with experience.  I find it very rewarding to explore areas of national parks that are not mentioned in guide books and are way off the beaten path, but I have run into many situations that can get you into trouble in a hurry.  I always

Apr 11th - 20:38pm | y_p_w

I recall being at Yellowstone during a ranger walk in the Canyon area. The ranger said that they actually encouraged off-trail hiking, except where it was prohibited (the Canyon area and thermal areas). I remember hearing about some summer employees who were hiking at night in a backcountry thermal area and accidentally went off trail and into a thin crust over a thermal water flow.

Apr 10th - 17:26pm | Lee Dalton

This kind of story is common in virtually all our parks.  But how do you get the word out to everyone? I recall a physician I met awhile ago who told me that until he had starting working in an emergency room, he had no idea there were so many creative ways people could invent to maim and murder themselves.

Traveler's Gear Box: Brooks-Range Mountaineering's Cirro Hoody Jacket

Apr 12th - 10:59am | Random Walker

I have also found Primaloft deceptively warm. And I agree that more field testing is the answer :-) For your zipper I would recommend using a zipper lube product that does not contain wax, silicone, grease or oil as these will attract and hold dust and dirt. I have a 2oz bottle of Mad Dog Gear's Zipper Lube which works well. It does not take much, my bottle has lasted years.

Traveler's Checklist: Doughton Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Apr 12th - 09:48am | Anonymous

This is a great time now with the trees leafing out, early wildflowers and too early for many bugs. Take a trekking stick or two for help crossing the creek. I did it at age 53 so go for it. Don't forget a camera.

National Parks' Closure Being Highlighted In Congressional Budget Impasse

Apr 11th - 16:11pm | Whale_gurl

We have a business right outside of Point Reyes National Seashore. We have had almost 6 months of unusual bad weather- lots of rain, and cold. It is hardly letting up.  Now that we are getting some sunny days, people are starting to come out. If the park gets shut down, it will really hurt.  There is not too much more that we can take. Fragile is a good word for it.

Apr 11th - 03:08am | Colin Gillert

I am another English man who is due to visit a number of the National Parks starting early May.  I and my other half expect to spend a fair number of dollars during our visit - this in addition to the already booked hotels etc.  Can the US afford not to have my money and the that of others on the tour?

Apr 8th - 17:28pm | Sam & Family

This is the Most sad thing that I Heard of. There are Millions of families that are taking vacation and have been working all year to be able to afford a vacation. The thing about the National & State parks give the families that are  just getting bye to be able to take them on VACATION.

Apr 8th - 16:18pm | Rick B.

Hi. I'm the selfish one - remember me? I want to eat and not have to worry about paying my rent just to accommodate a group of amateur social engineers thousands of miles away who want to attack women's health services and public radio, other regressive social agendas.

Apr 8th - 09:22am | Kurt Repanshek

Samsdad1, according to the approved ORV management plan, there will be 27.9 miles of year-round designated ORV routes on the seashore, 12.7 miles of seasonal routes, and 26.4 miles of vehicle-free miles.

Apr 8th - 09:18am | Ryan

I am sorry, but I have been to CAHA many, many times, actually got married on the beach there and have NEVER had any problems with access to anything.  If I do find that there is a closure, I go somewhere else.  Yes some areas are closed and in that way, access is restricted, but the park as a whole is more open than "closed".

Apr 8th - 08:49am | samsdad1

"Way to make it all about CAHA again samsdad1 - unreal. To my English friend, if you need some help finding places to go, regardless of the shutdown, I would love to help, please do not let a few angry people deter you from visiting this country, or you could just visit Canada, they have some lovely parks I believe are still open for business."

Apr 8th - 08:44am | Ryan

Seems like a bunch of folks are missing the point...390 parks will close, 15K or so NPS employees (1 million or so feds in all) will be out of work for an uncertain amount of time with no certainty they will be paid for the time they are furloughed.  Don't get lost in ideology, real people are invloved.

Apr 8th - 02:38am | Rachel

Spot on, Reality check! The Democrats knew that their chances in the last election were dire if they passed another budget of deeper debt and spend, spend, spend as they usually do. Well, turns out it backfired and got a passel of 'em tossed out. Now they are crying about all the "children who will starve" if Paul Ryan's budget plan is passed...

Apr 8th - 01:25am | Anonymous

No, what they are saying is the parks will CLOSE. No one may go backpacking, hiking, rafting, canoeing, etc. I mean good luck enforcing it but anyone within the boundaries of a closed park could be charged with trespassing on Federal land. And if the government isn't involved who will maintain the trails?

An Atonement at Fort Sumter

Apr 11th - 14:52pm | SaltSage236

A Charleston native, I've visited Fort Sumter exactly once -- about 15 years ago when the local visitor's bureau offered discounted "tourist in your own town" tickets to all the local historical attractions.

Apr 11th - 06:14am | Chip

Being an ex-submariner, seeing the CSS Hunley was an incredible experience.  My wife and daughter enjoyed it too. 

Bluffs Lodge Along The Blue Ridge Parkway Shuttered For 2011

Apr 11th - 14:12pm | Tom & Vicky D.

We were devastated by this news. Stopped by Bluffs Lodge every spring for the past 25 years, first on our motorcycle, later by car. Worthy of mention is that two of the waitresses in the coffee shop had worked there since it opened (1949?) and added much charm to the old fashioned atmosphere. This definitely will be a big loss to the experience.

The Desert Queen: Death Valley National Park's Furnace Creek Inn

Apr 11th - 13:40pm | Moriah

As of May 2009, there is cell phone service in the Furnace Creek area. The (one) tower is provided by AT&T, but on roaming, most companies will work there. So, the Inn & Ranch both have cell phone service now.

Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Steve Martin Hanging Up His Hat

Apr 9th - 20:51pm | Anonymous

long live the mules

National Park Service Sued Over Termination of Indian Trader at Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site

Apr 9th - 20:13pm | Jeanette Hamilton

Thank you for getting this "out there", I was aware of what they did to Billy Malone, But can hardly believe our own government agencies are even capable of such deception! Billy Malone is well respected and I hope and send prayers that he and family will get through this, and soon!!!

Really Getting Away From It All: The Loneliest National Parks

Apr 9th - 20:04pm | Pat Suhrcke

I want to note that Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site was also closed for a major construction project during 2010 (as well as during the previous several years).  The fact that it served more than 3,000 under extremely challenging circumstances is a testimony to the dedication of its staff who worked to make the site's archival resources available at an off-site location and conduct

Signs Indicate Federal Government Shutdown Would Save Little In National Park Circles

Apr 9th - 17:06pm | y_p_w

Jim d: If you where car camping in Yosemite and the shutdown happened would they make you leave the park?I dont think I would.This is my vacation and my park as it is yours.Could you imagine if the CG was filled 300 + sites and everybody said they where not leaving,what would happen?

Apr 9th - 14:27pm | Jim d

If you where car camping in Yosemite and the shutdown happened would they make you leave the park?I dont think I would.This is my vacation and my park as it is yours.Could you imagine if the CG was filled 300 + sites and everybody said they where not leaving,what would happen?

Apr 8th - 19:41pm | Bob Janiskee

There is no "White Mountain National Park," Will.  Do you mean New Hampshire's White Mountain National Forest?

Apr 8th - 19:16pm | Will

Would I still be able to enter into the White Mountain National Park in New Hampshire in order to ski Mt. Washington or not?

Apr 8th - 14:27pm | Concerned Taxpayer

The hype on the shutdown of the National Parks is a PA ploy to get the citizens po'ed.  The more complaints to your legislatures the better for the Pres and Dems.  They could care less of us who use the parks.  They are there for themselves.  How many Senators or House Representativeshave camped next to you in the past several years?

Apr 8th - 11:43am | Jim Macdonald

I have a very specific question about this regarding bison in Yellowstone.

Apr 8th - 11:07am | Ranger Bri

You are so right! The impact to the local economy will be serious and the gov't won't be saving very much money! Most parks will still have their Law Enforcement and Maintanance staff working. I wish we could still keep the parks open with the understanding that there would be limited services such as no visitor centers, no ranger led programs etc.

Apr 8th - 10:10am | Matt M.

I understand the parks would technically be closed. A shame, but it is the way of the world we live in.

2010 National Park System Visitation Dips To 281.3 Million, Down 4.2 Million From 2009

Apr 9th - 10:42am | Shutt

Maybe I missed it, but what criteria were used to determine visitation numbers?

Latest Studies On Yellowstone National Park's Wolf Packs Shows Stable Population

Apr 8th - 19:39pm | Anonymous

   What about the educated "wolf haters"?  Most people that live and reside in wolf country don't blame the wolves for the destruction of our other wildlife.  We blame the people that have hijacked the wolf to further their agenda.    Elk happen to be thriving everywhere but some how global climate change is really hammering elk in the Yellowstone area?

Apr 8th - 18:43pm | Wiley Willie

Great article. My question: The bison numbers seem to have been carefully managed for many years, but if the wolf has changed the environment by reducing the elk numbers should'nt that allow for a higher number of bison to be allowed in the park? What about the deer population, now?

Apr 8th - 17:03pm | Anonymous

How can you "re-introduce" an animal, let alone place it on the endangered species list, when its not a native animal to the environment and is not in any danger of going extinct? Has anyone realized the Rocky Mountain Timber wolf, the true native species of wolf for this area, has an average weight of 70lbs for a full grown male?

Apr 8th - 13:20pm | MI MI

i read everything  i can get my hands on that dr smith writes.  think about what he says and of all the books,articals and opinions i have read.....he just makes sense.  my husband and i travel to yellowstone every year to watch elk,bears,bison and wolves what a drama it is!!

Apr 8th - 07:12am | Anonymous

Actually the evidence is pretty clear, the 19,000 elk prior to the wolf import are now 4600, a little over 2000 of which actually are inside of Yellowstone, and much less after this winter.  It isn't just the northern herd, the Norris-Firehole herd that numbered a steady non migrating 600-700 animals ever since counting began was down to 50 last fall and may soon go extinct.  The only elk herds

Grand Canyon "State" Park? A Look Back At The 1995 Government Shutdown And The Battle Over the Grand Canyon

Apr 8th - 16:55pm | tomp2

A quick scan of the NPS documents index didn't turn up a citation (let alone pdf) for that closure report.

Apr 8th - 13:30pm | Mark77

The partks belong to the people, and they can not be closed. [Edited for gratuitous remark.]

Legislation Would Add Official Wilderness To Olympic National Park, Transfer Acreage to Quileute Tribe

Apr 8th - 15:45pm | Rick B.

Poverty. That is what shoves the natural beauty out of your consciousness when you visit this area, as I have. The Quileute nation, along with their near neighbors the Hoh, live in terrible poverty and have all the attendant social ails that go with poverty. Anything that will help this human pain is worth redesignating arbitrary borders and labels. I don't see the NPS losing a thing here.

Apr 8th - 14:38pm | Anonymous

First off, the tribe isn't giving anything up; the park service is giving something up AND getting something in return in the form of wilderness designation by congress. Who says the tribe has to give anything up for it to be a good deal for NPS?

Apr 8th - 08:46am | Anonymous

[color=#333333] This is a crime!  I have been to this area many times and I am aghast as to what I see.  The reservation is in deplorable shape with abandoned vehicles and trash everywhere.   

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Proposing to Preserve Five Light Stations

Apr 8th - 09:23am | Lee Dalton

Thank you for your response, Bob.  Someday, I'm gonna have to get up to visit APIS -- even if I can't stay in a lighthouse. Hmmm.  Do you need any volunteer lighthouse keepers?

Apr 8th - 08:50am | Superintendent,...

Jon, Thanks for the kind words.  Apostle Islands really is an incredible place and the park staff are grateful for the support from visitors and the people and businesses of Bayfield, our gateway community.  Stop in and say hi when you are back in the area.  And Kurt, thanks for great coverage of the Apostle Islands and the rest of the NPS system. Bob Krumenaker

Unforeseen Repairs Will Idle Bodie Island Lighthouse at Cape Hatteras National Seashore Indefinitely

Apr 8th - 08:35am | samsdad1

Danny try calling around and get a flyover of the park. Nothing like it. The Government cannot close the air above.

Apr 8th - 07:51am | Danny Bernstein

I'm off to Cape Hatteras soon on my last leg of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. I was looking forward to climbing all the lighthouses. That's the only elevation that I'm going to get on this trip. What a disappointment. Danny Bernstein

Apr 8th - 06:18am | hatrasfevr

My comments to Ms. Holda were in response to her NPS announcement that the restoration of the Bodie Island Lighthouse was stopped due to lack of funding......the scaffold was being removed ....and the final restoration MAY be funded in 2012. The facts are:

Nine Injured By Lightning Strike At Old Faithful In Yellowstone National Park

Apr 8th - 05:54am | Anonymous

I was there when it happened, amazing, but we went into the lodge for some food as soon as the eruption ended.  (Not Old Faithful Lodge, the other one that's closer.)  We had just sat down when we heard the hail on the roof; it was very loud.  We ate quickly and I walked back on the boardwalk to get the car at OF Lodge.  I had to sort of skate and slide since the walk was covered with hail.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.