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Deterioriating Weather Forces Suspension of Search For Missing Backcountry Skiers at Grand Teton National Park

Apr 22nd - 09:08am | Kurt Repanshek

And let's not forget that in the mountains forecasts can change quickly.

Apr 22nd - 09:03am | dave

because it's fun! I go all the time in winter, solo. No rescues needed.

Apr 21st - 20:32pm | destroyerman

now explain to me why these peiople would go back packing in these conditions....????

Really Getting Away From It All: The Loneliest National Parks

Apr 22nd - 07:34am | Jim Burnett

According to the park website, "Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Monument is closed for renovations during the month of April." I can't offer any first-hand observations about this site, but you'll find more information at this link:

Apr 22nd - 00:53am | Jon Sparks

Thaddeus Kosciusz....  Have a chance to go to Philly soon.  Is this a good site to visit?  How long will it take to take in well?

Showdown at the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park

Apr 22nd - 07:18am | Anonymous

I have known Rob for over 20 years since his time as a CR in southeast Arizona.   He is a man of utmost character and there is good reason to pay federal tax every year.

The World's Top Ten National Parks

Apr 22nd - 06:24am | tom

someone mention Plitvice as park who would be quite un-noticed in USA. .... its beautiful national park in Croatia, with amazingly beautiful water, very clean and see-throw, nice mountains, beautiful vegetation and stunning waterfalls. don't be ignorant, check it on google and see if its not worth of visiting.

Manassas National Battlefield Park - Battlefield And So Much More

Apr 22nd - 05:53am | DD-393

And the 1861 battle was called "Bull's Run" by the men of the 2nd Wisconsin.

Reader Participation Day: Do Rising Gas Prices Have You Reconsidering That National Park Vacation?

Apr 21st - 21:47pm | Reality Check

Ya, maybe if gas reaches $10.00 a gallon the environment will be saved.  Let's try out the theories.  I believe that's what the goal is isn't it?  Get used to it or change the dialogue.

Apr 21st - 18:15pm | Lee Dalton

I'm very lucky because I live in Utah where the whole place (almost) is a park.   I may have to cut back on longer trips, but have plenty of wonderful places close by. And maybe, higher prices may cut back on the use of ATVs and some of the destruction caused by them around here.

Apr 20th - 09:40am | kari cieszkiewicz

luckily, my friends & i are taking a honda civic hybrid on our huge colorado plateau-sierra mountain roadtrip! for the 5800 mile trip, it should only cost about $170 per person. in august we are taking my prius to yellowstone/grandteton/badlands, not sure how much that will cost yet.

Apr 20th - 09:33am | richp39

I'm with Anne and Anonymous, better to cut back eksewhere than forego a trip to our parks. I suppose gas could reach a price than would be prohibitive but it's not there (yet). Our annual parks trip will be to Oregon/Washington this fall. We plan on driving close to 2000 miles after flying into Seattle.

Apr 20th - 08:51am | Anonymous

Already have reservations and will visit Glacier, Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain National Parks in September.  We will travel about 6,000 miles from home to the parks and returning home but it's our time to enjoy life away from work and we'll just have to accept the increase in prices on everything (not just gas).  The peace and tranquility I feel when in our beautiful parks is worth it.  I'll

Apr 20th - 08:32am | Anne Brockman

We are hitting the road mid-May from Tulsa, Okla. to Yellowstone. We only have one vacation a year and save for it. We've never been to Yellowstone before and have been anxious to experience it. It would take a lot of financial strain to get us to not go. I would much rather go experience it eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches the whole trip than not go at all.

Apr 20th - 08:18am | Caryl

Gas prices are affecting our decision.  We would like a long trip to Glacier from Chicago, but on a limited income...... Also affecting the decision are the increased rates in RV Parks and the increasing closures of State Parks and Monuments along the way.

Jennifer Pharr Davis Hoping To Thru-Hike Appalachian Trail In Record Time

Apr 21st - 20:07pm | Anonymous

i am going to be completing the entire appalachian trail in 45 days from may 25th to july 8th and im ready!

Apr 21st - 14:27pm | Anonymous

Just to let you know, 47 days might not do the record, because high schooler Jonathan Brown is also going to be racing the clock.  He is going for the record too.  He won't have the luxury of a support team as he has no money, but he is ready.  He has dreamed of this his whole life.  He plans on starting May 25th going Northbound. 

Apr 21st - 09:35am | Canyon Adventurer

To be fair the runners I've seen in the Canyon this year have been less impatient and more respectful of others on the trail.  Sometimes when runners (and some hikers) get in their zone they are oblivious of their surroundings and create some unsafe situations or unknowing rudeness.

Apr 21st - 06:12am | Anonymous

Best of luck to Jennifer.  Congrats to her book publisher for creating a great marketing "event" for her summer release of the book. 

Apr 20th - 15:23pm | Rick B.

Yup. Unless someone is an egocentric rude person who bursts through my ambling self, shoving me aside for their rush through, no prob. Or unless the park service saw fit to bracket off a section of the trail for her or her party or camera crews or such. But no, I've seen no word that she is other than a courteous hiker. More power to her. Just don't step on my toes as you pass me.

Apr 20th - 13:20pm | Eddie

I'm all for ..hike your own hike...Whether someone chooses to spend, 6 months, 8 months or 2 years doing a thru hike of the AT or wants to run through it in 7 weeks or less is entirely up the the individual and it's no one's business to criticise. 

Apr 20th - 10:02am | Andrea Lankford

Jennifer will be  awake, experiencing the trail for 12 or more hours a day for 47 days or more. During her hike she will be seeing, feeling the great outdoors during all kinds of weather, during the day and during the darker hours. She'll see 2,200 plus miles of trail from Georgia to Maine.

Apr 20th - 00:42am | NOT ABOUT ME:)

Many speed hikers and runners of the Grand Canyon are not well thought of.  I believe it is because it's ABOUT THEM when everything the Canyon is screaming at them is that IT"S NOT ABOUT THEM!

Apr 19th - 19:28pm | Ben

I am 61 years old and have hiked small parts of the trail in 3 states I cannot imagine doing it all in that short a time but I wish her well. Fast or slow the journey is rewarding.

Search Continues For Missing Backcountry Skiers in Grand Teton National Park

Apr 21st - 19:30pm | Isaac OConnor

I grew up with walker kuhl in kalispell montana. i would like to contact someone with search and rescue to see if there is any way i can help. please have someone call me. i will leave to help soon as i hear from someone. Isaac OConnor 702-533-5280

Unforeseen Repairs Will Idle Bodie Island Lighthouse at Cape Hatteras National Seashore Indefinitely

Apr 21st - 17:18pm | Ryan

I have been vacationing to the Outer Banks for my entire life and have stayed in Nags Head for over 20 years. I remember when there was no fence around the lighthouse and you could go touch it! I used to try to climb the lighthouse on it's side when I was still a kid ah the memories! I went to the Lighthouse recently and saw the Lighthouse without the scafholding. It looks so depresing.

Apr 21st - 17:17pm | Anonymous

I have been vacationing to the Outer Banks for my entire life and have stayed in Nags Head for over 20 years. I remember when there was no fence around the lighthouse and you could go touch it! I used to try to climb the lighthouse on it's side when I was still a kid ahh the memories! I went to the Lighthouse recently and saw the Lighthouse without the scafholding. It looks so depresing.

Should Anything Be Done With Angel's Landing?

Apr 21st - 15:45pm | Dave H

There are things that could and should be done on Angels Landing. First, post a BIG sign where the chain starts and warn (once more) that this is an area of EXTREME exposure and many fatalities have occured on this final 1/2 mile to the top. Suggest that no climber under 18 should goto the top AND ALL climbers should be roped to a safety line.

Apr 20th - 14:00pm | dave H

My wife and I hiked Angels Landing a week ago - at least to the point where the chain starts. I couldn't believe how many people were on the chain for the last half mile to the top - literally elbow to elbow. This last half mile is really dangerous and I am surpised that they even allow un-roped climing in this section.

Park History: Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apr 21st - 15:38pm | Ruth

If they rent out or preserved folks old homes, why in Freak-in .... didn't they just leave the folks there??":? how stupid - NO WONDER THEY SHOOT CENSUS TAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Voices From a Drowned Treasure: The Music Temple Register

Apr 21st - 14:15pm | Lee Dalton

What's really sad is the fact that after selling Glen Canyon as a way to eliminate the need for any coal fired plants in the area, it was only a few years before two ginormous fume-spewers were built not far from there. But at least attempts a few years later to plunk a dam in the inner gorge of Grand Canyon was successfully beaten back.

Apr 21st - 09:38am | Anonymous

What a crime to flood such a place--- all for the advancement of "progress" and to light up Las Vegas-- pretty sad

Apr 21st - 09:16am | Lee Dalton

An excellent book, The Place No One Knew, by Eliot Porter is available at Amazon and other places.  Published by the Sierra Club. Great photos of Glen Canyon before the water came.

National Park Mystery Plant 19: Perhaps It's a Cold?

Apr 21st - 05:19am | Bob Janiskee

Yes, Mark1859; that's right.

Apr 20th - 19:16pm | Bob Janiskee

Nice to see that suki has figured it out too. Well done.

Apr 20th - 17:01pm | Bob Janiskee

RangerLady got it right too.

Apr 20th - 13:16pm | Bob Janiskee

Add tomp2 to the list of readers who've derived the correct answer. BTW, tomp2: (1) Yes, I meant it about the aspirins; it was a highly useful clue, and (2) You didn't need to put quite that fine a point on it, but the cultivar you named is the most common of the various hybrids.

Apr 20th - 10:38am | Anonymous 12345


Apr 20th - 10:25am | Bob Janiskee

Yellowstone Ed and Anon out west have both nailed it. Anon 11:11 is in the ballpark.

Apr 20th - 09:58am | Bob Janiskee

Kudos to Anon 12345, who supplied the correct answer at 10:49 EDT. Anybody else figure it out yet?

Apr 20th - 09:16am | Bob Janiskee

Anon 10:08 am has come very close (requiring just an adjective to get the job done).  He knows that the mystery plant is a tree, and that's half the battle.

Apr 20th - 08:43am | Bob Janiskee

Not ragweed either.

Apr 20th - 08:39am | Anonymous 12345


Apr 20th - 06:51am | Bob Janiskee

Nope; not Florida holly.

Apr 20th - 06:38am | Ed123

Florida holly

Inn Step With Asheville, The Blue Ridge Parkway’s Premier Place to Pause

Apr 20th - 21:57pm | grey_lensman

Asheville is a lovely city. Good restaurants, Friendly people and bad parking. There is a folk art center well worth seeing. Nice place.

Rare Motion Pictures Show Civil War Veterans at the 75th Gettysburg Battle Anniversary Reunion

Apr 20th - 20:04pm | Bill Miller

Hello, Can anyone tell me if there were any Gettysburg gatherings in the late 1860's with the North and South? Parades? Reunions. Thank you, Bill

Avalanche Hazards Overshadow Search and Rescue Effort in Grand Teton National Park

Apr 20th - 13:02pm | Jack St.Ores

Do they have enough resouces? ie: thermal search from helicopters??? Seems like very brave teams, but not enough! Thanks for detailed article. Jack St . Ores Stillwater , MN (Greg's hometown)

Finding Proper Museum And Curatorial Facilities In the National Park System is No Easy Task

Apr 20th - 03:35am | MRC

Thanks for this kind of articles. I do enjoy some of the controversial topics that bring out lots of comments, but ultimately for me the traveler is about seeing new angles in looking at the amazing variety of NPS sites.

Keeping Track of What The National Park Service Is Up To In Your State

Apr 19th - 16:30pm | Megan Brown, Ce...


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This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.