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Bluffs Lodge Along The Blue Ridge Parkway Shuttered For 2011

Apr 19th - 15:24pm | Ben Anderson

This is a real loss. Although I've stayed in the nearby campground instead of Bluffs Lodge in recent years, the lodge is a wonderful throwback to the Parkway's early days and its plain, simple rooms are part of its charm.

Jennifer Pharr Davis Hoping To Thru-Hike Appalachian Trail In Record Time

Apr 19th - 14:45pm | Rachel

I think this is a perfect place to apply the old "hike your own hike".  Personal goals are just that - personal.   She's right, the AT is there for all of us to use whether we are hiking two miles a day or 50, and if this is how Jennifer wants to enjoy the trail, then I wish her the best of luck!

Apr 19th - 12:51pm | Owen Hoffman

Why do I have mixed emotions about this?  My reaction to speed hiking the Appalachian Trail in less than 7 weeks is similar to my feelings about speed climbing the nose of El Capitan in two and one-half hours.  There's something about it I just don't like.  If you want to break records, why not enter a marathon?  Or simply race from coast to coast across the USA?  Interestingly, the time it wil

Trails I've Hiked: Spruce Flat Falls in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apr 19th - 14:24pm | Anonymous

Of course, this isn't an official trail. It seems to have been hacked out by folk at the Tremont center to connect to the falls and an abandoned trail leading up to Buckeye Gap - the intersection of the Lumber Ridge, Meigs Mountain and Meigs Creek trails, making this a great loop hike.

Essay Contest Winners View National Parks as "America At Her Best," Cite Need For Preservation, Benefits For Kids

Apr 19th - 12:55pm | Rick Smith

I had the privilege of reading all the essays.  It was inspiring to read them without being subjected to the shrillness that characterizes lots of debates about environmental issues these days.  Congratulations to all who entered; I'm proud of your work. Rick

Apr 18th - 09:10am | Alex, Sarah, Sa...

Warmest congratulations Marion. You earned this.

White-Nose Syndrome Confirmed In Bats At New River Gorge National River

Apr 19th - 10:22am | Brad

This news makes me very sad.  I wish someone would figure out a way to stop this fungus.

Top 10 Most Visited National Parks

Apr 18th - 23:43pm | Adam Jewell

Great Basin National Park is awesome!  Hardly anyone goes there so it is a great place to get away from it all.  There arent to many places to stay there but if you call ahead you can usually get one of the few motel rooms there.  The Lehman Cave system is at Great Basin and is a great cave tour.  The hike to the top of Wheeler Peak is an awesome hike with awesome views as well!  It is definite

Interior Department Report Finds No Misconduct By Point Reyes National Seashore Staff In Review of Oyster Farm Impacts

Apr 18th - 21:10pm | y_p_w

Just a follow up (after mentioning the place in another comment on food choices), but there have been several assorted editorials and articles in Bay Area newspapers commenting on the report.

Just How Healthy Is National Park Food For You?

Apr 18th - 20:52pm | y_p_w

Well - what about food that actually comes from an NPS site? There are several ranches that raise beef and dairy cattle at Point Reyes National Seashore.  Additionally there's the occasionally maligned Drake's Bay Oyster Company.

Apr 18th - 18:17pm | Healthy Eater

Wow, wouldn't it be great to have healthy and local food choices available from NPS concessionaires, instead of having to be force fed junk food by Delaware North Corporation and the like when inside their monopoly domains?  The cost to the NPS of including in their bidding processes and contract negotiations some specs that require healthful alternatives would be nil to nothing.  The benefits

Apr 18th - 18:14pm | y_p_w

I frankly enjoyed the cheap hot dogs and chili at the Volcano House snack bar (or whatever the room was called) at Hawai'i Volcanoes NP.  It had as nice a view as the more expensive dining room next door.  Healthy?  Probably not.  Filling and cheap.  Yes.  Unfortunately the place is closed for renovations and who knows when they reopen.

Apr 18th - 17:11pm | Random Walker

I'll tell ya, those burritos at Bandelier National Monument, even for that 2nd night in the back country, it really hits the spot. And those bacon cheddar cheese burgers at Hurricane Ridge Visitors Center in Olympic National Park are to die for, especialy after some days of wander. I was in total food heaven last fall in that big cafeteria next to Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park.

Apr 18th - 17:05pm | y_p_w

KC Traveler:

Apr 18th - 16:21pm | KC Traveler


Apr 18th - 15:33pm | y_p_w

Well - there is the case of Louis', a diner on the edge of a cliff in San Francisco. The land was purchased by the NPS to be added to Golden Gate NRA.

Apr 18th - 13:06pm | Rick B.

I'm just looking forward to future generations looking back and remarking on "and the opposition was so partisan they criticized the First Lady for encouraging healthy food." Sheesh.

Apr 18th - 12:29pm | tomp2

I sure read this post in a different way than everyone else!

Apr 18th - 11:13am | urbanmountainman

As soon as I considered the phrase "healthy National Park food" my mind immediately sent me to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone lodge area where they have the 50's style diner serving greasy burgers and the buffet spot across the parking lot where I am 100% certain I consumed no less than 2500 calories in one sitting. 

Apr 18th - 10:53am | Dottie

The NPS is responsible for, I should think, only making their vendors provide sanitary eating areas and conditions.  However, that should be the extent of NPS rule.  Telling us what to eat?  No.  Period. And may I add that some of the CAPTCHA letters here are totally absurd? 

Apr 18th - 10:11am | kari cieszkiewicz

Food transparency is a good thing. Why argue about encouraging responsible consumption? Furthermore, there is a correlation between sustainable food production and wildlife conservation. So yes, the National Park Service SHOULD be involved in this. Why should CAFO burgers be sold along side GMO corn chips in a place that exists for the purpose of preserving nature?

Apr 17th - 23:45pm | destroyerman

why not show it????

Apr 17th - 23:43pm | destroyerman

well healthy food is a great idea,but i would rather see the parks clean their facilities,i ate at a fast food place in yosimite last yr...the people serving were nasty looking,the area around the place was filthy.,who checks their health dept. records?always bring a backup lunch anywhere you go in the national parks,the food is too expensive ;and the quality is terrible.

Apr 17th - 19:52pm | Lee Dalton

Sam's dad, NPS runs exactly ZERO food facilities unless it's on a fire or something of the sort.  Usually a box of MREs.  And then it's only until a contactor can bring in field kitchen for big fires.

Apr 17th - 19:44pm | 33acres

The section on the Cuyahoga Valley park and its farming is pure fiction!  Many of the farms that were working in the 1970's were either appropriated or bought for pennies on the dollar.  Over 400 structures in the southern part of the park have been demolished, many of them farms.

Apr 17th - 17:56pm | samsdad

Having eaten at quite a few NPS facilities,though most were not run by the NPS, I will say that the masses will eat similar to a highschool lunch or even a bad buffet at best. For reference please see the Smithsonian cafeterias and or the localtions along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Not only are they disgusting, but also expensive.

Apr 17th - 10:16am | Anonymous

You are not wrong.  This is all part of Michelle Obama's healthy foods initiative.  Our tax money should not be spent on things like this.  Where is it in the constitution?

Apr 17th - 08:39am | Lee Dalton

I really don't know much about all this, but my first reaction is: Why is NPS getting into something like this at all?

Essay Winner: 13-Year-Old Spencer Sablan on Why President Obama Should Protect The National Parks

Apr 18th - 08:34am | Suzanne Herbst

I was very proud of both of my children for putting in the effort to persuade others how important our National Parks are to our country.  Each summer we travel in our RV and explore as many national parks we can all across the country.  It has been an amazing experience and will continue to be for our family.  Thank you National Park Traveler for giving the youth of A

Apr 18th - 08:16am | Donnell

Congratulations to my son, Spencer!  We have a goal in our lives (and so do all of our kids) to see every national park. The first thing we did is wake up to see if he won, and he did.  Congratulations!  We are honored and truly blessed.  Congratulations to all the winners and runners up--you all showed creativity and dedication by entering the contest.

Updated: National Park Service Budget Would Grow by $138 Million Under President's FY12 Proposal

Apr 17th - 23:59pm | Reality Check

RE: JONMOInteresting statements.  Would like to know what school of economics your theories are from.  With the charity deduction being eliminated I guess you might be right that government will be the only ones that choose which charities will be funded.  You gotta look way past the rhetoric to see what the end game is gang and it's NOT pretty.  Respectfully

Apr 17th - 15:58pm | jonmo

It's NOT the private sector the one being demonized. It's the demons in the private sector the ones being demonized!  How exactly does the private sector drive the economy? It's the public the one that drives it. The private sector is a sales operation, not one that invests in the community.

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Proposing to Preserve Five Light Stations

Apr 17th - 19:54pm | Lee Dalton

Really!? Wow.  This summer is pretty well planned, but next summer . . . . ?  Hmm.

Apr 17th - 17:10pm | Superintendent,...

Lee, We need volunteer lightkeepers every summer.  See  Most, if not all, of our slots are taken this summer but unexpected vacancies do occur, so if you're interested for this summer, I suggest you call. Bob Krumenaker

Bluffs Lodge and the Best Coffee Shop in a National Park

Apr 17th - 17:54pm | Suzanne

We've been going to the Bluff's Coffee shop for years.  It is a favorite of ours.  They have this cherry jam that we always thought was homemade.  It is homemade but not there.  It is so good, especially with their biscuits.  The coffee is wonderful.  I have heard some sad news, though.  I have heard that the Parkway and Bluffs will be closing starting this Spring because of repairs to the Park

Arlington House, Home of Robert E. Lee

Apr 17th - 15:39pm | Danny Bernstein

The free pamphlet that's given out at the Visitor Center clearly says that George Washington Parke Custis was George Washington's stepgrandson.

Apr 16th - 13:25pm | Anonymous

George Washington Parke Custis was step-grandson of George Washington. Editor's note: This is, indeed, what the author of this story, Danny Bernstein wrote. But at the Arlington House website it says the following:

Apr 16th - 09:25am | Lana

I'm very pleased to see this wonderful piece on Arlington House, which is truly one of the Washington metro area's finest attractions.  I've spent many days at this historic landmark, photographing events and assisting with documenting the restoration of the former slave's quarters at the rear of the mansion.  This place and the surrounding land is steeped in such rich history that it's difficu

Apr 16th - 01:48am | Cornell

When the Southen States ratified the constitution, thereby, joining the the Unites States of America, they did it with full belief that they could withdraw from the USA becaue they had been independent nations before joining. Without this belief, most -- perhaps all -- of the southern states would not have become part of the United States.

Apr 15th - 21:15pm | Bruce

Some people still disparage Lee as a traitor to his country.  Others lionize him as a great patriot of his state and his short-lived confederacy.  One thing is sure; he was a man of great conscience.  The decision to finally resign his commission and follow his state out of the union must have been an agonizing one, and deserves commemoration no matter how you feel about his ultimate choice.

Trickle of Documents Highlights National Park Service's Mistakes In Hubbell Trading Post Investigation

Apr 17th - 13:08pm | Enlightened

Wow!  I read the book and it is fantastic.  This is a must read for every NPS employee.  It is well written and sourced. The NPS needs to do some house cleaning and reform its leadership.  The observations regardng NPS culture in the book are right on.  The NPS needs to invest in and reform its leadership model.  It is unfortunate, but the currupt and bad faith NPS investigative and management

Reader Participation Day: Should Pets Be Given More Leeway in National Parks?

Apr 16th - 08:25am | Lee Dalton

Lots of good comments on all sides.  The worst dog bite I ever had out of three was inflicted on my left ankle by an on leash yappy little poodle-type thing on the board walk between Old Faithful and Beehive geyser when I started to ask the well dressed lady owner to take it back to her car.  She threw a flying canniption fit when we started asking her for proof of vaccination for the pooch.  S

Apr 15th - 17:15pm | Anonymous

I take my dog in the wilderness and we meet a lot of horses but never had a problem (btw will those horse owners clean after their horses? Why it's different for them?). Granted, I had to step off trail on our first "encounters" until he got used to horses, but now it's easy going. Same was with cliffs.

Reader Participation Day: Is April A Good Time To Mark National Park Week?

Apr 16th - 01:21am | Cornell

The real problem is not National Park Week (NPW) is celebrated in April; rather, that it is celebrated throughout the national park system during the same week. Just as it can be too cold to enjoy some units of the national park system, it can be to hot to enjoy the more southern units in June.

Plans To Shut Down Coal-Fired Power Plants Should Help Clear Air Over Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apr 15th - 19:52pm | Kurt Repanshek

TVA is looking at a variety of alternatives, including nuclear and natural gas. This is not going to happen overnight. TVA officials say the shutdowns won't be complete until the end of 2017. Here's how they put it:

Apr 15th - 19:34pm | B. Grant

So how do they plan on getting power to the residents of the area?  Sorry, but solar and wind do not cut it.  We need nuclear to meet the energy demands of a growing population without the fossil fuel pollutants.

Apr 15th - 09:22am | Lee Dalton

"Additionally, the TVA officials agreed to install modern pollution controls at another 36 units." So why hadn't that already been done? Bush/Cheney?

Congress Slashes $101 Million From National Park Service Budget. More To Come?

Apr 15th - 17:17pm | justinh

Hey dukecola, Better yet, why don't we have on our tax form a checklist for things we don't support?  The more items we check off, the bigger our return.  Funding Problem solved. 

Apr 15th - 14:52pm | dukecola

Rather than taxpayer money going to support the parks and maintenence, wouldn't it be better and more fair if the parks simply charged a entry fee to those who use them?  I've been to just one NP in my life.  Why should my taxes be used to support something I don't use.  If I want to visit one, I'll pay the fee.  Funding Problem solved.  if not enough is made from fees, then park should be clos

Did Heavy Snow Tamp Down Yellowstone National Park's Winter Visitation?

Apr 15th - 16:16pm | Ed123

Did a snowmobile trip in was amazing

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.