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April Fool's Story On Cape Hatteras Not Funny To All Readers

Apr 2nd - 09:46am | No PC

Forget the effect on Satire it's much worse than that.  It goes to the core of all the evil that's evident today.  Truth is basically offensive to some so it has to be skirted or somehow punished when it appears.  What a crock...

Apr 2nd - 05:36am | Dewey Parr

Living in Buxton on Cape Hatteras Island it is hard for me to find much humor in the suffering inflicted on our community due to the beach access controversy.  Over the lasts few years I have watched one family afteer another endure hardships as a loss of their job or the closing of businesses.  Our church sponsored food pantrys have been doing the best they can to help the families out of work

Apr 1st - 22:10pm | Rick Smith

Thank you, imtnbike, for the most sensible comment I have read on this affair. Rick

Apr 1st - 22:04pm | imtnbke

I read the controversial April Fool's story. OK, it can be criticized as less than perfect satire, since it has one of the characters recommending a course of action that wouldn't make sense coming from a person in that position.

Apr 1st - 21:59pm | y_p_w

Lee Dalton: Okay, I hope everyone has it all out of their systems. Despite a joke that backfired, Traveler remains the best website concerning national parks anywhere.

Apr 1st - 20:06pm | Lee Dalton

Okay, I hope everyone has it all out of their systems. Despite a joke that backfired, Traveler remains the best website concerning national parks anywhere. Let's all take a big, deep breath and come back again tomorrow.  All calmed down and smiling.

Apr 1st - 20:04pm | Random Walker

LMAO! For the second time today.

Apr 1st - 19:03pm | Crotalus

I too wish you had left it up and not caved. And I read it (and with foresight, even made a copy on word).  For all the crying, I found the NPS was the major brunt of the joke, so you would have thought they would have enjoyed that. I guess the error was having any mention of their contignent, as everyone else is fair game in their book.

Apr 1st - 17:59pm | Anonymous

Knowing that there are so many self-centered and whiny people on Cape Hatteras will make me less likely to visit. If our soldiers are fighting in Iraq to support our "right" to destroy the planet then we're in worse shape than I'd thought. And didn't I just read that the beach is naturally eroding by 3 feet a year? Also, learn to spell. Now I'm done whining.

Apr 1st - 17:51pm | Kurt Repanshek

While we can appreciate the need for folks to vent their anger, both over the Traveler and the access regulations at the seashore, we're trying to toe the line with those comments. We will not post threats, nor links to sites that carry threats.

Apr 1st - 17:06pm | Anonymous

Tell your brother thank you for his sacrifice for our country,my hats off to him.I igree with you 100%.Maybe we just need to do like the mideast countries & say the hell with this government & take back what is ours!

Apr 1st - 16:52pm | anon h8tr

I will simply state that if the joke was that thousands of dead polar bears washed up on the shores of the hamptons and people were using pitchforks to load them into trucks before the newspapers found out. Now that is funny

Apr 1st - 16:43pm | Chrissie

We all know someone at this point who has lost their job, has lost their home or their business due to the economy. One thing you may not realize is that these Island Whiners have lost their jobs, homes and businesses due to 10 birds (avg) and the Bird huggers that counted them(disregarding the ones on the outlying dredge islands).

Apr 1st - 16:17pm | Anonymous

The DOI and National Park Service have lost their frickin minds!!  The people of this or any land in this United States had bette wake up and realize that one of yours and my rights is to provide for my family, the right to freedom of speech and the right to access public funded lands. I plan on being in Haqtteras in 1 month and screw the birds.

Apr 1st - 15:27pm | Nate

Colorado Cowgirl said: All OVER the country folks have lost their jobs and have lost their homes, not just on this piece of sand.

Apr 1st - 15:19pm | Keeper

Kurt, you and your staff do a very good service to the public,  administrators of our public treasures and to the treasures, I believe.  We all are certainly capable of going down the wrong roads at times in the atmosphere that pervades today.

Apr 1st - 15:10pm | Anonymous

I'd bet those who are say "lighten up a little" haven't visited the area, and haven't been shoehorned into the beaches that are open for recreation – which by the way, shrink with each passing year, and are closed earlier and earlier each year. Everyone needs to understand it's not just

Apr 1st - 15:06pm | justinh

Hey Colorado Cowgirl, Thanks for providing some much needed perspective here.

Apr 1st - 14:48pm | Colorado Cowgirl

Boy all you all need to lighten up some!  Part of what is wrong with this country is that folks have lost their sense of humor.  All OVER the country folks have lost their jobs and have lost their homes, not just on this piece of sand.  The National Park Traveler is a very valuable resource for my family and even though the April Fool's joke fell flat that doesn't change how I feel about Kurt a

Apr 1st - 14:41pm | Laidlaw

See how easy it was to slip the rest of the way? Now there's even more outside pressure, so you're afraid to even present both sides opinions. Not only do you give "bloggers" a bad name, you further reinforce the public opinion that bloggers can't be capable objective journalists. And in your case, it looks like they're right.  Who needs that pesky "freedom of speech" anyway, right?

Apr 1st - 14:23pm | Anonymous

Re: Matt Stubbs: Do you really promise not to contribute any more? That would make the joke completely worthwhile! Andy

Apr 1st - 14:01pm | Anonymous

I don't understand how you think its a joke to the hard working people  loosing their houses, forced to leave the Island all because of 10 (on average) Piping Plover on this entire Island.  You might think it's funny, I think you are a fool.

Apr 1st - 13:51pm | Wheat

Whats pathetic Mark is that you find humor in the suffering of others. We live on two narrow strips of sand within an economy essentially created by NPS. An economy that NPS is wont to destroy without, so far, any appreciable benefit to wildlife.

Apr 1st - 13:50pm | Regular Reader

I for one appreciate the attempt to lighten the mood a bit. Of course, I can see how some wouldn't be amused, but that's just the nature of a good joke. It's hard to make everyone laugh, even on April Fool's.

Apr 1st - 13:42pm | Matt Stubbs

Tell that to the people who are losing their jobs because of what is being joked about. I again would expect the Traveler to follow its own code of conduct and from this point on will be only a reader as this is not what I want to contribute to. I will hold a copy of this article and remind myself everyday how an organization really feels when someone goes against their beliefs.

Apr 1st - 13:40pm | Anonymous

So, tell me Mark, do you consider the CAHA NPS Superintendent and Staff to be "Tight-Assed", as you quipped? Traveler's They are among those who objected, so you might wish to hold both your judgment and contempt until you have understood all the facts, although this statement kind of says it all:

Apr 1st - 13:36pm | Jeff Johnston

Perhaps an apology, at least, would be in order?

Apr 1st - 13:28pm | Laidlaw

Disappointing that you are caving to pressure from your audience. I didn't even get to read the story, but I frankly don't care how offensive it was- once you start basing your editorial decisions on "whos toes are we stepping on," it's a slippery slope. 

Boat At Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Quarantined For 30 Days For Mussel Infestation

Apr 2nd - 09:02am | Lee Dalton

But it's only a matter of time before someone less responsible or someone who was unaware that his boat had been infested, launches these critters into Lake Powell. What amazes me is that there are actually people who can conduct inspections careful enough to actually find microscopic evidence on a boat.

Reader Participation Day: What's On Your National Park Bucket List?

Apr 2nd - 07:52am | Nat Parker

Before I die I'd love to visit Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area and experience the drive to world famous Cape Point for the surf fishing.

Apr 1st - 09:10am | Zack Frank

The plan is to photograph all 58 National Parks. I've shot 30 so far since 2007, ( so only 28 more to go...

Trickle of Documents Highlights National Park Service's Mistakes In Hubbell Trading Post Investigation

Apr 1st - 19:49pm | Anonymous

I would still like to know what the results of the Hubbell Management meeting which Mr. Malone attended... It would be interesting to hear about the recommendations made and corrective actions (if any) implimented..... Good to hear about the book.

Summer Special: Ten National Parks With Lodging For Under $100 Per Night, Tent Not Required

Apr 1st - 13:52pm | David Scott

The Inn, like the Ranch, offers different rates at different times of the year.  This is the case for many national park lodges that are open most or all of the year.  Although the Inn now closes for the summer season, it was open year-round for a number of years.

Apr 1st - 10:47am | y_p_w

Kurt Repanshek: YPW, at Death Valley, the reference in this story was to the lodges at Panamint Springs and Stovepipe Wells. And you're right, the inn isn't open during the off-season, so you definitely won't find a room for $100 a night there then.;-)   There was an earlier reference to the Furnace Creek Inn in the off-season.

Apr 1st - 00:09am | Kurt Repanshek

YPW, at Death Valley, the reference in this story was to the lodges at Panamint Springs and Stovepipe Wells. And you're right, the inn isn't open during the off-season, so you definitely won't find a room for $100 a night there then.;-)

Mar 31st - 23:33pm | y_p_w

I would note that there is no "off-season" at Furnace Creek Inn.  They completely shut down during the low-visitation season.  I think most people aren't keen on playing golf or taking a horse ride when it's 120 degrees outside.  Also - the Xanterra properties within Death Valley are apparently private inholdings where they're not subject to NPS approval of their rates.

Summer Special: Paddling in the National Parks

Apr 1st - 11:39am | Barb West

You missed one of the greatest paddling destinations in the NPS system -- Voyageurs National Park -- named for the intrepid cannoe men who were the backbone of the North American fur trade. In addition to 4 large lakes that are great for sea kayaks as well, there are a number of interior lakes where NPS has canoes for people to rent.

Yellowstone National Park's Wolf Population Down More than 25 Percent

Apr 1st - 10:20am | noah Reeder

the way it sounds is that manly they are killing each other it is not our problem i mean we cant interfere it's there way of life i can understand why you are botherd but it is not our prblem people wake up and smell the coffee

By The Numbers: Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apr 1st - 02:21am | Parag

Visiting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a vacation all in its self.

Summer Special: Choosing A National Park River To Float

Mar 31st - 23:48pm | Peter Grubb

Great article Kurt.  In addition there are rivers in our National Recreation Areas such as the Snake River in Hells Canyon NRA.  So many choices for people.  We are blessed to live in a country that values wild rivers and has so many that are healthy and available for recreation.

Mar 31st - 12:46pm | Kurt Repanshek

Ahhh, Ranger Bill, we didn't forget to mention it. Come back tomorrow to read the post on paddling opportunities in the park system. Today's story was simply aimed at providing folks with some of the things they need to consider when contemplating a national park paddle.

Mar 31st - 11:42am | Ranger Bill

How can you forget to mention the Current River in Ozark National Scenic Riverways? Ozark NSR is the very first national park specifically to protect a rivr system. Without it there would be no other national rivers.

U.S. Senator, Colorado Governor Lobby National Park Service To Allow Bike Race Through Colorado National Monument

Mar 31st - 23:41pm | y_p_w

Well - apparently this particular bike race stage isn't one where the impacts are only for the time that the riders are going through. They'll need to prepare the course and want to make sure that it's clear for the riders.

Mar 31st - 23:02pm | imtnbke

@Marjorie: I've seen energy food packets on trails after professional mountain bike races, so I know what you're talking about. This, however, is a road race. It would be only on paved roads.

Mar 31st - 13:03pm | WWW

Film shoots don't allow closure to the public for generally more than 15 minutes at a time.  There could certainly be exceptions to that but then that park is probably not doing a good job at permitting.  Helicopters are seldom used and again, if approved, only for very short periods of time.  Unfortunately the NPS does not control the airspace above the parks and so unless a helicopter is basi

Summer Special: Breathtaking, Bighorns, and Blossoms: Hiking Yellowstone’s Mount Washburn

Mar 31st - 21:47pm | Yellowstone Ed

My wife and I have hiked up Washburn from June to September 14 times  and have seen 20' snowdrifts, thousands of ladybugs emerging from hibernation in late June, a Rufous hummingbird feeding on thistle near the summit in August and a snow squall the same day. We were almost run over by two adolescent rams while picnicking on the spur trail.

Mar 31st - 14:09pm | Jenny

I'm jealous that you can see Electric Peak from your kitchen window...climbed that peak in the summer of 2005 and it is one of the best hikes I've ever done.

Traveler Welcomes Eastern National and O.A.R.S.

Mar 31st - 16:40pm | Danny Bernstein

Welcome Eastern National! It's great that they're supporting National Parks Traveler. I bought my two granddaughters National Parks passports. I won't leave them land or jewels but I hope to leave them the love of National Parks. WHo knows how many they'll have before they're old enough to visit the parks by themselves?

Updated: Big Bend National Park Proposing To Cut Mountain Bike Trail, PEER, NPS Retirees Raise Objections

Mar 31st - 13:36pm | Ron Saunders

OK Guys Hopefully those that we are poking at are laughing, as they should be. But, in the event they are not, we don't want Kurt to feel we are Inappropriately using his forum for activity that may be cause for concern. We should be good stewards. Oops !  Dang that stuff is contagious. 

Mar 31st - 11:44am | imtnbke

I think Zebulon's comment was highly appropriate in the context of the stewardship considerations that resource management must conceptualize. Now we must engage key players to progressively take appropriate action steps in furtherance of appropriate objectives for a stakeholder-based transparent sustainability process. :-)

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