This year's Parks Canada Discovery Pass/Jennifer Bain
It just got slightly more expensive to visit Canadian national parks, marine conservation areas and historic sites.
On January 1, Parks Canada boosted fees by 4.2 per cent for the next two years. The price hike dates back to a January 1, 2020 move to adjust fees for inflation every two years based on the requirements of the 2017 Services Fees Act.
An annual Discovery Pass, which covers unlimited admissions to more than 80 destinations under its care, now costs $72.25 (all prices Canadian) for adults (aged 18 to 64), $61.75 for seniors (aged 65 and up) and $145.25 for a family/group (that's up to seven people in a vehicle). Youth age 17 and under are free. The pass is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and expires on the last day of the month that it was bought in.
Daily admission fees vary.
As well, Parks Canada will be raising some fees in January 2023 for things "that offer a high level of individual benefits to visitors, such as enhanced experiences, facility rentals and special event permits." This won't impact admission or front-country camping.
In 2019, Parks Canada conducted public and stakeholder consultations on fees and used the feedback when deciding on the fee changes. "These updates will help Parks Canada recover a greater portion of the costs of service delivery by reflecting changes to the cost of living since fees were last reviewed in 2008," the agency reports. "These changes will also bring some Parks Canada fees closer to those charged by nearby tourism providers, helping to avoid unfair competition with local businesses providing similar services and experiences. Examples include special guided tours, cross-country skiing, golfing, and access to hot pools."
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