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At Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Birds, Turtles, And Humans Have Created An Air of Controversy

Aug 8th - 09:48am | Anonymous

what a fantastic place! heard from some former camp hosts there, that this is a very tough place to camp host. perhaps the park is understaffed? too common in our economy, but they were demanding way too much work and way too many hours for unpaid volunteers.

Aug 8th - 09:41am | David WC

We vactioned in Rodanthe around 1996 and it is still our favorite vacation and we have been to the Rockies,Yellowstone the Smokies and up and down the Gulf Beach's but the barrier Islands offer far more things to do then any other place we have been to!

Body of One of Three Victims Swept Over Vernal Fall In Yosemite National Park Found

Aug 7th - 17:48pm | y_p_w

AnonymousRanger: In my career I had more than one visitor walk up to me to ask a question when I was in the middle of a traffic stop, or had my gun out on a felony stop.   I've never actually seen an LE ranger on any kind of traffic stop or arrest - other than at a tire chain check at Yosemite.

Aug 7th - 16:37pm | AnonymousRanger

That is an interesting idea, the crew would need to add several folks to the team to keep visitors from walking, climbing and or hiking in the middle of rigging. By closing the trail, the folks working on the recovery can work on just that activity and accomplish their work safely and swiftly.

Aug 7th - 09:43am | Lee Dalton

Why close the trail during recovery operations?  Why not let the public see and smell the things rangers must experience when people act foolishly?

Billy Malone And the National Park Service Investigaton At Hubbell Trading Post

Aug 7th - 17:33pm | Rick Smith

Andrea-- No, I don't think that Rob ever worked in Yosemite, at least that I can remember. His case did seem like a hose job from what litlle I knew of it. Rick

Aug 7th - 15:07pm | Andrea Lankford

Hi Rick,  Is Rob Danno part of Yosemite Mafia by chance? Because I don't think those guys are immune to getting crosswise with a politically motivated NPS investigation going horribly awry. To me the Danno fiasco is another "fine" example of NPS managers encouraging federal agents to investigate and prosecute a target (often a whistle-blower) who is eventually redeemed.

Aug 7th - 13:15pm | Rick Smith

Anon from August 6th--

Aug 6th - 17:30pm | Yet Another Ano...

Don't blame Berko for being a bit on the bitter side. You'd be bitter too if you spent your career trying to put bad people in jail, then see the NPS promote superintendents that grow pot in the park, superintendents that have porn on their computers, the list could go on for hours. All from an agency that gives lip service to high standards. 

Aug 6th - 16:32pm | Anonymous

Rick, now that more than a "few days" have passed since you drafted the above book review, what do you think are the "lessons learned" from this situation?

Proposed Backcountry Fee At Great Smoky Mountains National Park Would Be A First For Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers

Aug 7th - 13:33pm | Anonymous

I wouldn't mind paying - but having already thru-hiked this area, I can assure you that thru-hikers do not receive preferential treatment in the use of the shelters even with reservations.  If I paid - I would expect to be "guaranteed" a space and not be told to hike another 5 to 10 miles down the trail (often late in the day).

Several "Firsts" in the Civil War Occurred at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina

Aug 7th - 09:44am | Susan

My great grandfather was named Lacy Edwards from the Beaufort, NC area.  Can you please tell me the name of your relative, Lacy Edward's wife or children's name. Greatly appreciated. Susan

Hiker Injured by Grizzly Bear at Glacier National Park

Aug 7th - 08:37am | Choices

It would seem at least partly so to me also, Brad.  Last year the season's berry crop in much of the West was bad and I noted a lot of particularly Black Bear/people problems.  Or, it could be the economy :).

Aug 6th - 21:20pm | Brad G.

I wonder if the bears are running into people more this year out west due to the immense snow falls and late snow cover so that they are struggling looking for food sources? Glad the guy will be okay.

One Killed, Five Injured By Lightning Strike at Grand Canyon National Park

Aug 7th - 05:46am | Loisb

I was always told to find a lower elevation.  If the bus sign is metal and the highest object around lightning will seek it.  A ditch is good, lower ground is better.  This served me well at Newberry a few years ago.

National Park Road Trip 2011: Lodging At Mammoth Cave National Park

Aug 6th - 22:39pm | me an Bernie

Great fun to follow your adventure this summer. Now I must buy that updated book of your's. And, plan a trip with two Grandsons. BTW, the "cat is out of the bag"........"signing off" are you. Sounds familiar............. K9VXR  

Aug 5th - 18:25pm | PM

Really enjoyed following your travels.  Especially enjoyed your Lewis & Clark adventure last year.  Looking forward to reading about your next adventure...

What Do Bears And Wolves In Yellowstone National Park Do When No One's Watching?

Aug 6th - 17:41pm | Choices

Sorry Lisula, truth is stranger than fiction for some.  If you're referring to what I posted directly before your post.  Nature is nature (including us) no matter how we try to believe we're "above it all."

Aug 6th - 13:13pm | Choices

Those that have spent most of their lives in and a part of nature instead of English Lit/Grammar/Environmental Agenda Based Liberal learning institutions would know that the facts/observations posted by Choices are true and correct realities, all be it inconvenient and disconcerting to the new age environmentalism/industry (apparently).

Aug 5th - 12:31pm | Liisa Nisula

Jon: How eloquently said! Naysayers and the"glibly" negative would do well to restrict their erroneous observations and opine on subjects they are well versed in, namely man, and leave nature alone.

Aug 4th - 13:19pm | Choices

Interesting to watch also how after summer cattle use was eliminated at Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge, the survival rate of new born Antelope crashed to less than 1%.  I frequently watched coyotes teaming up to draw the doe away while it's partner moved in and killed the new born.  The mother cows did quite well at defending their own and Antelope newborns running off predators.

Aug 4th - 12:45pm | Anonymous

Mr. Negative also forget to mention that Bears also follow wolves for feeding reasons.  It is not uncommon to see a grizz hanging back while the wovles do the hunting and killing only to move in and steal the wolves food.  We saw this several times in 08 by slough creek.  Once on the slope to the right (as your facing) of the den and then again to the lower left.  I miss Yellowstone!!!

Aug 4th - 08:42am | Anonymous

Matt for president.

Updated: Yosemite National Park Rangers Investigating Reports Of Visitors Swept Over Vernal Fall

Aug 6th - 17:02pm | Rick B.

One of the bodies has been found.

Flamingo Lodge is No More

Aug 5th - 14:39pm | Steven Cornett

To everyone that has a great memmory of a day or two spent at the last frontier of the florida EveryGlads (FLAMINGO LODGE & MARINA) as i do. working there in 2004. I had the best time of my life, making new friends and seeing old ones from another resort. sitting down on the back docks watching the birds, If i could i would rebuild it.

Lawsuit Seeks Full Environmental Review Of "Fracking" Near Delaware Water Gap NRA, Upper Delaware National Scenic and Recreational River

Aug 5th - 11:06am | Lawrence J. Caldwell

No fracking way do I want this here or anywhere else for that matter.

Aug 5th - 08:55am | Lee Dalton

Good.  More challenges to this practice are needed.  The closer examination provided by investigations into fracking as a result will help provide answers to the question of how harmful fracking is (or is not) and perhaps lead to solutions that will allow us to extract gas without environmental damage.

Road Work Will Lead To Delays at Capitol Reef National Park in the Coming Months

Aug 5th - 10:43am | RangerLady

Just as an update on this, the road construction is still continuing and is really behind schedule. On Aug. 10th the Visitor Center will be closed so that parking lot can be paved. Rangers will be at the picnic area 1 mile further on the scenic drive to answer questions.

Possible Wolf Spotted in Rocky Mountain National Park

Aug 5th - 09:30am | Aaron Lund

Hey Alan, Could you give a more detailed description of your location, maybe using landmarks on the Trails Illustrated map of Rocky Mountain National Parkor on the correct USGS quad.  I'm interested in figuring out exactly where the sighting was. Thanks.

Efforts To Designate Nearly Half of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore As Official Wilderness Introduced in Congress

Aug 5th - 09:18am | JRG

Nothing is being closed. Do some research on what wilderness designation really means!

Aug 5th - 09:16am | JRG

Nothing is being shut down. Wilderness designation is the highest level of conservation/protection for federal land, banning logging/mining, motorized activity, road building ect...all of which have been already excluded at sleeping Bear Dunes.

Recalling the Wonderland Hotel in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Demolition by Neglect?

Aug 4th - 20:05pm | Kate

I worked there in the late '80's and it will remain a part of me forever.  It hurt my heart to see it falling down when last I was there. We are losing the special and unique to the generic.  

California Woman Dies In Fall From Half Dome Cables In Yosemite National Park

Aug 4th - 16:53pm | y_p_w

The time I went up, I never really thought of using a harness. However - that was back when no permit was needed for any day, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I went up on a less busy Thursday, and there was so little traffic going up that most of the time I could grab onto both cables on the way up.

Aug 4th - 16:22pm | Zebulon

Wilderness is not without danger.  We all need to take responsibility for our actions.  Reminds me of a trip when I was a kid years ago in the mountains in Europe.  There was a set of steps to climb to the top of the mountain from the pass where we parked.  The climb probably was 300-500' or so, and the steps were high (especially as a kid) and uneven.

Aug 4th - 12:15pm | Mike Painter

The cables have been up since forever, and I don't remember their safety being a big issue in the past (though someone has commented somewhere that the replacement cables from some years ago are thinner and harder to grasp). I think the issue is that many folks climbing up are unprepared in many ways, either endurance or strength or shoes.

Aug 4th - 11:27am | R Stefancik


Aug 4th - 08:45am | Anonymous

Looking at pictures of half dome cables, a harness and lifeline should be required at all times, not just an option. Lifelines are required by workers climbing bridges, like the golden gate bridge.

Grizzly Bear That Charged Man in Yellowstone National Put Down By Rangers

Aug 4th - 15:49pm | y_p_w

It's only been in the last hundred years or so where the grizzly range was reduced to only tiny pockets outside of Canada and Alaska. It was probably more out of fear than anything else. It's my understanding that there were still grizzly bears in San Francisco as late as the early 1900s.  It was humans killing grizzlies that led to the situation we're in now.

Aug 4th - 12:25pm | justinh

Anon wrote, "Humans and grizzlies have been occupying the same habitat for thousands of years." You must be joking, Anon.  Grizzlies have lost 98% of their range in America.

The National Park to Park Highway

Aug 4th - 15:14pm | Angela Seebohm

My husband and I just watched the documentary. Having lived out there in Colorado and only visiting the Rocky Mountain Nt'l park, we would love to take the road trip and explore the whole loop. We feel it would be an awesome adventure. Anyone wanna set up an organized caravan?????

Aug 4th - 15:07pm | Angela Seebohm

My husband and I have just watched the PBS documentary and would love to drive this route. We feel it would an awesome experience.

New Solar Project at Yosemite National Park is Largest Of Its Kind in the NPS

Aug 4th - 14:34pm | RoadRanger

This project is a great illustration of the potential of such systems but I would not portray it as "saving" dollars. Subtracting the payback from the power company, taxpayers are left with $5.1 million in cost and an annual saving of $50,0000 off the grid. That means a cost recovery in 100 years based on solar panels that probably have, at best, a 25 year life span.

Jennifer Pharr Davis Sets Time Record For Thru-Hike On the Appalachian National Scenic Trail

Aug 4th - 14:01pm | t.trick

Jennifer Pharr Davis Sets Time Record For Thru-Hike On the Appalachian National Scenic Trail

Friends of Cape Cod National Seashore Needs Your Help To Refurbish Old Harbor Life-Saving Station

Aug 4th - 13:39pm | Paul - MP Interiors

Cheers to this effort! I'm all for preserving great structures and historical landmarks. Not only are these aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but they can also be such awesome legacies to our kids.

Musings From Cape Lookout National Seashore

Aug 4th - 12:15pm | Kurt Repanshek

No, Mr. Deane, you're mistaken. I'm not in favor of shutting down Hatteras Island. I was just pointing out the differences between the two seashores. Indeed, those who live within driving distance of Capes Hatteras and Lookout are extremely fortunate to have two very different seashore experiences to enjoy.

Aug 4th - 10:30am | Mr. Deane

Mr. Kurt Repanshek ,  So you're one of the folks trying to shut down Hatteras Island also. Talking about how well the NPS is "managing" their land and the practices of how they "manage" their land is exactly what is driving people away from Hatteras. I was introduced to Hatteras in the mid 80s.

Interior, Wyoming Officials Reach Agreement On Hunting Wolves; Critics Say It Will Be Devastating

Aug 4th - 09:59am | Jan


Aug 4th - 09:54am | kat

murder is despicable management - shame on all of you who think killing wolves is a valid solution - how about eat less beef and lamb and let the wolves live.  I'm horrified at this!

Aug 4th - 09:46am | Mack P. Bray

For years I have pleaded with news publishers and others to do their research and report the truth about Wyoming's "management" of wolves.  I've relayed the facts below to news organizations and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as well as the Department of the Interior.

Aug 4th - 07:56am | Anonymous

People have such a misunderstanding of wolves. Why the need to shoot any wolf is mind boggling. How many wolves have killed a human? Let me help - NONE!!!!! What's the biggest animal draw in Yellowstone? Wolves!

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.