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Reader Participation Day: What If You Could Wave a Magic Wand?

Aug 10th - 23:17pm | Will

Make whitewater kayaking legal in all National Parks, mostly Yellowstone NP.

Aug 10th - 21:55pm | Choices

Actually, I'm not sure if there is a correlation between pay and performance particularly at the upper levels.  The power and elitism that comes (for many) as such a great temptation to those that aren't grounded enough to recognize when they are running amuck is pretty evident in the IMR's recent past.

Aug 10th - 20:42pm | Rick Smith


Aug 10th - 16:56pm | Anonymous

Well if this is an all powerful wand then I would simply wish to restore all natural areas in all parks to their pre-European settlement state.  No more invasive species issues and extinct species would be seen again. 

Aug 10th - 16:50pm | Anonymous

I agree with the magically restoring Hetch Hetchy comment.  I would also make every American visiting the parks fit enough to hike farther than from the parking lot to the overlook.  (On a recent visit to Bryce Canyon, it seemed as though the only people hiking below the rim were Germans and French). 

Aug 10th - 16:23pm | Dreamer

1)  Clean up the leadership and management mess; which is the NPS 2) Teach NPS values, mission and service – restart the Ranger Skills training program – if you teach your largest and most visible job series agency values, they will act accordingly and the agency will get back on track

Aug 10th - 15:57pm | Choices

I agree with the increase of Ranger salaries by tapping the SES pay and benefits which are on par with the Congress benefit package (look what that's got us).  The Rangers are the real face of NPS.  Let the SES pay homage as something that would help mitigate the character mistakes that have besmirched the image of those that deal one on one with the citizens.  

Aug 10th - 15:30pm | justinh

Reintroduction of extirpated species, more designated wilderness, a Maine Woods National Park . . . --and higher ranger salaries.

Aug 10th - 15:06pm | Cliff Leverette

I would use it to make sure the parks are open to ALL Americans not just those who want to see wilderness take over everything. 

Aug 10th - 14:23pm | Anonymous

That's true, y p w, ar North Rim.  They have over $250+ Million in equity in South Rim Facilities that has to be mitigated for the threat of a new concessionaire challenging the status quo.  Not apparent that Xanterra could/would transform it's operational model in the Park without direction from above.  Of course their degree of ability to profit could be reduced administratively.

Aug 10th - 14:11pm | y_p_w

Xanterra did lose out on the Grand Canyon North Rim operations.

Aug 10th - 14:02pm | Brad

I like this idea, Owen!

Aug 10th - 13:28pm | Anonymous

Eliminate the "lock" Xanterra has on the Grand Canyon.  Maybe then can there be progress inside the corporation, benefiting everyone.

Aug 10th - 13:15pm | Owen Hoffman

I'd remove the private car from Yosemite Valley and the Cades Cove Loop in the Smokies.  

Aug 10th - 12:09pm | y_p_w

Restore Hetch Hetchy Valley and get rid of that bathtub ring. Of course this would be something complex, including magically creating agreements for water rights for the City and County of San Francisco at Lake Don Pedro. But the magic wand would be all powerful, right?

Aug 10th - 12:00pm | R. E.

A broader brush :) but may the wand touch and transform our leaders (inside and out of NPS) AND citizens, rely on true wisdom in their decisions.  That should cover it, I believe.  Lot at stake.

Aug 10th - 11:10am | rdm24

I'd support a lot of the proposed projects here in California, like the San Gabriel Mountains National Recreation Area, the Sand to Snow National Park, etc. There's a lot of land left to protect out here, and the pressures are just increasing rapidly.

Aug 10th - 09:44am | Chris Elbert

More national parks in my home state of Oregon: Mt. Hood/Columbia Gorge, Hells Canyon/Wallowa Mtns, Steens Mtn, and Owyhee Canyonlands would all be fine national parks.

Aug 10th - 09:06am | AnonymousD

My first thought is to do something for the rangers. I think "a big pot of money" is a cheat on the magic wand question, so I'm not doubling their salaries, as much as I'd like to.

Aug 10th - 05:58am | Bob Janiskee

Interesting choice, Lawrence, but wouldn't you want to first make the Pinelands a national park? The 1.16 million-acre Pinelands National Reserve (Pine Barrens) in southern New Jersey is an Affiliated Area, not a National Park System unit.

Aug 10th - 05:50am | Lawrence J. Caldwell

Buzby's Genreral Store in Chatsworth, NJ is for sale.  It is on the registry of nationally historic places - built in 1865.  It lies in the heart of the Pinelands National Reserve.  I would buy it and turn it into the first Visitor's Center in the Reserve.

Birding in the National Parks: Down The Park Road Towards Flamingo in Everglades National Park

Aug 10th - 21:16pm | Kirby Adams

Ranger Bill, where were you when I needed a guide to the secret spots down there? No one mentioned a mass grave to me!

Aug 10th - 19:05pm | Ranger Bill

Flamingo is as close to Paradise as you are going to get.

At Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Birds, Turtles, And Humans Have Created An Air of Controversy, Part II

Aug 10th - 20:21pm | Anonymous


Aug 10th - 19:36pm | Wind Change

Kurt, I don't know who was or was not paid in the Cape Hatteras situation.  Maybe those listed organizations will comment, in the interest of transparency.  They don't say much unless it's PR Specialist stuff.  Myself, I'm pretty tired of that, from anyone.  Must have to do with PC/agenda replacing truth.  They aren't alone in that regard but thankfully it's "unsustainable" at great cost.

Aug 10th - 17:26pm | Kurt Repanshek

Wind Change, Sorry, but the devil's advocate has to ask: Is there proof anywhere that 1) Defenders and Audubon billed the govt under EAJA and 2) they were paid and 3) ditto for OBPA? If it's good for the goose...

Aug 10th - 17:03pm | Wind Change

If these are truly admirable organizations why don't they do this as a service to the resource and quit banging the tax payers!  Yes, the endangered tax payers.  I feel a wind change. Maybe, something much stronger.  Think the taxpayers appreciate the selling of Treasuries increasing our debt (Downgrade to AA+) to pay scammers/career litigators?  Let me guess, Libs/Progressives?

Aug 10th - 16:28pm | Ron Saunders

Kurt ( Does anyone know ...) I do not know. I recall conversation that litigation was entered on two occassions by organizations other than SELC,etc. concerning issues at Cape hatteras. Do not know who or for what but, seems that one ruled in favor and one not. Don't know anymore.

Aug 10th - 16:02pm | Anonymous

I suppose that depends on your idea of merit. I'm no Lawyer, just a dumb fireman who loves to fish the beach at Cape Hatteras. But I have enough common sense to know that what the park service and environmental groups are doing is simply wrong.  

Aug 10th - 14:08pm | Kurt Repanshek

Just as a point of order:

Aug 10th - 13:10pm | Ron Saunders

It just keeps getting better and better the longer it goes on. Just like we're going broke so lets borrow some more money so we can spend some more, that will fix it. I understand it better after reading anon's comment. There are 'organizations' out there that need it and I'm not talking about The National Park System. It's entitlement throught the court system.

Aug 10th - 09:47am | Anonymous

[color=#000000]Kurt,  Defenders of Wildlife, represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center are well on their   way to destroying the greatest  National Park in the country at Cape Hatteras. Over the past six months I have made several unsuccessful attempts through the FOIA to find out how many American Tax dollars have been paid to DOW.

Aug 10th - 06:50am | Anonymous

Kudos to anyone who cleans up litter and double kudos to those that, “leave only footprints and take only memories.”

National Park Mystery Spot 27: On a Hill It Stands

Aug 10th - 14:43pm | Bob Janiskee

dleiaw has nailed it too. That makes seven so far.

Aug 10th - 13:54pm | Bob Janiskee

atwillw has figured it out. Good job.

Aug 10th - 11:49am | Bob Janiskee

Spelling issues aside, ed-123 (12:11 pm) has named the correct park. He seems to have named the mystery spot too, but there's room for doubt.

Aug 10th - 11:26am | RangerLady

I'm going to guess it's the White House because John Hay, who lived there as Lincoln's secretary, wrote a biography with John Nicolay on Lincoln. Don't ask me how the goats or rocks play into this guess. [Sorry, RangerLady; it's not the White House. Quizmeister]

Aug 10th - 09:07am | Bob Janiskee

Brad got the park right, but not the mystery spot itself. (Remember that the mystery spot is not a national park; it is a place/thing/structure/whatever in a national park.)

Aug 10th - 06:23am | Bob Janiskee

Eric has nailed this one too.

Aug 10th - 05:11am | Bob Janiskee

GeorgeS ID-ed the mystery spot at 5:37 a.m.  Anon 6:09 soon followed. I think that might be the all-time record for puzzle-unraveling speed.We'll embargo the answer, as usual, and give other readers a crack at it. (Aside to Susan: You submitted a blank comment. Want to try again?)

At Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Birds, Turtles, And Humans Have Created An Air of Controversy

Aug 10th - 14:08pm | Ron Saunders

SS1 My point: If I hit you with a baseball bat and kill you, Did the baseball bat kill you ? We are talking about the actions of people here. The instrument should not be the issue.

Aug 10th - 06:35am | SS1

Ron it wasn’t my intention to take you to task before. Even though I usually have a different opinion than you about ORV management at came Hatteras I’m miffed by your latest posts. You said, “Someone driving an ORV appears to have run over a turtle.”

Concessionaire Teams Up With National Park Foundation To Offer End-of-Summer Trips

Aug 10th - 12:25pm | Ray Valencia

Hi All,

Aug 9th - 19:29pm | Kurt Repanshek

You ask a tough question, Will. Your logic is sound, however. Here's rule No. 12:

Aug 9th - 19:24pm | Will

It would seem inapplicable to "Like" a national park on Facebook if one is not on Facebook. However, the instructions seem to assume membership. Since I do not have a Facebook account, am I unable to enter the contest?

Aug 9th - 18:57pm | Kurt Repanshek

Rule No. 3: 3. How to Enter. If applicable as part of entry, “Like” Shenandoah National Park Lodging on Facebook, and any additional partner(s). Fill out the required entry form, limit one entry per person and per e-mail address. Entrants must have a valid e-mail address.

Aug 9th - 18:56pm | RangerLady

Never mind....I can't read!

Aug 9th - 18:55pm | Will

Is membership on Facebook required to enter the contest? The rules say an e-mail address is required, but seem to assume membership in Facebook without stating that it is required.

National Park Travelers Club To Meet in Washington, D.C.

Aug 9th - 23:29pm | Anonymous

If anyone is interested in attending next year's NPTC convention, please watch the preview video located here:

Body of One of Three Victims Swept Over Vernal Fall In Yosemite National Park Found

Aug 9th - 21:42pm | Anonymous

The NPS has a very effective sign at the Visitor's Center of the Grand Canyon North Rim.  There is a photo of a young woman with the caption "Can you run the Boston Marathon?"  The rest of the sign goes on to tell that this 24 year old woman who had run the marathon, 26 miles in a little over 3 hours (a very good time) had died in the canyon on the North Kaibab Trail.  She was confused as to ho

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

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So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.