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Canyonlands National Park

Adventuring With Kids

Youngsters are essential to the future of national parks, for they will be tomorrow’s advocates and possibly even stewards. But taking children who can barely ride a bike or aren’t old enough for their learner’s permit for driving into a national park can seem daunting. Hiking in Yellowstone’s backcountry with grizzly bears? Exploring the somewhat technical route to Angels Landing in Zion?

Photography In The National Parks: Don't Forget About Those Little Things

While the majority of us and our cameras visit a national park to capture The Big Picture, it's often the smaller things we should remember to photograph in order to flesh out our national park photographic story. Contributing photographer and writer Rebecca Latson explains why these little things are important contributors to The Big Picture and how you can capture great shots of those little things using one or more techniques she details in this month's article.

UPDATED | NPCA: Trump Administration Limiting Public Input On Oil And Gas Lease Management Issues

U.S. Bureau of Land Management officials have moved to lessen public input involving oil and gas development on public lands by rescinding Master Leasing Plans adopted under the Obama administration, a move that threatens the integrity and environment of national parks, according to the National Parks Conservation Association.

Within And Beyond National Park Boundaries, A Chat With Superintendent Kate Cannon

While visiting Arches and Canyonlands National Parks over New Year, contributing photographer and writer Rebecca Latson had a chance to sit down and talk to Kate Cannon, Superintendent of the Southeast Utah Group. During their conversation, they discussed such things as favorite park spots to agency cooperation regarding oil and gas leasing outside of park boundaries to the power of a personal visit to a national park.

National Parks Group Challenges Western Federal Oil And Gas Lease Sales

Oil and gas leases the U.S. Bureau of Land Management plans to auction in March could pose threats to such iconic places as Arches and Canyonlands national parks as well as Chaco Culture National Historical Park, according to the National Parks Conservation Association, which is protesting the sales.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.