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Climate Study Points To Much Warmer Summers, Less Snow, For Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

Sep 28th - 09:03am | ecbuck

No Rich - forecasting a 9.7 degree increase in temp during the century is a "prediction" not a "notice'.  And predictions to date have been horribly wrong.

Sep 28th - 00:19am | Rick B.

Not predicts, notices.  As do most who aren't flat earthers.

Sep 27th - 20:02pm | justinh

This is all pretty consistent with the NRC report released on May 12.

Sep 27th - 18:33pm | ecbuck

Shocker - an organization founded under the premise of global warming predicts global warming.  

Reader Participation Day: What National Parks In Other Countries Are On Your Agenda?

Sep 28th - 06:14am | Danny Bernstein

Ive been lucky enough to go to several Canadian parks but haven't yet been to Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada. It would also give me an excuse to go back to Glacier. And I'm hoping to go back to Britain in a couple of years and do another British trail.

Sep 28th - 06:14am | Danny Bernstein

Ive been lucky enough to go to several Canadian parks but haven't yet been to Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada. It would also give me an excuse to go back to Glacier. And I'm hoping to go back to Britain in a couple of years and do another British trail.

Color In The Desert

Sep 28th - 03:05am | Carol | Online ...

The photo composition is very simple but the beauty of the place was captured. The yellow color of the flowers made the hues and saturation of the shot so vivid and emotional.

NPCA Study Calls For Stronger Partnerships, Improved Visitor Resources At Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore

Sep 27th - 21:31pm | Anonymous

This is not true that the universities in the region are not involved with Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. As the research coordinator for the park, I have processed over 80 permits this year alone for researchers and collectors to evaluate the natural resources of the park.  I have interacted with all the major universities in the region plus many outside of Indiana.

Update: As Historic Fort Monroe Moves Rapidly Toward National Park Status, Questions Cloud the Push for Preservation

Sep 27th - 21:25pm | Robert Myers

The example described above about modern development encroaching and slowly encircling Bunker Hill and other similarly enveloped historic landmarks can NOT be understated.

Sep 26th - 12:07pm | Steven T. Corne...

I admire Calvin Pearson's civic contributions, but I respectfully ask him to reconsider his assertion that whether the national park involves 40 or 90 percent of the national historic landmark land, "we all must work together to make it happen." Consider that the greatest moment in American history that Professor Ayers cites, and that Mr.

Sep 26th - 09:25am | Skip Stiles

Given that this region of Virginia has the highest rate of sea level rise on the east coast (measured at 1.45 feet over the last century) and that Ft.

Sep 26th - 08:10am | Cyndi Burton

I live in the shadow of Monticello, so I was delighted to hear that Fort Monroe would be preserved as a National Park.  I am, however, appalled to hear that portions of the historic site and its viewscape could be blighted by development.  Monticello was threatened by development on an adjacent mountainside, which was once owned by Thomas Jefferson.  The views from this mountain known as Montal

Sep 25th - 23:38pm | Calvin Pearson


Sep 24th - 16:00pm | S. Canepa

.In wading through the long and detailed comments above, it became very clear the organizations being defended by Mr. Nieweg and Mr. Butler want only two small pieces of Historic Fort Monroe protected as a new National Monument and unit of the National Park system.

Dinosaur National Monument Celebrates a Pair of Long-Awaited "Grand Openings"

Sep 27th - 19:52pm | Anonymous

Aside from the fossils, Dinosaur is a place of incredible diversity.  A place very well worth visiting.

Sep 27th - 16:30pm | George

Dinosaur also figures prominently in the history of the conservation movement.  It was slated to be the site of Echo Park Dam, which would have inundated the canyons of the Green and Yampa Rivers within the monument.  The dam was defeated by Congress in 1956 after a campaign by conservation groups.  Historian Mark W. T.

National Park Service Implementing "Flight Following" Technology in Alaska, Perhaps Nation-wide

Sep 27th - 14:57pm | George Durkee

While it's true that flight following signal device would not likely have prevented this accident, there's no question it would have greatly reduced the search area and perhaps led to finding the aircraft and remains. Such devices (e.g. GeoPro or Nano) are fairly inexpensive.

Walking the Cotswold Way in England on Private Land

Sep 27th - 11:25am | Stephen B

Thank you for sharing this. I have traveled the length and breadth of Europe, North America, part of Central America, and Hawaii, and the Cotswolds is my favorite place of all. Even though it can be busy and touristy at times, it is a wonderful place to visit. Its enchanting landscapes and villages are best viewed close-up during an unhurried stay.

Sep 26th - 14:09pm | Danny Bernstein

Hi DStaniforth:   Thanks for your comment. I did read about the mass protest at Kinder Scout which was then labeled as a Communist activity. I'm so glad it resulted in opening up all this land. I hope and plan to do more British National Trails Danny

Sep 26th - 13:02pm | y_p_w

Scotland has their Access Code.

Sep 26th - 10:08am | Anonymous

Hi - glad you enjoyed the walk! (we enjoyed reading your account). Contours Walking Holidays

Sep 26th - 03:19am | DStaniforth

Glad you enjoyed your visit to my country! I've hiked many trails here in England and done the Appalachian Trail in the us (twice) and also visited 42 of your National Parks. I love your parks, and I love our own.

Sep 25th - 20:21pm | Danny

I was Danny's hiking companion on this trip -- that's a picture of me staring down a cow that blocked the trail. For me it was a repeat of the hike our son Neil and I did 26 years ago. England has changed significantly in those years. The food is much better -- you have more choices at breakfast and many of the pubs we ate in were actually fine restaurants.

New Section Of Historic Trail Approved Along Blue Ridge Parkway

Sep 27th - 11:11am | Danny Bernstein

I'm so glad that there's a new section of the OVVT. It is such an elusive trail, popping up everywhere region for a mile or two. Danny

Is The Time Right For A "Maine Woods National Park"?

Sep 27th - 09:01am | Anonymous

Anon wrote, "Roxanne Quimby does not have a 'right' to bring Federal control into the heart of Maine and her ownership of property there does not give her such a right. No one has that right. Quimby is trying to buy public policy by playing her land as a device to change the form of government" AND "destroys peoples rights" etc.  

Sep 27th - 00:37am | Anonymous

Baxter bought land for the state park to prevent the National Park Service from getting it.  Roxanne Quimby does not have a "right" to bring Federal control into the heart of Maine and her ownership of property there does not give her such a right.  No one has that right.  Quimby is trying to buy public policy by playing her land as a device to change the form of government.  That isn't a prope

Sep 26th - 22:42pm | y_p_w

Anonymous: That is the opposite of what this country is supposed to stand for in protecting the inalienable rights of the individual. Contrary to the condescending, obfuscating lingo, there are no "counterweighing powerful arguments".

Sep 26th - 16:18pm | Anonymous

NPS_Survivor September 25, 2011 - 7:34pm: There is a clear anti-federal slant to "Anon's" postings, one that anyone who lived through the creation of Great Smoky Mountains, Shenandoah, Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Delaware Water Gap, Acadia, Olympic, etc. would clearly understand and commiserate with.

Sep 26th - 15:27pm | Anonymous

"This is her land."  Her land not her government.  Not yours either.

Sep 26th - 15:17pm | Anonymous

Michael Schill:  "If you had the money Ms Quimby has and bought a bunch of land with it, that land would be yours to do with as you wished. Sounds like that might be something involving gasoline engines or civilization -- it's a little hard to infer from your screeds."

Sep 26th - 14:29pm | Michael Schill

It's telling, Anonymous, that you submit your comments anonymously.

Sep 26th - 13:54pm | Anonymous

"The likes of Plum Creek should have awoken all of us to realize what an out of state corporation can do to our Maine woods. What acreage they don't clear cut they'll develop if they can."

Sep 26th - 13:44pm | Anonymous

"I personally thank the author for pointing out the difference between Ms. Quimby's proposal and that of RESTORE. They are two very different proposals. Ms. Quimby owns the land she is offering up as national park acreage. RESTORE owns not an acre but proposes a 3.2 million acre park with nothing to put up for ante."

Sep 26th - 12:50pm | Anonymous

"The fear that people might end up doing a little more walking is not one of these legitimate criticisms."  Quimby and Restore's misanthropic ideology and demands to remove private property rights and industry for massive government-imposed wilderness "eco-system restoration" over millions of acres does not mean people only "might do a little walking".

Sep 25th - 21:29pm | Anonymous

I personally thank the author for pointing out the difference between Ms. Quimby's proposal and that of RESTORE.  They are two very different proposals.  Ms. Quimby owns the land she is offering up as national park acreage.  RESTORE owns not an acre but proposes a 3.2 million acre park with nothing to put up for ante. 

Sep 25th - 20:34pm | NPS_Survivor

There is a clear anti-federal slant to "Anon's" postings, one that anyone who lived through the creation of Great Smoky Mountains, Shenandoah, Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Delaware Water Gap, Acadia, Olympic, etc. would clearly understand and commiserate with.  However, in most of those cases there was also a counterweighing powerful arguments that

National Park Road Trip 2011: Crater Lake Lodge

Sep 26th - 19:54pm | Anonymous

One follow-up example about the financial reality of Phil Anschutz, Denver Billionaire, as owner of Xanterra Parks and Resorts is the escalating prices to keep the shrinking American middle-class out of America's national parks is the 2011 price of a boat ride to Wizard Island now at $30 per person.

New Webcams At Olympic National Park Allow Views of Largest Dam Removal Project in U. S. History

Sep 26th - 15:18pm | Ed Book

It should be noted in the article that the webcam only works using a Microsoft plugin, one that not many who view webcams don't use and one who many wouldn't want on their computer due to the inability of Microsoft to keep virus-free.  To have to wade through pages to find links and then find that what they were looking for won't display is not a good way to keep viewers.   Peace

Sep 26th - 08:22am | Jim Burnett

I added a sentence at the end of the story clarifying the webcam access. There's a link at the top of the webcam slideshow page that opens a larger view, which seems to be snapshots rather than live streaming.

Sep 26th - 07:24am | Dottie

Where is the webcam page?  All I can find is webcam slideshows.

Bluffs Lodge Along The Blue Ridge Parkway Shuttered For 2011

Sep 26th - 13:30pm | Margaret Smith

This news is heartbreaking.  We used to go to Bluffs Lodge a couple of times each summer when our chidren were young and went to camp in the area.  I remember birthdays celebrated in the lodge, watching the wildlife, family hikes, etc.  In more recent years, we have gone back in the fall to see the foliage.  The food in the restaurant was to die for.

Talking to Kevin FitzGerald, Deputy Superintendent at Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Sep 26th - 09:56am | Anonymous

He's probly thinking, I LOVE AMERICA

Against All Odds: Rangers Find Injured Man Crawling Across the Desert at Canyonlands National Park

Sep 25th - 15:08pm | Anonymous

Does anyone know of a website or forum where would-be solo hikers can state what they want to do and see if they can find potential fellow hikers.  Often people have travelled a long way and have a set amount of time available, so they need to find someone willing to go with them well in advance, rather than stand around hoping at a trailhead

Grand Canyon National Park Rangers Scaling Back Search For Two Missing in Colorado River

Sep 25th - 13:30pm | holly

Saif, I miss you so much. I will never forget what happened that day at the Grand Canyon. I wish I didn't have to see you go =(... There are some mean comments posted here---Geez if you have nothing encouraging to write, then back off and don't be so rude. It was definitely not death by stupid.  

Lake Mead National Recreation Area Hosts 150,000 Weekenders and a Hells Angels Poker Run

Sep 25th - 09:26am | Anonymous

In referring to the Hell's Angels, I guess by "honest", Dylan meant "trafficking drugs" so it should read "To live outside the law you must be trafficking drugs."  But as long as they don't bother you and your family that's all that matters.

Canadian Charged With Spray Painting Names Over Famous Rock Outcrop In Grand Canyon National Park

Sep 25th - 08:43am | canyonfossil

I totally agree with all the comments about this clown, however I hike in the Grand Canyon several times a week, and I carry a squirt bottle of water and a stiff brush to clean off the rocks EVERY time I go hiking.  Fortunately it is not spray paint, but too many people deem it necessary to write names, hearts, or even obscenities on the Canyon walls.  Some of the panels are so complex or so nu

What Should Gettysburg National Military Park Do With Its Empty Cyclorama Building?

Sep 24th - 22:44pm | Michael Lepine

The building is too far gone to restore. HVAC system would have to be completely replaced a great expense. It should be torn down and recycled as far as possible. Restore the site to battlefield condition.

The Waterworks of Yellowstone

Sep 24th - 20:47pm | Lee Dalton

Well, son of a gun!  I just need to be smarter than the mouse.

The National Park Service's Resource Stewardship Scout Ranger Programs

Sep 24th - 14:07pm | Bruce

I get on here to moan and groan a lot (albeit usually in support of the NPS and its mission), so I feel the need to make a positive comment for a change.  What a great thing the Scout Ranger Program is, being an amalgam of the ideals of (Boy and Girl) Scouting and (National Park) Rangering.

Archaeologists Find Curious Prehistoric Artifacts At Noatak National Preserve

Sep 24th - 12:34pm | aaksaik

looks simialar to message stones found in cape krusenstern

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.