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Reader Participation Day: What Was Your Most Surprising Encounter On a National Park Trail?

Jan 25th - 16:36pm | Ken

Took my grandson to Yellowstone for his first National Park Trip. Hoping to show him the high lites and get lucky with seeing some animals. I told him we had the whole week to find all the animals and we would have to patient. The first night in Hayden Valley we found a large black bear that soon ran away because a large Grizzly came out.

Jan 25th - 14:40pm | paulscuba

OK not quite a trail but since we kayak we view it as one in the same.  Off San Juan Islands NHP, we were just out for the day, saw a bunch of tourist boats way off in the distance so figured they had something they were looking at.  We just put up the paddles to see what would come our way and to be safe.  A minute later the whole pod of Orcas was right in front of us, they dove under us and c

Jan 25th - 14:36pm | Bob Pahre

A wolf about 15 yards away on Lunch Tree Hill in the Tetons, about a half mile north of the plaque. Unfortunately it got tired of us while I fumbled for the camera.

Jan 25th - 14:16pm | Dick G.

Last Aug my wife and I were patting ourselves on the back because we thought we had seen almost all the critters in Yellowstone in one day. That included finally seeing a wolf at Soda Butte after 3 trips in 2 years.We also saw 5 grizz that day. It was late evening and we saw a beaver on the side of the road-- thought well that about everything.We were laughing about what a great day!

Jan 25th - 13:45pm | RangerLady

It wasn't exactly on a trail, but when I lived  and worked on the Blue Ridge Parkway, employee housing wasn't far off of a trail. I came out one day to find a man urinating on the corner of my house. I'm not sure if he just didn't want to use a tree or if he was trying to make a statement about his feelings towards the NPS.

Jan 25th - 13:43pm | Chasman

During a Colorado River raft trip through Grand Canyon, we were gearing up for a hike into Stone Canyon when a huge roar sounded. My first thought was a plane had crashed but then somebody yelled "rock fall" and I saw where a cliff face was collapsing sending tons of rock down onto the trail and large dust clouds into the air.

Jan 25th - 13:31pm | Jay Foster

In the summer of 2000, like so many other visitors to Yellowstone, we had searched and looked for days to catch a glimpse of any of the elusive wolves in the park.  On our last day in the park we were hiking up Mount Washburn.  We had stopped for a rest.

Jan 25th - 13:24pm | Ramon Holguin

While hiking the Mariscal Rim Trail in Big Bend NP. About 3 miles into the hike i meet up with 2 guys who had blooded arms and legs and white thirsty mouths. I offered them some water to quench there thirst. They began telling me how they went up for a easy day hike the day before. But that they gotten off trail and could not find there way back.

Jan 25th - 13:07pm | Rick B.

An encounter similar to one above was memorable for us. It was USFS property rather than NPS, though, on a trail probably some 12 to 14,000 foot up in Colorado just a few years ago.

Jan 25th - 12:37pm | Kids Stuff

Anon:  Perfect timing is my favorite!!  Don't believe in coincidences:).

Jan 25th - 11:21am | Anonymous

Yellowstone National Park, upper geyser basin.   One of the geysers that seldom erupts suddenly burst forth.  My family and I sat and watched it for awhile when I saw another family come up the boardwalk.  The man put his hand in the steam and I laughed at how silly people were to check if the steam was really hot.  I looked again.  It was my cousin's husband!  My cousin and her kids were close

Jan 25th - 11:08am | ILoveRoadTrips

We were at Naural Bridges National Monument on the trail down to the bottom of one of the canyons. They were repaving the parking lots and the No Dogs signs had been taken down so we had our dog with us. She didn't have much trouble getting down but we were struggling a bit with the ladders on the way up.

Jan 25th - 10:51am | Tracie Shroyer

Sadly, although I've seen many beautiful things on National Park trails, the most suprising had to be when my dog, who was not being allowed to mark his territory on a near-by sign, decided to lift his leg and mark ME!  I saw it was going to happen and couldn't move fast enough.  The people around me just stared with their mouths hanging open. Yep, that was strange alright!

Jan 25th - 10:09am | Canyon fossil

I was hiking with my in-laws on the South Kaibab trail and we came across a Grand Canyon Pink Rattlenake swallowing a wood rat almost a third its size.  I stood guard over for almost an hour it to keep anyone from killing it, scaring it, or stepping on it.  Whenever a hiker came by, I warned them to move to the far side of the trail.  Some of them said, "Neat!" and took pictures.  Some of them

Jan 25th - 10:05am | Devin

We've had several suprise encounters: A huge bull elk on the trail about 12' in front of us in Yellowstone, mountain goats walking past in Glacier National Park, a mama black bear and her two cubs on Mt.

Jan 25th - 09:59am | Grinder

I was hiking down the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon in August one year, not too far past the 1.5 mile house, when I heard a rustling on the ledge just above me.  A small shower of rocks and dirt came down not more than 10 feet from where I stood.  Soon after, a big horn sheep, and I do mean big, landed on the trail just in front of me.  I stood there in complete awe, as he looked me up

Jan 25th - 09:05am | Anonymous

While hiking near Indian Pond at Yellowstone National Park, we were following two teenage girls, when a coyote jumped onto the trail between us. The girls were laughing and making noise and didn't realize they were being followed so closely by the coyote. We called to them and pointed at the coyote so they could step aside and let it pass.

Jan 25th - 08:23am | OutInTheStiks

Last year, one cold December day I hiked the Laurel Falls Trail in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  The trail is paved to the falls and is a very busy trail no matter the weather.  The trail continues beyond the falls through an old growth forest to a former fire tower at the top and other trail intersections.

Jan 25th - 08:11am | Kirby Adams

Mine continues to be a Canadian tale. Several miles deep on a relatively unused trail in far away Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, I ran into a guy that worked with Professor Bob Janiskee.

Jan 25th - 08:10am | Anonymous

I was hiking in Glacier National Park near the Logans Pass visitors center.  I was on a narrow section of a trail(narrow enough where you would have to turn sideways to let another pass), and saw off in the distance two mountain goats (a mom and kid) approaching the beginning of the narrow section.  I safely, be it quickly, noved off that section.  Both goat slowly approached, and eventually pa

Jan 25th - 07:45am | Lee Dalton

Last summer I had driven most of the day on a remote gravel road in Dinosaur National Monument.  The only other traffic I'd seen all day had been a truck and bus carrying river rafters to the beginning of their Green River trip.

Jan 25th - 07:28am | Smoky Zeidel

So many! But my favorite: We were hiking on the Abrams Falls Trail in Great Smoky Mountain National Park and came across a life-or-death battle between a frog and a water snake. The snake had a precarious grasp on the frog's hind leg, but the frog was fighting for his life for all he was worth.

The Queens Garden

Jan 25th - 13:38pm | D.Wlls

Do you think maybe, the name should be changed from photo of the week to something else? Two months since it's been changed.  

Jan 24th - 20:18pm | Carey

What a fantastic image. Great composition! 

Did Gusty Winds Cause a Fatal Climbing Accident at Grand Teton National Park?

Jan 25th - 13:12pm | Wade

The reason not to free solo is because it's an incredibly selfish endeavor.  There are other people in the world who depend upon you, or at least love you.  Engaging in such an unforgiving pursuit ignores the consequences to others.

America's Summit On National Parks Opens With Advice From Past Park Service Directors

Jan 25th - 11:30am | k d g

I agree with Kids Stuff about the inconsistency of the goal and what happens on the ground.  At a NPS part unit just outside Wash DC, a ranger actually chastised a child for picking up Fall leaves from the ground for a school project, telling her that it was illegal to remove anything from a NPS unit.  This type of attitude is not going to be bringing kids to our parks. 

Jan 25th - 10:47am | Kids Stuff

This happens frequently I've seen where they put goals out like getting more children involved with Parks while other efforts are diminishing the very same opportunities.  

Jan 25th - 08:41am | Danny Bernstein

There seems to be a constant emphasis on getting more children engaged inthe parks. Well, children can't go to National Parks alone. They need adults. And children are very willing to get enthused if their parents, teachers and significant adults are enthused. Sp are parents eager to get out there, get  out of the car and get sweaty? Danny Bernstein

For Safety's Sake, Yosemite National Park Proposes Decrease In Half Dome Permits

Jan 25th - 10:15am | Anonymous

It appears YOSE is moving toward a management plan modeled on Mt Whitney. Limit access through a permit scheme and issue wag bags for waste management. I'm not sure limiting access to 300 persons per day, in the long term, will satisfy demand. IMO, any management plan should include a third cable to increase public safety.

Consider A Foot Path From Canada To Texas Through The Great Plains

Jan 24th - 23:21pm | Beverly

Fantastic idea!  While I'm a big fan of the Rocky Mountain Trail, this would be super for those who don't want to trek along at altitude. The Great Plains need preservation (and appreciation). I will be following this closely.

Jan 24th - 11:46am | Katy @ American...

Congrats to Steve for all of his progress on making this a reality!  The temperate grassland ecosystem is one of the least protected habitats on the planet - and getting the public out to see what a beautiful, diverse place it is will be an essential part of its conservation.

Jan 24th - 08:08am | Lee Dalton

Yes!  Let's do it.

Jan 24th - 07:57am | Cooter

An amibitious vision to preserve a dissapearing national treasure.  It takes the passion of persons like Steve Meyers to push these critical long term goals of national and global significance.  Others are here to rally around and help you Teewinot.

Jan 23rd - 20:56pm | Barky

Wow, what a brilliant idea! The Great Plains are beautiful in their own way. I enjoy the vast vistas every time I'm somewhere in their midst.

Millions Of Dollars Heading To National Parks For Road, Multiple-Use Trail Improvements

Jan 24th - 21:46pm | Architectural T...

These efficient transportation systems are much needed, and the few millions mentioned here are a good start, but compared to the Trillions spent elsewhere (such as "defense") that dwarf these numbers no near-insignificant levels, it really isn't much. A bus or two here, a bike path there... Why can't the NPS get the full funding that it needs!?

Jan 24th - 19:47pm | NorCal

In response to the Cato study, see below concerning TNC. It's not the first time a non-profit was accused of questionable management of acquired lands:

Jan 24th - 19:07pm | Jason Kennedy

This is all great and very appreciated. Although I am really disappointed that the Blue Ridge Parkway isn't on this list of recipients. After all it is considered the most visited national park.

Jan 24th - 15:16pm | Anonymous

Maybe wonderful news for some parks - but misplaced priorities for government money (as is so often the case).  These will fund transportation to park facilities that are not open or maintained due to budget cuts and/or to parks that don't have enough money to hire the seasonal employees needed to provide necessary programs and services.  These millions could be much better spent if NPS manager

Jan 24th - 14:42pm | Kurt Repanshek

It was a typo, it was a typo!;-)

Jan 24th - 14:35pm | anonymous

You can almost name, as you look down this list of transportation funding awards, each of the clever superintendents and park managers who understand the value of jumping on alternative funding sources when they are available.  These managers understand, for the planning projects, what a huge advantage it is to complete a plan laying out the purpose, scope and cost of a project.  This is a huge

Access to Yosemite National Park Made A Bit Harder By Rockfall Along Big Oak Flat Road

Jan 24th - 21:35pm | Steve Nelson

That rock slide looks nasty.  It's a good thing no one was driving by at the time.

National Park Quiz 72: Forts

Jan 24th - 15:30pm | Anonymous

Great little quiz.

Grizzly Bear Shot and Killed By Hikers In Denali National Park and Preserve

Jan 24th - 15:09pm | Tim

The poor grizzly bear.. wrong. Human beings are people and the bear is an animal. If a witness says the man shot the bear needlessly, then fine, bust his butt for it. Otherwise, if he's not a known criminal, I would take his (and the lady's) word for it. It's smart to go armed into the wilderness.

On The Eve Of America's Summit On National Parks, Some Questions To Mull

Jan 24th - 13:22pm | Kathy Dimont

Start by recognizing that Ed Abbey was a drunk who hated the National Park Service and all rules and regulations. While his prose is inspiring, he didn't care for wilderness in any way himself, feeling that he was above all that and should be left alone to do as he pleased.

What Will Evolve From America's Summit on National Parks?

Jan 24th - 10:59am | Anonymous

It does seem like an opportunity.  Someone thinking outside the box could be helpful to the Parks.  The gaming industry marketing seems to be at polar opposites to some of the most "interactive" rewards that these parks contribute to.  The actual lack of being constantly connected/bombarded does great things for visitors even with the initial separation complex.

Jan 24th - 10:09am | Lee Dalton

Here is a link to a PDF from the Wilderness Society.  I received it this morning from Bill Wade, chair of the Coalition of Retired NPS Employees.  I don't know if this will be a subject of discussion at this conference, but perhaps it should be.

Jan 24th - 09:21am | Kurt Repanshek

Many, if not all, of the friends groups from across the country have been invited, Danny. Eastern National will be represented, and Carolyn Ward, the CEO of the Blue Ridge Parkway, will be a panelist addressing health and wellness in the parks, and Mike Tollefson, former superintendent of Yosemite and now CEO of the Yosemite Conservancy will be on another panel.

Jan 24th - 09:11am | Danny Bernstein

What a great forum! I wish I had been invited. Are any of the Parks Partners there? Eastern National, Friends groups?

Haunted House at Antietam National Battlefield?

Jan 24th - 09:25am | Anonymous

when i went there a couple months ago, i was standing on burnside bridge and all of a sudden i started smelling tobacco and gunpowder.

Storm Downs Tree That Kills Concessions Worker At Yosemite National Park

Jan 24th - 08:05am | Lee Dalton

And in 1969 (I think it was), several trees came down in the lodge cabins area, crushed three or four sturdy cabins and killed at least two visitors.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.