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Search Under Way For Missing Hiker In Katmai National Park and Preserve

Aug 2nd - 23:54pm | Ray Bane

The area described is extremely hazardous, particularly when the Lethe is high. The trail crosses the river well up the valley on a fairly flat stretch of ash. However, it rushes down into a nearby canyon and literally boils over numerous falls and rapids. The sides of the canyon are vertical rising directly out of the river.

Angler Cited For Keeping Bull Trout Caught in Olympic National Park

Aug 2nd - 23:37pm | R Stefancik

Given that it was a catch and release area, the angler has no excuse. But if it were not catch and release, many anglers have a hard time distinguishing brook trout from bull trout if they do not fish them very often. Personally, I don't keep Brookies if I'm fishing Bull Trout waters. The price of a mistake is too high for my wallet and the species.

Lodging in the Parks: Beware the St. Mary Lodge & Resort

Aug 2nd - 15:03pm | y_p_w

pkrnger: Thanks for posting this review Kurt. Although the NPS gives park concessioners a "report card" of sorts each year, this information is seldom made readily available to the public. What is sorely needed is a Consumer Reports review and rating of experiences and costs of park lodging and campgrounds inside and near our great parks.

Aug 2nd - 14:49pm | pkrnger

Thanks for posting this review Kurt. Although the NPS gives park concessioners a "report card" of sorts each year, this information is seldom made readily available to the public. What is sorely needed is a Consumer Reports review and rating of experiences and costs of park lodging and campgrounds inside and near our great parks. Such a review would have a noticeable effect, I'm sure.

Aug 2nd - 14:06pm | y_p_w

Kurt Repanshek: Actually, it's no longer owned by DNC. The current owner is Johnny Noe. I guess that would explain the layout of the website. I would suggest to them to clean up their website to at least note it's no longer a DNC property. And CAPTCHA says "sequential overeat". That's making me hungry.

Aug 2nd - 13:17pm | Kurt Repanshek

Actually, it's no longer owned by DNC. The current owner is Johnny Noe.

Aug 2nd - 13:06pm | y_p_w

R Stefancik: You would also do well to try to figure out who owns the lodge and write a letter of complaint similar to the one above, including how you were a loyal customer up until now.

Aug 2nd - 12:03pm | Anonymous

We recently had lunch in the St. Mary's Lodge restaurant. The place was nearly deserted. The food was ok but that MUSIC??? was awful! Indeed, why such loud music outside a National Parks area lodge?

Aug 2nd - 11:53am | R Stefancik

I can't say anything about the lodging, as I have no experience, but the food at their restaurant was very well prepared and a good buy for the price when we visited 1 and 2 years ago.

Aug 2nd - 11:06am | y_p_w


Aug 2nd - 10:41am | onebigtree

I'm a tent camper and very unconcerned about this, but it is often hard to imagine how any employees in these places enjoy their work. Except for the beautiful views outside their door, working in a National Park over the summer is one grind in which I want no part. If you got management that's greedy and unconcerned with customer service, how much the worse.

Aug 2nd - 10:01am | Anonymously-Yours

How in the world did a resort with greed as its business ideal get associated with a great st. Like Mary the Mother of God?

Aug 2nd - 09:52am | Anonymous

That is a darn shame!!! They should have refunded your fees and made sure those rooms were not available to the public. They are probably in violation of several laws and should do something about that mold. And blaring country music across the parking lot???? Are they trying to scare off bears or what. Well, we'll take that one off our list.

Aug 2nd - 08:31am | mbolyard

My husband and I had a similar experience at the "resort". The "only available room" sounds identical to yours but was in a basement, I believe. Very dark, damp, stuffy. We were told it was usually rented to through-hikers who didn't mind.

Aug 2nd - 07:21am | Anonymous

I totally agree you should have been refunded "all" your money for a very unsatisfactory stay...Places like this get many college kids who don't care about things like mold or dripping water (those who stay and/or work there) and money is the bottom line for the owner so it just keeps on happening...over booking is common and with unskilled labor it all amounts to a poor stay...what can be done

Secretary Salazar Hopes To Negotiate R.S. 2477 Solution With Utah Officials

Aug 2nd - 12:58pm | George

Secretary Salazar is wise to allocate the pilot project to a county that hasn't been using R.S. 2477 claims to bash national parks or wilderness proposals.

Traveling the Oregon National Historic Trail: Looking Back

Aug 2nd - 12:42pm | Keith

I'm in the process of planning an Oregon Trail trip myself. I'll be going from Oregon to Missouri though, eastbound. I'm definately using Franzwas books.

Thundering Water

Aug 2nd - 12:21pm | Anonymous

Cool, I have a large poster with a photo of this exact spot (taken from footbridge). More moss on rocks to right in my pic. Nice.

Wouldn't It Be Nice If the National Park Service Resumed the Distribution of Park Window Stickers?

Aug 2nd - 11:42am | Seann

I just recently went on a road trip with my family and we covered quite a few national parks in Oregon and California. It was almost impossible to even find a bumper sticker at most parks or even in the towns around the parks. In the 70's and 80's you could often find what the park service didn't provide in the way of decals/momentos at local gas stations and curios.

Loons Employed To Help Biologists Better Understand The Birds and Great Lakes Botulism

Aug 2nd - 10:33am | onebigtree

Voyageurs National Park should be included on this list for the Common Loon.

Grizzly Bear Shot and Killed By Hikers In Denali National Park and Preserve

Aug 2nd - 09:41am | Heywood

First of all its not the bears ours. Human life is sacred and should be protected at all costs. Granted the bears should not be harassed , but we have the right, as humans, to ensure our security.

National Park Road Trip 2010: The Nez Perce

Aug 2nd - 08:43am | Anonymous

It's hard to believe this route (US 12 in Idaho and Montana portions) is threatened...ExxonMobile is currently planning to obtain oversized permits for gigantic oil drums and equipment (some as long as 250 feet and up to 125 wide) that will stop all traffic as they travel from turnout to turnout...turning Scenic 12 into an industrial route and threatening the pristine Lochsa and Clearwater Rive

Young Woman Dies After Being Submerged in Firehole River in Yellowstone National Park

Aug 2nd - 08:20am | Jon

To Cheryl Gilbert, Well said!

Aug 1st - 19:22pm | Anonymous

To the doctor and team that worked so hard to save this young lady....I thank you and it humbles me to know there are good people in this world. You were all amazing. I was the one that handed u the towel so u could place under ur legs while doing CPR. I also agree with everything u said about the dangers and risks we take in life. God Bless u all....u were truly amazing that day!

Jul 31st - 23:26pm | Cheryl Gilbert

I was the doctor that happened to be at the scene. We drove up just as someone was calling for help. This was very tragic and very sad for all involved. Unfortunately, allowing personal freedom involves risk which is a part of life. Yellowstone is a wild and beautiful area but dangerous for the same reasons. The beauty can lead one to forget the danger.

Jul 31st - 19:47pm | Anonymous

According to the friends she was traveling with and the news story she was employed in big sky at the resort.

Jul 30th - 22:09pm | Anonymous

This was an employee of the park, as am I. I'm saddened to hear of this loss. There isn't a "fix" for this; we can't say people need to learn how to swim or that it needs to be banned in this area--the tragedy has already occurred and life is gone. All we can do is warn others to prevent future occurrences.

Three Canyoneers Survive Flash Flood in Zion National Park

Aug 1st - 23:11pm | Dave F.

Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers! I visited Jason and Joe over the weekend. Jason was walking with a walker and in very good spirits. Joe just got home yesterday from the hospital and was also walking when I saw him. It looks like we are all going to fully recover in time. What a miracle!

Aug 1st - 10:19am | Leslie

Dave- Your family in the DC area are extremely glad that you are ok. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to you and your friends- Jason and Joe. Thank you to all who assisted in this amazing rescue!! We are so glad your guardian angels were on duty that day!!

Jul 31st - 20:46pm | cousin Mandolin

I'm glad you are safe and sound. My thoughts are with your friends who seem to have had it a little bit rougher time. Thanks to everyone who helped.

Jul 31st - 11:47am | Cousin Joy

David, I am so glad to hear that you and the others are ok. What a beautiful way you spoke of all the others, you have always been so gracious. I have you and your friends, as well as everyone who helped you, in my thoughts. Love you and miss you.

Jul 31st - 01:04am | Aunt Jenny

David, I was horrrified to hear of your ordeal, but am so glad you're ok! We did not tell Nonnie. My prayers are with your friends to make speedy and complete recoveries. I'm so proud of you for your fitness, your training, and cool head in an emergencies. Love ya, too!

Wolverine Photographed in Rocky Mountain National Park

Aug 1st - 20:54pm | Jamey B

Came across a wolverine today by the gate of Moraine park campground. Was walking up to the bathrooms and startled it when I came around from the side of the building (not more than 7ft away). It didn't run but just turned and went off the other direction which gave me a good amount of time to get a good look at it.

Flamingo Lodge is No More

Aug 1st - 16:20pm | Anonymous

Just came across this article and must say good riddance to your kind or type....yeah what we need is more towering condo's here in Fl.......

Hubbell Trading Post Holds Native American Art Auction on September 19

Aug 1st - 16:01pm | Anonymous

National Parks Road Trip 2010: Return to the Missouri Headwaters

Aug 1st - 09:31am | Anonymous

We enjoyed your narrative regarding your travels along the Lewis & Clark Trail.

Glacier National Park Officials Urge Visitors to Be "Bear Aware"

Jul 31st - 20:26pm | y_p_w


Jul 31st - 15:28pm | tomp

CP-- I posted the release from InsideNPS (I couldn't figure out how to blockquote).

Jul 31st - 11:42am | corv78

I encountered 4 grizzly bears on the Iceberg Lake trail in Glacier Nat'l Park when I was there last week. I didn't need to use my bear spray or my gun (which I carried as a backup in case the spray failed or the wind was in my face). It was pretty windy where I saw them.

Jul 31st - 10:24am | RoseMary Ellis

It never ceases to amaze me at mindset of people who insist on going up into the High Lonesome either to camp, hike, etc. and think that park rangers and others have rid the parks of the wildlife or that the wildlife there are tame, cute and cuddly and are so bewildered as to why they are attacked/killed.

Jul 31st - 08:23am | Anonymous

Jack Hanna (of the Columbus Zoo) recently used bear spray to ward off a grizzly cub.

John Wessels Appointed Director of National Park Service's Intermountain Region

Jul 31st - 20:18pm | Anonymous

Unquestionably John Wessels was associated with Mike Snyder for many years and it is understandable that there be some concerns about how independent he will be. But the "guilty-before-proven-innocent" comments from within the Intermountain Region are disheartening, to say the least. The conspiracy theorists are not helping themselves, or the NPS, here.

Jul 31st - 10:53am | Anonymous

"Never has a decision been so eagerly awaited, and never has one been so bitterly disappointing." That my friends is the whole story in a single sentence.

No Charges Forthcoming In Shooting of Grizzly In Denali National Park and Preserve

Jul 31st - 14:39pm | y_p_w


Jul 31st - 12:06pm | corv78

I advocate spray as first defense, 10mm or 44mag as a backup. Less than lethal devices not only are preferred for the animal's sake but also for the person who uses it. I would much rather avoid the red tape of using a firearm for self-defense against anyone or anything, but wouldn't deny myself the ability to carry it in defense of myself and my family if the situation warrants.

Trails I've Hiked: Hidden Lake Overlook in Glacier National Park

Jul 31st - 12:15pm | corv78

I hiked it last week. Planning my arrival at the parking lot in time for a 1:30pm thunderstorm cleared out a lot of spaces and allowed me time to change shoes and get some gear together for the hike. It was my 8th visit to the park and it's certainly a must-do trail every time I go.

Jul 31st - 10:56am | B.Grant

Continuing on past the overlook down to the lakeshore is one of our favorite hikes.

Inupiat Heritage Center On Top Of The World

Jul 31st - 01:56am | Ray Bane

Inupiat means "real" or "genuine." - Actually, it is the combination of two words: Inuk = person or human + piat = real. Together they mean real human. "Inupiat"also refers to the local Native dialect.

Hoh Rain Forest Visitors In Olympic National Park Cautioned Against Elk

Jul 31st - 01:40am | Rick B.

We saw quite a few last time we were in the Hoh. Quite visible from the road, but definitely not habituated to our presence.

Reader Participation Day: Visit Wyoming's National Parks, or Those in Washington State?

Jul 31st - 01:26am | Sylvia

I'm prejudiced as I spent 19 yrs living and working in Yellowstone. Now I live in Washington. It's parks are nice, but there is simply no place at all like HOME (YNP.) People used to ask an old Yellowstone ranger when he planned to ask for a transfer. He always said he'd always been there only 35 yrs and had'nt seen everything yet!

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.