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Finding Winter Bliss in a National Park Lodge

Jan 2nd - 15:16pm | Anonymous

Just got home from our first winter trip to Yellowstone (I appreciate the info above and your help in our planning). Ok, Connie, now I see why it is your favorite place! It was amazing! We had plenty of snow (and got 15 inches more the first night there!) and although the temps were near zero and below, it was an incredible trip.

National Park Stories We'd Like To See In 2011

Jan 2nd - 11:55am | Laurel Rematore

Wouldn't it be nice...

Researchers To Embark on Three-Year Study of Bison Grazing Habits in Yellowstone National Park

Jan 2nd - 10:00am | Spence Benoit

The park service has apparently chosen not to listen to Dr. Frank in the past, the Northern Yellowstone elk herd has shrunk from about 19,000 head in 2000, to about 4,000 in this Winter of 2011. The Park service seems to agree with these numbers, with most of the decrease of elk to wolf predation.

Grizzly Bear Shot and Killed By Hikers In Denali National Park and Preserve

Jan 2nd - 07:06am | catfiah

For those ignorant, uninformed, careless outdoor types----stay home. You will be safe.

Former Glacier, Waterton Lakes Superintendents Call For Better Protection of Both Parks

Jan 1st - 17:42pm | Rick

The comments of these former Park Superintendants were bitterly amusing to me as a transplanted Canadian who has not only hunted, fished, and backpacked in this area for the last 45 years, but also worked as a National Park employee.

Reader Participation Day: Has Arizona's Approach To Controlling Illegal Immigrants Led You To Cancel a Grand Canyon Trip?

Jan 1st - 14:26pm | Anonymous

I'd like to continue to visit Arizona as often as possible for the rest of my life. If they need to protect their borders, I hope they use their laws wisely and don't misuse them. I carry a driver's license or other I.D. wherever I am and don't consider it an imposition.

End of a Curious Era at Mount Rainier National Park

Jan 1st - 14:19pm | y_p_w

The old visitor center had an amenity that will be sorely missed. It had two pay showers that served campground visitors.

Dec 31st - 16:03pm | Uncle Brill

I visited Paradise and its new Visitor Center yesterday on a beautiful snowy day. The VC is small, has few indoor tables for picnics , and looks just like the interior of the REI store in Seattle. It's pretty, but I miss the huge flying saucer.

Ask A Ranger. Violence Is Nothing New To The Blue Ridge Parkway.

Jan 1st - 12:17pm | David Codrea

Revisiting this thread after a long absence--I just ran across it again while researching something else. Mr. Fifer, unless there is a legal "special relationship," no LEO ANYWHERE has an obligation to protect individuals, with attendant liability should they fail. Suggest you read "Dial 911 and Die" by Richard W. Stevens.

Looking Back On 2010 Across the National Park System

Jan 1st - 11:45am | Danny Bernstein

I am delighted that you chose the end of the North Shore Road saga in Great Smoky Mountains National Park as one of the top stories of the year. However it is not truly over until Swain County gets all of its $52 million. Right now, it only has about $13 million and each additional dollar needs to be part of a Congressional appropriation.

Much Thanks To All Our Writers and Contributors in 2010

Jan 1st - 10:17am | Bob Janiskee

Rick, I was the one who put the list of contributors together (well, at least the first draft), so I'm to blame for the oversight. Know that your contribution is greatly appreciated, and please accept my sincere apologies. Bob

Jan 1st - 10:10am | Kurt Repanshek

Our most sincere apologies, Rick! Between growing long in tooth and general ineptness we managed to overlook you. That's why we often go with great trepidation into these "thank yous." We certainly hope our oversight won't stop you from contributing in the coming year from your new coordinates!

Jan 1st - 09:46am | Rick B.

Hey, list, wait for me! I turned a wonderful trip to Pago Pago into a NPT article, with the courteous editing help from Kurt.

Dec 31st - 08:46am | Anonymous

Thanks to all of you!! The Traveler has become such an important part of my daily reading. I've learned so much this year and appreciate all of your efforts in providing such a great site for all of us. Thank you and keep up the GREAT work!

Is It Quixotic To Work Towards Restoration of the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park?

Jan 1st - 09:18am | Doug Harnsberger

For those interested in participating in "Muir's March 2011", the epic six day backpacking trek across Yosemite, culminating with the Restore Hetch Hetchy Rally at the O'Shaughnessy Dam, the scheduled week for the event has been revised to July 24 to July 30, 2011.

Piping Plover Production Up At Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Dec 31st - 13:29pm | Anonymous

I think what's really sad is how many Audubon members are not told the truth. Their newsletters and articles have been full of outright lies! It is not fair to the loyal members. Audubon has made good people down right mad and lost many fans in the process. I know several friends that have quit. I hope your happy need to resign now!

Group Claims Big Cypress National Preserve Going Too Far With ORV Access, Panther Impacts

Dec 30th - 21:57pm | Anonymous

If you'd like to see no hunting and ORV use at Big Cypress, then change the legislation that created the place. Congress required hunting to be allowed at Big Cypress and provided for ORV access as a means to get deep into the area. Denying hunting and orv access would be illegal. If you want the place to be managed differently, then get Congress to change the enabling Act.

Dec 29th - 10:52am | Anonymous

ABSOLUTELY NO!!! Is there a place where we can petition for this destructive decision to be repealed? Florida is already suffering enough from abuse and mis-management of its eco-systems.

Dec 28th - 22:33pm | CwB

I vote for NO additional ORV use ! I don't go to Big Cypress to listen to and dodge ORVs. If I want to hear that noise pollution I can stay home and listen to lawnmowers,weed-wackers and yard blowers. Big Cypress is a special place and should be managed as such, not as a playground for ATVs.

Christmas Gift Tryout Almost Ends in Tragedy for Amistad Kayaker

Dec 30th - 16:19pm | the Bat

If you can stand one more comment, I would like to say that one of the reasons I keep coming back to NPT is because I can actually join the conversation. Sure, I've been chastised on occasion, from people who know lots more than I and from people who just think they do. I find the forum just as valuable as the features.

Dec 30th - 11:35am | Dave Crowl

Bob and Kurt, and all other contributing Staff, I want you to know I appreciate all your efforts to a great web site. Additionally, I find the banter in the comments sometimes equally entertaining as the articles. Thanks for all you do.

Dec 30th - 07:37am | Bob Janiskee

We appreciate all of our readers, David, even the ones that hold our feet to the fire. I am actually grateful to Andy-from-Arkansas. Responding to his criticisms gave me a chance to provide additional relevant information and offer some insight into how we do things here at Traveler. I will probably be more conscientious in the future, and that's not a bad thing.

Dec 30th - 07:19am | David B

To the Traveler: You don't have to spend time replying to such people. They are not happy and will never be happy with any thing. There are thousands + of us out here that think The Traveler is a GREAT web site and read it every day. Keep up the great work and don't spend on people who will never be happy with anything.

Dec 29th - 14:28pm | Linda

I'm slightly disturbed with this string of conversation. The original article: though brief, it was interesting and thought provoking. I enjoyed the article and was glad the man got his Christmas present back! Moral of the story: if you're a mere mortal, don't go kayaking alone.

Dec 29th - 08:16am | Kurt Repanshek

Trying to cover 394 units of the National Park System on a daily basis with what boils down to one or two full-time individuals on any one day is a daunting, if not impossible, task. As a result, we do at times turn around press releases with little massaging. It's just not humanly possible to provide the widespread coverage the Traveler offers any other way.

Dec 28th - 19:45pm | Ranger

Didn't mean the request for source links to be a complaint, only a suggestion. I just feel that an indication of the sources used in writing NPT articles would be a useful addition. If you don't like using in-line links, you could do something like what appears at the bottom of the page in Snopes (or Wikipedia).

Dec 28th - 17:10pm | y_p_w

I personally would hate for articles on NPT to turn into a regurgitation of other articles complete with hotlinks. Very few legitimate news sources would. Sometimes blogs primarily link to other articles. However - I do appreciate it when there is a link to an official document that might provide a decent background.

Dec 28th - 16:06pm | Bob Janiskee

Editorial policy regarding the use of source citations and hotlinks in webzine articles is something that evolves over time, Ranger. In Traveler's case, it has evolved toward fewer citations and hotlinks. Complaints like yours have been darn few and far between, so it seems that the present balance is about right.

Senator Reid Introduces Massive Omnibus Lands Bill, Though Opposition is Plentiful

Dec 30th - 16:01pm | Zebulon

Maybe next time, they'll include cyclists in the process rather than trying to kick us out...

A Piece Of History

Dec 30th - 16:00pm | FFEMT27

I highly agree with corv78, I would much rather have a weapon and not need it, than to need it and not have it. If someone is not comfortable with carrying a weapon then they shouldn't carry one, for me I'd rather have something more than a can of seasoning protecting me from a grizzly.

Mules In Grand Canyon National Park: Should They Stay?

Dec 30th - 15:01pm | fiftynfit

I've hiked down and I've ridden down. The ride is breathtaking because you can enjoy the scenery and take photos without having to mind your step. You are also able to enjoy the view from a higher vantage point. The hike is grand as long as you can afford to take the time to view/record the sights without endangering yourself or losing your footing.

American Indians in the Civil War? Petersburg National Battlefield is Part of the Story

Dec 30th - 14:33pm | Artfd

The book "These Men Have Seen Hard Service" is previewed at the Google Books website, here There are substantial excerpts from the book at that website.

A Year's Worth of Trails to Hike in the National Parks

Dec 30th - 09:48am | Chas

Your picks for Arches and Canyonlands are right on. I'll add Upheaval Dome (Canyonlands Island Distric) and Fiery Furnace (Arches) to your list. Upheaval Dome is a mystery to geologists: salt dome or meteor crater? Fiery Furnace is actually the coolest place in Arches due to its depth inside sandstone fins that shade and protect hikers from the brutal southwest sun.

Retrace Part of the "Journey of the Dead Man" on These New Trails

Dec 29th - 19:47pm | Anonymous

Most historians attribute the name Jornada del Muerto to the Gruber incident. If Otermin did call the route the Journey of Death, it would have been Jornada de La Muerte, not Jornada del Muerto. (Death is feminine in Spanish.)

Books We've Read, And Liked, in 2010

Dec 29th - 14:42pm | d-2

Thank you for your list of good reading, Kurt. In addition to Bill Sherwonit's book, another good book that I read this year about the Gates of the Arctic was William E Brown's: "The History of the Central Brooks Range: Gaunt Beauty, Tenuous Life."

Dec 29th - 09:11am | Amanda Silvestri

I like your information and have made some purtuches as a result of your reviews. What I don't like is that dark green strip on the right hand side of the page. This makes it very difficult to read your words. Perhaps it could be made a bit lighter so that the black type stands out with a bit more contrast. Thank you for the effort you put into your site. i enjoy it.

Reader Participation Day: What Do You Do With Your National Park Photos?

Dec 29th - 13:57pm | Tizzy

I second that scrapbook!!

Dec 29th - 12:23pm | RangerLady

iPhoto on my Mac allows me to make my own photobooks and have them printed. I can also make my own cards, postcards, and calendars which I give out to my family. It's such a nice way to create personalized gifts using my pictures.

Dec 29th - 11:14am | Janine Smith

I load them on my computer and create photobooks which I print at Shutterfly. I love looking through them. They bring back the greatest memories.

Dec 29th - 08:18am | Kurt Repanshek

Here's the direct link, Lee:

Dec 29th - 08:10am | Lee Dalton

I've tried to get into Traveler's flickr site, but failed. Any tips for a dumb bunny?

Dec 29th - 07:53am | Anonymous

Scrapbook them! (and post some on the flickr site)

Studies Show Bear Spray More Effective Than Guns Against Grizzlies

Dec 29th - 13:03pm | Steve Muschanow

Just a few observations based on my law enforcement background, and my time working with the US Fish and Wildlife folks in Alaska: 1. Pertaining to OC spray, no civilian is authorized to carry LE/military-strength OC; that includes sprays used as bear deterrent. My LE-strength OC was anywhere from 5% to 10%. It has been (and likely IS still) illegal for civilian use.

2010 in Review: Traveler's Checklists

Dec 29th - 09:54am | ChrisCrossCountry

Love the suggestions! Quite a few on the list that I've never even thought of visiting. Can't wait to see the Caverns! BTW: I'm in the running to win $10,000 to go towards the National Park Foundation. Help me do my part to give back to the parks we all love!

Jennifer Pharr Davis Discusses Speed Hiking, Long-Distance Hiking, And Youth in the Outdoors

Dec 29th - 08:44am | Flathat

I'm a 60-year old AT section hiker and am at the half-way mark of this multi-year adventure. If my body holds out, I'm hoping to finish the trail in the next 2 - 3 years. In my many section hikes, I've met all sorts of folks and I've learned that there are as many ways to hike and to enjoy the trail as there are hikers.

Creature Feature: The American Crocodile is Florida’s Comeback Kid

Dec 29th - 08:05am | M Robertson

Very well written! Just one small detail (there's always one)...the 'Australian' croc and the Saltwater croc are one in the same, (Crocodylus porosus).** To answer the question posted by Reptiles Alive; yes, the American crocs are attracted not only to the warm water of Turkey Point, but also to the security of the location.

National Park Mystery Photo 30: Kinda Sharp Looking, Ain't They?

Dec 29th - 07:50am | Kurt Repanshek

Folks, to my surprise, we've already got a winner. But we're gonna keep it under wraps to allow others an opportunity to test their parks knowledge.

Keys Ranch Tours at Joshua Tree National Park are a Hit – Reservations Needed in 2011

Dec 28th - 21:46pm | Sabattis

I wonder if the recent edition of Keys Ranch as a stamping location for the "Passport to Your National Parks" program has helped contribute to the popularity...

Dec 28th - 18:43pm | Steve Nelson

I saw this in March, 2000. It's nice, but I never thought it would become this popular.

Record of Decision on Cape Hatteras National Seashore ORV Plan OKed, But Implementation Months Away

Dec 28th - 18:44pm | Hilliard

June 29, 1940, Congress amends the enabling legislation and the words “Recreational Area” are added to further emphasize the recreational nature of the seashore as a destination for beach goers and fishermen. • On May 10, 1954, the National Park Service gave administrative permission for the staff to use the shorter name “Cape Hatteras National Seashore” in

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.