The National Park Service is proposing to ban air tours over Bandelier National Monument, which protects Alcove House and other cavates used by past cultures/NPS file
Commercial air tours over Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico would be banned under a proposal the National Park Service has released for public comment.
The Park Service and the Federal Aviati,on Administration are encouraging anyone with an interest in, or concern about, air tours over Bandelier to review and comment on the draft air tour managment plan and environmental assessment. The proposed plan would not authorize any air tours above or within a half-mile of the boundary of Bandelier. There were on average 101 air tours per year over the monument reported from 2017 – 2019.
Details of the proposal and space to comment can be found on the NPS Planning, Environment and Public Comment website. Comments are being taken through August 11. The Park Service and FAA will host an online public meeting via YouTube on July 25 at 5 p.m. MDT. To join the meeting, click on the following link: Bandelier National Park Public Meeting
“We encourage anyone who is interested in air tours over the park to share their thoughts on the proposed plan," said Bandelier Superintendent Patrick Suddath. “The draft plan is based on extensive environmental analysis and consultation with tribes and other parties. Tribal consultation indicated that air tours over the park are not consistent with tribal values and traditional uses of the land by tribes. The plan’s purpose is to ensure that park resource values, including natural sounds, wilderness character, visitor experiences, wildlife, and other natural and cultural resources, are protected for current and future generations.”
About time. Too much noise. Parks should be havens for quiet enjoyment