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Canadian Charged With Spray Painting Names Over Famous Rock Outcrop In Grand Canyon National Park

Sep 2nd - 13:24pm | Evan

He was charged for damaging a peice of us property in excess of 1k, not that the fine is 1k. Although knowing our system... I wouldn't be suprised...

Sep 2nd - 13:15pm | Mike Painter

It would be interesting to see a breakdown of the $8,000. That's a 1/4-year's salary for some people. I'm asking this seriously.

Sep 2nd - 12:28pm | Anonymous

Why is this not a felony?  The GC is a national and global treasure.

Sep 2nd - 12:26pm | Anonymous

The disrespectful "frog" should be banned for life from ever entering our country again!  Graffiti drives me crazy.  I am grateful I was not witness to it, I may have asked him he could fly before tossing him over the canyon rim.

Sep 2nd - 11:55am | Connie Hopkins

The spray can wasn't the only thing that should have been thrown into the Canyon!!! GRRR!!!

Sep 2nd - 11:19am | James Jacoby

And winner of the most stupid person on the planet is................

Sep 2nd - 11:04am | Ranger Bill

ONLY a thousand dollars fine, but it'll cost $8,000 to clean it up? Make him pay all the costs, including the salaries of the workers invovled. Jerks like this need to pay the full consequences of their actions. Oh, and be made to wear a shirt saying "I DEFACED THE GRAND CANYON" for life.

Sep 2nd - 11:02am | Anonymous

The fine should be double the $8,000 cost and the punishment should be well publicized to keep others from attempting a similar jerk move.  And the fine should be collected before this moron is allowed to skip back to Canada, which would make collection of the money more difficult. 

Sep 2nd - 10:27am | richp39

This story is disturbing on so many levels I don't know where to start. Did he really think the NPS would leave it there for 20 years? Even if they did, did he think the paint would last that long? Was he planning on bringing his kids 20 years hence and saying "Looks kids, I defaced this natural wonder and national treasure to no good purpose. Isn't THAT cool?".

Sep 2nd - 09:49am | Tina

Wow!  This story left me with my head shaking.  I'm having trouble comprehending such stupidity.  Rather  than appreciate the beauty of nature, the man decides to deface it.  Says he wants to leave something for his kids to see 20 years from now.  I'm hoping he never reproduces.  We don't need more like him "enjoying" nature.

Sep 2nd - 08:57am | ILoveBears

This makes me furious.  What's the maximum punishment possible?

Not Too Early To Book Winter Adventure At Yellowstone National Park

Sep 2nd - 11:52am | Connie Hopkins

We were fortunate enough to be in Yellowstone in January of 2009 and then returned for Christmas of that same year. Our son graduated from High School in '09 and the Christmas in Yellowstone trip was our gift to him. Giantess Geyser started going off on Christmas Eve and went off hourly throughout Christmas Day!! We considered that a gift!!

Sep 2nd - 11:17am | ed-123

We also did the 'Trail of the wolf', January 2011 and were very luck to only have 4 snowmobiles in our group.The guide was excellent, the lodging and food was first class. Just a great experience overall Yellowstone is beautiful in winter!

Sep 2nd - 09:17am | stormy

We did the 'Trail of the Wolf' in Feb 2010.  It was really great.  So great that we're doing it again in Jan 2012.  We add a day before & day after @ the Snow Lodge because the package itself really doesn't allow for much 'down time' to relax & take in the Old Faithful area.   Yellowstone in winter is truly magical.  The sights are something we will remember our whole lives.

Big Cypress National Preserve Officials Crafting Hunting Management Plan For Addition Lands

Sep 2nd - 11:46am | Matthew Schwartz

Frank - relax buddy.  When you joined me on a Sierra Club hike out to the Addition Lands a few years ago - wasn't it you who said that the area looked "poached out".  Anyway - the NPS and state FWC agree with that perception.  Here are a few excerpts from the General Management Plan that NPS released on the Addition this past November with respect to deer and panther.  Looks to me like this dis

Grandfather Accused Of Endangering Health And Welfare of Grandsons During Inner Gorge Hike In Grand Canyon National Park

Sep 2nd - 11:10am | AnonymousD

Adding to what Kurt said, the section of Bright Angel Trail between 3-Mile House and 1.5-Mile House is the steepest of the entire trail, and 1.5-Mile House to the trailhead is also extremely steep (might be the second-steepest section). Falls are definitely possible and would likely result in severe injury if not death.

Sep 2nd - 09:42am | stormy

You can 'Google' this story.  Unbelieveable!   And apparently he did this to 'toughen up' the boys and because 'they needed to lose weight'.

Sep 2nd - 09:13am | Kurt Repanshek

According to the complaint, the rangers wanted to wait until the four reached the top because the section where the alleged shoving was going on was steep and the trail narrow and they feared an altercation might arise and someone might get shoved off the trail...

Sep 2nd - 09:08am | Anonymous

I am wondering why the rangers did not intercede if they say the boys being pushed 13 times.  At least 'wander by' and check out the situation.  The boys could have died.  I have hiked that canyon several times, but not in summer. 

Sep 2nd - 06:51am | Sue

Words cannot express!  There ought to be a 'parent' test before people are allowed to have children.  Yes, where are the parents?!

Sep 1st - 17:57pm | AnonymousD

I agree, Anon. One has to wonder why the kids were with this jerk. As a reasonably fit, middle-aged woman, I found hiking the Bright Angel Trail during perfect weather with ample water and food enough of a test. I cannot imagine small children scrambling up that trail with no water in the ghastly heat of summer.

Sep 1st - 17:19pm | littlebit 824

This man is sick and should not have contact with his grandsons or any other kids. He should be held accountable for his heinous acts against these boys to the fullest extent of the law. What he did is unbelievable and inexcusable.

Sep 1st - 16:57pm | Anonymous

The first thought that comes to mind is, where are the parents.  At the boys ages this can not be the first incident the boys have had with the grandfather. 

Sep 1st - 16:11pm | Danny

I can't believe a grandfather could do somethink like this. Being a granddad of four boys and two girls I am appalled at this.

Sep 1st - 15:48pm | Anonymous

As a grandfather I want to beat this guy to a pulp then place him in a desert with no water.

Reader Participation Day: How Many National Parks Do You Want To Visit In Your Lifetime?

Sep 2nd - 08:38am | Carol B

I'm not setting any goals OTHER THAN the goal of visiting every year.  We usually go west [from TX] ....because the beauty just captivates us ...

Sep 1st - 10:02am | Anonymous

It's not so far fetched to think of trying to visit all 395 parks in your lifetime. And I don't think you have to give up quality to do it. Say you really start visiting the parks when you are 20 (although our daughters have been going to parks since they were about 2 years old) and you live to 80 that's 60 years to see almost 400 parks. So, 6 - 7 parks a year?

Sep 1st - 08:07am | Caitlin

So far i've visited 152 of 395, with 6 more planned for a trip this month. Of those, 35 being the 52 National Parks. I'm a professional photographer in her 20's and have photographed all 35 NP's since 2007. I'll get all of them, just a matter of time. :-)

Aug 31st - 20:19pm | CJT

I prefer quality to quantity. A person who goes to a nationall park for only a day or less, has visited it, but has not really experienced it.

Several Options Under Discussion To Restore Highway Access Down Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Sep 2nd - 04:45am | MRC

Looks good to me. Remove the asphalt and the artificially brought in rocks and leave the islands that way. Alowing natures forces to shape the land is the very purpose of a National Seashore.

Sep 1st - 21:02pm | Anonymous

See it as it originally was on GoogleEarth.

Sep 1st - 17:12pm | Barky

Wow, what an incredible photo!

Sep 1st - 09:09am | Anonymous

Simple solution is do not restore!! Tear out the rest of the road let nature be nature.

The Yosemite Fund and The Yosemite Association Come Together Under The "Yosemite Conservancy"

Sep 1st - 23:25pm | lisa holmes

 i thought this wd be simple: i had planned to leave monies in my will for habitat conservation, trail maintenance,etc. i'm a 5th generation californian and my great great grandfather and his brother, my great great great uncle (arthur and frank holmes) were technically the 2nd people to drive to yosemite , in a stanley steamer.

Trains Of Discovery: Railroads and the Legacy of Our National Parks

Sep 1st - 21:53pm | Connie Hopkins

Hey Winky!

Sep 1st - 14:54pm | Winky

Connie, My husband and I and another couple traveled on the Grand Canyon Railway September of last year and it was WONDERFUL.  We upgraded to the next highest level (can't remember the name) fron the base fare and it was well worth it.  The food they provide is fresh and there is plenty of it for breakfast on the way to the Grand Canyon and cheese, crackers and fruit on the way back and all the

Major Law Enforcement Operation at Mount Rainier National Park Snares a Pair of Car Clouters

Sep 1st - 17:12pm | Barky

Put 'em to work getting some of Mt. Ranier's maintenance backlog cleared up. :-)

Sep 1st - 10:33am | Retired law enf...

Let's just call them what they are:  Burglars plain and simple.  They need to be tried and convicted and sent to prison.  When will people realize that they need to be proactive in taking care of their personal property?

Updated: Cape Lookout National Seashore Heavily Damaged By Hurricane Irene, Other Units Have Varying Degrees Of Damage

Sep 1st - 17:11pm | Barky

People are going to ask "what about the famous lighthouses at the two Capes?". Of course, those things were built to withstand storms, but still, have they been assessed yet?

National Park Service Issues 5-Year "Call To Action" Plan For Moving Toward Its Second Century

Sep 1st - 13:59pm | tomp2


Website Launched To Garner Support For Protection Of Public Lands Around Glacier National Park

Sep 1st - 10:30am | Nancy Coscione

No more mining...period. Alternative, renewable, CLEAN energy development from now on!

Yosemite National Park Officials Planning To Restore Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias

Sep 1st - 09:51am | Anonymous

Selected references for understanding giant sequoia ecology and management:

Sep 1st - 08:39am | Anonymous

Over 50 years ago, Dr. Richard Hartesveldt of San Jose State University studied the human impacts upon giant sequoias in the Mariposa Grove and discovered among other results that sequoia tree rings widened following historic fires.  This result led later to his pioneering the

Sep 1st - 08:24am | Anonymous

This summer my family visited the Mariposa Grove at Yosemite and what a phenomenol sight! Anything that can be done to preserve these giant masterpieces is worth it!

Persistent Pedestrians: Black Bears in Big Bend National Park

Sep 1st - 08:08am | Anonymous

Wonderful article!  We spotted a bear during a family hike on the Emory Peak trail in July 1996.  Upon reporting the sighting at the ranger station, my children were thrilled at the opportunity to place a pin on the map to indicate the location.  On a subsequent trip in 2009, my husband and I encountered another bear on the Window trail, and the thrill of reporting it was no less than it was 13

Congresswoman Bachmann Would Support Drilling For Oil In Everglades National Park

Sep 1st - 07:08am | ed-123

 I am no Bachman fan but The Quote was,  she wouldn't automatically rule the park off-limits if oil were found beneath it. This is a reasonable statement. Oil dependency is a political hot potato right, now so I would be curious to see what the current President would say, if asked. So now lets talk about religion... Just kidding

Mannheim Steamroller Celebrates Glacier National Park in New CD

Sep 1st - 06:38am | Connie Hopkins

Kurt, I didn't mean YOU were misleading in the article. I meant that the CD cover was misleading!

Aug 31st - 19:44pm | Connie Hopkins

I just received my CD and it's somewhat misleading. He has numerous songs from other CD's on here as well. I was under the impression it was all new work.

Bear Watching Mayhem In Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

Aug 31st - 19:45pm | Suzette

The Darwin Principle at its best!

Updated: Hiker In Yellowstone National Park Died From Grizzly Attack

Aug 31st - 18:33pm | Anonymous

The park service was very careful on this case not to assign blame until after the autopsy, interesting...It would appear from their posturing that they were not sure why Mr. Wallace died or what caused his injury. It would fascinating to see what the autopsy revealed versus what were obvious signs of injury.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.