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Sagamore Hill, Home To Theodore Roosevelt, To Get $6.2 Million Renovation Next Spring

Oct 31st - 11:35am | Joe Pagliaro

Thank you for this info. Joe Pagliaro

Elk Hunter In Grand Teton National Park Injured By Bear

Oct 31st - 11:23am | dave smith

In an article titled "Spray then pray" in the 9/29/11 Coeur d'Alene Press, "Chuck Bartlebaugh, director of the Be Bear Aware campaign for the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee" said the bear spray can "must be held with two hands so it doesn't tilt upwards."

Oct 31st - 09:15am | Anonymous

Statistics don't lie. A study of human/grizzly encounters in Alaska showed that those who used bear spray came away uninjured 92% of the time. And of the remaining 8%, none of killed and all suffered only minor injuries.

Oct 31st - 07:31am | Marty Koch

Last time I checked the statistics bear spray was 89% effective vrs 60% for firearms.  With a firearm you have to hit your mark very precisely under the most stressful circumstances possible.

Oct 31st - 01:19am | Surprise Encounters

The bear startled and attacked the young man before he could even reach his you really think he had time to get his rifle set and shoot the thing?? No, and had he attempted to "use [his] rifle instinctively for self defense" as suggested, he would be dead right now.

Oct 31st - 01:04am | Michael

Dave - Those are ridiculous comments. What does a hiker do with their walking staff when encountering a bear? They drop it and use their bear spray. Bear spray has proven far more effective than firearms for bear defense. Your chances of being maimed by a bear increase when you injure it with a firearm.

Oct 31st - 00:16am | Anonymous

Dave Smith, do you not have thumbs? I just walked out on my porch with an inert UDAP can (bear spray minus the active ingredients), and I really have no problem removing the safety with my thumb and firing it one-handed.  It's even easier when the can is in the elastic holster.  I'm not sure why you think it's akin to playing golf one-handed.

Oct 30th - 22:21pm | Anonymous

Well said, Dave. You are one of the very few people who comment on these boards.

Oct 30th - 22:08pm | Anonymous

Oh, but it is good, very good!  You might try it.  It's lean and very good for you:).

Oct 30th - 21:06pm | Dave Smith

A victim of the bear spray cult? We'll see. Instead of giving hunters useful information on how to use their firearm effectively for self-defense, Grand Teton NP tells them to carry bear spray and know how to use it. Which is nonsense. Hunters need at least one hand to hold their rifle. You need two hands for bear spray. Yeah, yeah, I know: it's possible to deploy bear spray one-handed.

Oct 30th - 20:50pm | Anonymous

Grand Teton National Park does a horrible job educating hunters on how to deal with bears in the park.  Many people come from areas of our country where they do not have to worry about bears.  They come here and have no idea how to handle a bear encounter.  I understand that the man was from Jackson but in general hunters in the park are poorly educated.

Oct 30th - 20:38pm | Anonymous

What a brave, courageous and savvy young man! An outdoorsman who knew what to do when faced with the dangers of the wilderness. Being knowledgable and staying levelheaded just might have saved his life. (Everyone keeps saying how lucky he is that it wasn't worst, true indeed... But does surviving a bear attack really make you lucky, or is getting mauled just really unlucky??)

Chair Of House Subcommittee On National Parks Calls Parks, Other Federal Lands Unconstitutional

Oct 31st - 09:56am | Jim Burnett

I can't resist a little humorous poke at  Rep.  Bishop, and all of those whose solution for anything they don't like is to simply cry "it's unconstitutional."

Oct 31st - 09:07am | danner

The National Parks should be the last place for drilling. Go there when there is no place left!

Oct 31st - 07:59am | Anonymous

Marty: Agreed!

Oct 31st - 07:33am | Marty Koch

God help us!

Oct 31st - 07:26am | Anonymous

Had to chuckle when I read the title of post.  Certainly a good title to stir up the conversation, lol.  

Oct 31st - 06:24am | C.C.

People such as Rep. Bishop are an uninformed group.  They choose to ignore the data that shows national parks have improved the ecomony in surrounding areas.  They have no respect for our national parks, wildlife and wilderness areas.  I'm sure they have never heard of John Muir!  They would allow drilling, mining and pollution on every inch of land.  Rep.

Latest Studies On Yellowstone National Park's Wolf Packs Shows Stable Population

Oct 30th - 18:10pm | Anonymous

I like wolves

Widow of Man Mauled By Grizzly Sues Federal Government For Wrongful Death, Negligence

Oct 30th - 17:42pm | Wm Bova

Yes, if it goes to court they may get crucified but in turn so will Mr. Evert.  They should have said "no comment" until the investigation was completed and the final report released.

Oct 29th - 22:26pm | Dave Smith

In the unlikely event this case goes to trial, Servheen and Schwartz will get crucified in court for their "blame the victim campaign." The official investigation of Evert's death reveals that grizzly study team leader Chuck Schwartz was called at his home about the incident the evening of June 17, and Servheen was called by the Study Team at 6:45 the next morning.

Oct 29th - 18:54pm | Wm Bova

I assume you are the same Mr. Smith @Examiner and don't see my post where you allow comments, so I will guess you don't like to be critiqued.

Oct 29th - 16:01pm | zenon

Let me see if I understand this correctly.  The study team followed the limited protocols as written by the Gov't Agency except for one thing - they didn't wait for the bear to become completely ambulatory and left with the signs. If they had waited another 15 minutes or so till the bear was up and around and then pulled the signs they would have followed the limited protocol in place, no?

Oct 28th - 18:53pm | HAG

Well lets see. put food in a tree to attract a grizzly bear in order to tag and track it. Have we learned nothing. Habituating,hello and drugs. we all need to wake up. Of course its to  late for this family. God bless the Evert's

Oct 28th - 15:08pm | Anonymously yours

the body was found directly under bait that had been left hanging from a tree... ample proof right there of negligience.

Cuyahoga Valley National Park: Underrated and Understated

Oct 30th - 14:42pm | Anonymous

The Tea Party isn't against clean water, grow up!

House Oversight Committee Looking Into Point Reyes National Seashore's Handling Of Oyster Farm Future

Oct 30th - 13:23pm | Anonymous

In response, perhaps because I have accepted both worlds and spend pretty much equal amounts of time in both and respect what it takes for individuals to face the constant assault on the type of character needed to be a "producer" by some.

Oct 30th - 11:32am | Anonymous

As a reply to the comment that the Park service allow for public enjoyment.

Oct 30th - 09:59am | Anonymous

I believe there is something in the founding mission statement about enjoyment.  If not there should be.  I do recollect something about celebrating "individual rights and freedom" in documents dating back to the late 1700's.  Many in the protection business have drifted over the line a bit and continually mis-characterize private enterprise as a whole to further the agenda.

Oct 29th - 20:17pm | Anonymous

Kurt, The incrimination you speak of sounds like it came directly from the commercial fishing lobbyist propaganda. This is not mom and pop being picked on by big government. It is an individual who considers himself above the terms of the original agreement.

Oct 29th - 13:09pm | Anonymous

A thread that runs through so much of the conversation here and on the national level is an assault on the private sector.  Bad, bad people that have nothing but the most evil intent. I've been watching it for years creep into peoples psyche.

Oct 29th - 10:42am | anonymous

Can I apply for an oil search permit in Point Reyes?? Miss Feinstein I'd like a 40 yr lease pleaseLOL

Oct 29th - 09:20am | Anonymous

Those who love wilderness don't want to it commercialized. The Drakes Bay Oyster Company has had a sweet deal, paying almost nothing to take over remaining 7 years on a 40 lease granted to the previous owners of the operation with terms stating the the land would be restored as wilderness thereafter.

Oct 28th - 15:43pm | Anonymous

Environmental groups across the country continue to point the wealth of peer-reviewed science that exists on adverse ecological impacts from mariculture operations. What is amusing about the rabid pro-oyster cult of Point Reyes is their singular dismissal of it all and immediate damning of the draft EIS.

Updated: Man Missing In Rocky Mountain National Park's Snowy Backcountry Found

Oct 30th - 12:09pm | Lee Dalton

Rick B. -- a great response.  One that I'm sure spoke for many of us.

Oct 29th - 19:40pm | Anonymous

As one that appreciates "transformational moments," I am sure Andy has had one and will be better for it.  As for some that have posted, I can only hope that they are blessed in the same way:).  Every year the great majority of those seeking challenging experiences are rewarded and become better people every time they try.  There are some that do not survive.

Oct 29th - 19:00pm | Julia Lund

We so appreciate Rick B.'s comment above, and those of all the positive and caring people here.  And our daughter, Julia, was also greatly helped by Rick's comment, and wrote hers before reading his.  Andy was released from the hospital today, is flying home tomorrow, and we'll be picking him up at the airport.  What a joy that will be, to hug our son and brother, whom we thought we'd never see

Oct 29th - 18:03pm | Julia Lund

And to those of you who think before you speak, thank you. :)

Oct 29th - 17:58pm | Julia Lund

How dare you say my brother isn't worth it. The money that was spent to save a person's life doesn't even start to compare to the millions of dollars that is spent each day to murder millions of babies everywhere. My brother is my best friend. He has one of the most beautiful souls and he is worth every cent that was spent to save his life.

Oct 29th - 15:10pm | Rick B.

Thanks, Mr. Lund. Glad your boy turned out OK.

Oct 29th - 08:35am | Dick G

Well there you go--- a father grateful for someone saving his sons life-- that's good enough for me. God bless those with the guts and compassion to save a life. We all do foolish things when we are young--

Oct 28th - 22:04pm | Dale Lund

   I am Andy Lund's father.  Andy knew of the coming storm, but thought he would be back down before it came.  We went through the worst time of our lives this past week, and are so thankful for the heroes who saved him.  I am sorry that you don't think our son is worth the money spent on rescuing him.  I would consider our tax money very well spent if it had to go to the saving of your life.

Oct 28th - 15:12pm | Matt M.

Thanks, Kurt. I know NPS code is ROMO, but I'm happy to by non-NPS!

National Park Service Honors Top Ranger, Volunteers

Oct 30th - 11:56am | Lee Dalton

Terrific.  Thanks Traveler for sharing their stories -- and thanks to them for all they have done and will do.

Popular Swimming Area At Capitol Reef National Park Closed Due To Dangerous Conditions

Oct 30th - 11:30am | Matt M.

I know Torrey is no bustling metropolis, but there has got to be more to do in the summer than swim in this contaminated waterfall. Are most locals fired up about this or just this one person?

Oct 29th - 20:41pm | Roma

I got a letter from the Park letting me know that the waterfall as of Oct. 24 is now open so you can walk down and take nice, beautiful pictures of the waterfall. I hope that we can swim there next year. Have a great winter, I hope we don't have any accidents on the road or in the park.

Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park Officials Want To Replace Three Backcountry Cabins Located in Wilderness Areas

Oct 30th - 10:16am | The Kraken

The First of three cabins was built. Completed this year at Rae Lakes. The New cabin replaces the one with the tarp roof on the first pic.

Battle Mounts Over Off-Road Vehicles at Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Oct 29th - 14:58pm | rosa

wow controversial subject. I just visited your beautiful island of hattaras and love it. I never seen so many birds in one place (pea island).

125th Anniversary Celebration for Statue of Liberty Blends History and High-Tech

Oct 28th - 16:55pm | Valia

Happy 125th anniversary, Lady Liberty! In light of the Statue's 125th anniversary, I decided to calculate its value in scrap copper and the results are shocking:

Creature Feature: Feral Burros are "Equina Non Grata" in the National Parks

Oct 28th - 16:11pm | Throcky...

  The ecological damage that burros do pales in comparison to what people do... Remember the song, "Pave Paradise and put up a parking lot"? Look what happened, when we took the habitat away from the deer population?? Thounands of automobiles are paying for that event..

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.