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Give Us A National Park, But Please, Not Its Regulations

Mar 9th - 06:18am | Southern Shores 1

"What right does the NPS have to play god because the enviros told them to in court???" Matt I believe you have misspoken again. I can find no mention of predator control in the CHNS to be any part of the “consent decree”. I know the Park does predator control with a specific purpose in mind but can find no reference that they were made to do it because of environmentalist.

Mar 8th - 22:25pm | Inquiring mind

And it's NOT their money they are willing to spend! The money is coming from those that are being eliminated from the process.

Mar 8th - 18:30pm | matt stubbs

Ryan you are correct except the NPS values a plover at approx 1 million dollars and 250 predators. What right does the NPS have to play god because the enviros told them to in court??? These Laws you speak of are killing thousands of predators, costing people livelyhoods and alienating people from the NPS. Do I think one bird, wolf or fish is worth saving? Very GOOD Question.

Mar 8th - 14:45pm | Ryan

Matt, I understand your frustration, but what are we to do? What precedent would it send to just let the plovers die off in that area? Is one bird, wolf, fish species, etc. worth saving? Or should we just sacrifice these animals in certain areas because of our "need" to recreate?

Mar 8th - 12:37pm | Matt Stubbs

Now on top of all of this you must add on the fact that these birds do not see the numbers they do today if the thousands of suspected predators had not been killed. Most people only hear that the ORV's are tearing up the beach and running over the fuzzy little plovers.

Mar 8th - 12:36pm | Southern Shores 1

“1. The Court enter a preliminary injunction enjoining all ORV driving (except for essential vehicles) in the areas identified by USGS scientists as critical for nesting waterbirds and shorebirds at Bodie Island Spit, Cape Point, South Beach, Hatteras Spit, North Ocracoke, and South Ocracoke on Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

Mar 8th - 11:40am | Anonymous

Anon in fact CAHA is the perfect storm.

Mar 8th - 09:34am | Matt Stubbs

Anon in fact CAHA is the perfect storm.

Mar 8th - 09:11am | Ryan

groups have demands all the time on our parks, but rarely do they get exactly what they want. The enviro's may want the beaches closed to ORV's, but the NPS would NEVER actually do that. ORV use is an acceptable form of recreation at CAHA, it was just never formalized in a plan as mandated by congress in the 70's.

Mar 8th - 08:51am | Anonymous

"I have no idea what those groups will pursue in the future however the groups you mentioned have never said or suggested either publicly or in written comments that they have a goal of, “total elimination of orv use on the Islands”. From my experience they do not. Their singular goal is the sustain viability of specific species."

Mar 8th - 07:24am | Matt Stubbs

My displeasure is with the ORV organizations that want the great majority of the recreational resource to be ORV accessible. They are the groups that will not compromise with my recreational needs.

Mar 8th - 06:55am | Southern Shores 1

Ron to answer your questions

Mar 8th - 06:24am | Matt Stubbs

I do not see any difference in making access easier in one place with permanent structures such as roads, parking lots, boardwalks, etc... and not allowing access in another that does not cause permanent damage (in fact nature recovers each day from the ruts and tracks).

Mar 7th - 21:18pm | y_p_w

matt stubbs: Does the decking and boardwalks around Old Faithful take away from the natural beauty? Heck Yes but that is not what people came to see they come to see water shooting high in the air. Was the Mount Rushmore so ugly that we needed to carve faces into it? ETC...

Mar 7th - 18:41pm | matt stubbs

"Ron I have read considerable information from the 3 ORV access organizations. I find the information disseminated by these organizations biased and at times pure propaganda for the singular issue of ORV access in the National Seashore. I don’t say this to offend you as a matter of habit I try not to offend people and apologize if anything I said in my other post did."

Mar 7th - 18:13pm | Ron Saunders

Southern Shores 1 I am not one particularly interested in jousting, therefor I will depart with this. I can easily understand your point of view and I try not to let things get personal in these discussions. I do confront organizations when put on the defensive.

Mar 7th - 15:56pm | Southern Shores 1

Ron I have read considerable information from the 3 ORV access organizations. I find the information disseminated by these organizations biased and at times pure propaganda for the singular issue of ORV access in the National Seashore. I don’t say this to offend you as a matter of habit I try not to offend people and apologize if anything I said in my other post did.

Mar 7th - 11:46am | Matt Stubbs

"Matt and Ron most likely are members or supporters of 3 extreme special interest groups who have had considerable input concerning ORV access in Cape Hatteras National Seashore." Answer NOPE I simply like taking my family to a secluded beach and get away from it all. "The 3 groups were all represented in the failed attempt at negotiated rulemaking. "

Eastern National Celebrates 25th Anniversary Of National Parks Passport With Special Edition

Mar 8th - 18:23pm | Anonymous

I've mixed feelings about the Passport - on the whole they are good if they record memories of meaningful experiences in out National Parks - on the other hand we have also created a generation of park visitors some of whom believe that the only reason to visit a park is to get that darned cancellation stamp.

Mar 8th - 14:03pm | Stephen

I purchased one back in 06 because my small one was filled. So now I have plenty of pockets to keep all my stuff organized. Plus I even get my smal passport book in it and can still zipper it up. Love this new Passport..

Kilauea Eruption Prompts Closings at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Mar 8th - 10:56am | Leonard G. Block

I looked at the video clip of the fissure and found it awesome. I have visited Hawaii on two occasions in the past and my next visit will positively include a trek to one of the volcanos. The people of Hawaii are blessed with a very powerfull aspect of nature right in their own back yard.

Mar 8th - 09:16am | DStaniforth

I got a permit and hiked the Napau Trail last October to the campsite overlooking Napau Crater, I could just see Pu'u O'o smouldering away in the distance and the trail was closed any further, seems like it's got even more active!

Should "Boot Cabin" In Big Bend National Park Be Replaced?

Mar 8th - 10:20am | MikeD

You really were more interested in this story, haha!

Climbing Community Differs With National Park Service Over Fixed Anchors In Wilderness

Mar 8th - 10:17am | Ron Saunders

Amen, Mr. Janiskee. That last sentence was a Mouthfull.

Mar 8th - 04:30am | Bob Janiskee

"Climbing community" is a useful term. It means a group of people who share a common interest in climbing and/or mountaineering.

Mar 7th - 22:00pm | Anonymous

What is a "climbing community"? Can't they do whatever a "climbing community" does someplace else besides a national park?

Mar 7th - 19:42pm | Kurt Repanshek

Ron, it never ceases to amaze me what captures some people and spurs comments and what doesn't.

Mar 7th - 19:26pm | Ron Saunders

Kurt, Sorry I commented on this one. Apparently I contaminated it beyond repair. Delete my comment and maybe you will get some good points of view. I thought it was a pretty interesting article and I know you had to put some time into it. Ron

Coalition of National Park Service Retirees, National Parks Conservation Association Oppose Bike Race At Colorado National Monument

Mar 8th - 07:32am | Anonymous

This is an interesting debate to say the least. I would hope it could remain respectful. Every person is entitled to their opinion and individually each will see it through their own lens of personal interest. There are some facts that don't seem to be making it in the dialogue. The old bike race, the Coors Classic happened in the 1980s.

Mar 8th - 00:49am | Anonymous

So how would you feel if the race were run through other parts of the Grand Valley area but didn't go through the Monument? There are some other beautiful areas around the valley, like the Grand Mesa and wine country - all great for cycling. Plus the park has offered a victory lap. Does it have to be full race over the Monument or all bets are off?

Mar 7th - 21:16pm | Bil Danielson

If proper, reasonable, restrictions are placed upon the race to assuage legitimate concerns, this could be a great event for your area that would promote the park without undue damage. It would highlight the beauty of the area while showcasing the grace, power, and ability of the professional athletes as they deal with it.. The juxtaposition would be wonderful.

Mar 7th - 20:33pm | Anonymous

does anyone remember the Coors classic???? it was held on the monument every year and was great to see and to participate in. The Colorado Nation Monument has been going through changes in the last year, some good some bad.

Mar 7th - 20:28pm | Anonymous

The thing I fear most in allowing this race to proceed IS the fact that it is commercial rather than charitable.

Mar 7th - 16:31pm | Smoky Mtn Hiker

But don't you want to see Kevin Costner swerve dangerously close to the edge of the road just once more? :)

Mar 7th - 16:05pm | Anonymous

Sorry, but I have to disagree with your comments for several reasons. First, the NPS regulations clearly specify that this event is totally inconsistent with the mission to protect and preserve our national parks and monuments for generations to come.

Mar 7th - 14:31pm | Bil Danielson

Clearly, this event IS tenable. The park closes for full days rather frequently due to mother nature demanding full and unfettered access.. So, let's refrain from such silly obfuscations.

Mar 7th - 12:37pm | y_p_w

Again - I personally think effective closing off a national monument for 12 hours is untenable. However, I'm not sure how well the enforcement is on races run by for-profit enterprises with more than just nominal prize money.

Mar 7th - 11:53am | Bil Danielson

I don't have a big problem with not allowing the race to roll through the monument, and for the record I have ridden there. But if the permit denial is sustained, I would hope that for all time any other application for any other event will be similarly banned - regardless its perceived benefits to whomever.

Hiking all the Trails in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Mar 8th - 06:41am | Danny Bernstein

Joe, I got a lot more than a patch. I got to understand the park in detail. Yes, I could do it again. Don't tempt me!! Danny Bernstein

Mar 7th - 14:42pm | Joe Leonard

Danny, If all you got was a patch, you need to go back and do it again. It will all look different if you go the opposite way. A lot different if you don't use shuttles, and go it alone, no help. After completing the 900 Miler challenge you have to know that your lifetime job is to help preserve and protect this unique ecosystem.

Friends Of The Smokies Working To Save Great Smoky Mountains National Park's Hemlock Trees

Mar 8th - 06:37am | Danny Bernstein

The Southern Appalachians have been subjected to several devastating blights. The chestnut blight took out the majestic chestnut trees in the 1930s. The balsam wooly adelgid made matchsticks of the balsams - go up to Clingmans Dome and see the results. And now, the hemlock wooly adelgid. But we're fighting this one.

By the Numbers: Cumberland Island National Seashore

Mar 7th - 21:31pm | Bob Janiskee

There are no cabins available for rent on Cumberland Island. Lodging is available only at the Greyfield Inn, and it is expensive.

Mar 7th - 20:09pm | Anonymous

Does the national park service have any cabins on the island?

National Park Quiz 92: Seconds

Mar 7th - 18:06pm | Bob Janiskee

Lee, I know you're just saying that to make the ol' quizmeister feel good, but thanks anyway.

Mar 7th - 17:08pm | Lee Dalton

You just destroyed my entire day! At least I managed "passable fair."

Discovering Grizzlies and Wolves at Yellowstone National Park

Mar 7th - 11:54am | NTaylor

Toby Bridges and Kevin Watson are correct. Read their posts for some factual education about this issue. In the long run, what I see happening is an ESA that will become useless because of this. Those who have used a non-endangered, non-native sub-species of wolve and this Act to line their pockets will need to move to plan B. In the meantime, SSS

Issue Of Climbing Fees At Denali National Park Raises Questions Of Fee Equity

Mar 7th - 11:54am | tomp2

Inquiring Mind-- You can find the answer to your question at: I'm not now and never will be SES, so I'm not motivated enough to look it up.

Mar 7th - 11:13am | Matt Stubbs

Though I agree on the climber fees as they are participating in an activity that DOES require special preparations to the park personnel and systems. As far as the SAR maybe an insurance policy purchased by the climber that has a substantial deductible.

Several Hundred Bison Hazed Into Capture Facility At Yellowstone National Park

Mar 7th - 11:25am | Kris

It is obvious that something needs to be done about the bison. Right now, they are thought of as livestock and a threat more than as a native species. I think that the brucellosis issue is taking the focus away from the really problem. Brucellosis appears to be under control. Even though bison transferring the disease to cows is not unheard of, it is very unlikely.

Rangers Catch Snowmobilers Riding Illegally in Yellowstone National Park's Backcountry

Mar 7th - 10:52am | Wingnut

Why don't they mark the border better, how is a biler suppose to know where the border is? at some points there is a an orange piece of metal nailed to a tree, but what does that mean? Furthermore, it has been proven that those snowcoaches pollute 10X worse then modern sleds that meet or exceeds epa requirements.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.