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Seasonal Guidelines Instituted To Protect Nesting Shorebirds...At Gulf Islands National Seashore

Mar 21st - 14:17pm | justinh

Is walking an attitude?  An "enviro" attitude?

Mar 21st - 14:01pm | Matt Stubbs

Fact checker can you not read the signs posted this last Friday on Cape Point, south point Okracoke on Sat and today between ramp 45 and ramp 49... Please reread the sign and let me know where it states you (unless you are a scientist counting the birds) can walk? Are you not a pedestrian?

Mar 21st - 13:05pm | Fact Checker

Ryan I understand your frustration with your CAHA point. I apologize. It is difficult for me to read misleading comments and not rebut.

Mar 21st - 12:43pm | Matt Stubbs

Ryan has been trained well... This is the same attitude the enviros have to Access and is how we got here.

Mar 21st - 11:50am | Ryan

I suggest there not be anything posted anymore that can be used to argue the CAHA folks side of things....thus, please close down the site...thank you.

Mar 21st - 11:33am | Matt Stubbs

Fact Checker Please refer to this site for my reference pic. And please do not use a name you do not understand. First you say... "Cape Point is not closed." Then youy Quote... "Cape Point temporarily closes to ORV access..." Which is it?

Mar 21st - 11:19am | Lee Dalton

Please, Fact Checker, don't confuse us with FACTS.

Mar 21st - 10:27am | Fact Checker

Cape Point is  not closed. Mr. Stubb’s picture is not of the current closure that is temporarily closing ORV access to Cape Point.

Mar 21st - 08:12am | Matt Stubbs

Pictures are worth approx One Thousand Words...

Mar 20th - 12:40pm | Ron Saunders

OK, a couple of plovers did their dance and scraped the sand just north of Cape Point (Hatteras). NPS closed it. Fishermen told to leave the point. The plovers probably got to watch them go by as they left. One fisherman said their driving by didn't seem to bother the plovers at all.

Mar 20th - 07:03am | Bob Janiskee

You get the last word on this one, Matt. That reference to chimps on the beach tells me all I need to know about where this thread is headed.

Mar 19th - 18:46pm | matt stubbs

"The plovers that nest on the beaches at Cape Hatteras are not killdeers, yet you've claimed that they can be treated the same way we treat killdeers simply because they are Charadriinae. This leaves me wondering just how far you might like to carry that line of reasoning."

Mar 19th - 17:58pm | Lee Dalton

Methinks maybe Mr. Stubbs has been infected by the Utah environmental ethic:  "Multiply, multiply and pillage the earth."

Mar 19th - 09:16am | Bob Janiskee

The killdeer (Charadrius vociferus), one of about 40 Charadriinae species, is abundant and capable of exploiting a wide range of agricultural and urban/suburban habitats. The plovers that nest on the beaches at Cape Hatteras are not killdeers, yet you've claimed that they can be treated the same way we treat killdeers simply because they are Charadriinae.

Mar 19th - 08:26am | matt stubbs

Are we over reacting? If not then they should come and shut down the school today. I find it hard to believe that the beach version would be that different and in fact have witnessed otherwise.

Ken Burns' Landmark Series "The Civil War" to be Rebroadcast in Early April

Mar 21st - 09:08am | Lee Dalton

Ken Burns is a real American treasure.

Is The Florida Panther Up Next For Extinction?

Mar 20th - 17:01pm | coolstud

I drive to Naples and Ft myers,[Florida]. and the state has areas of 45 MPH posted for Panther Crossings, that good,,,but do not see a lot of cars obeying that, too bad..

Mar 19th - 02:45am | gladesman

If I was a panther I would say the following: "Ranger Lady has a point" "Leave us alone and let us go extinct in peace."

Mar 16th - 10:19am | RangerLady

As much as I would love to have every animal and plant species saved from extinction, I don't think there is much hope for the Florida panther. Despite all the efforts, there is still too much development and the panther is running out of room. Without room to expand, the numbers can't increase.

Mar 16th - 09:40am | Rick Smith

One of the biggest thrills of my career in the Park Service was seeing a Florida panther on the powerline right-of-way near Flamingo.  At the time we were debating whether all panthers should be collared--an option favored by some park scientists--or whether some should remain uncollared, unhandled and wild.  I left the park for another assignment before the debate was settled, but this one had

Mar 16th - 08:37am | MRC

The news about the "eastern cougar" and the biological data is a big mess. I read the FWS press release as a confirmation that the eastern cougar did never exist at all, not now, not before. The headline thus seems to be missleading. The five year review of scientific data and reports of sightings concluded that there is no eastern subspiecies of the cougar.

Cape Cod National Seashore Updates Exhibits at Salt Pond Visitor Center

Mar 20th - 14:03pm | Joan Tavares Avant

As a Wampanoanog Tribal member and educator of our people, I send special thanks and appreciation to all involved in putting this exhibit in formation. Our life, history and traditions have been deminshed for too long.

Search Continues For Plane Possibly Missing Over Grand Canyon National Park

Mar 19th - 20:16pm | Pat, Regional C...

This will be a great tragedy for the Western states rescue world if he is not found.  He is a big hearted, wonderful man and has flown several of our papillons to their new homes.  I am trying to stay hopeful.

Mar 18th - 23:27pm | Anonymous

He is part of Pilots n Paws and was flying a rescue dog at the time he was lost.  I am with Toy Fox Terrier Rescue and all of us in Dog Rescue who he has flown for are just sick about this.  He has transported at least 4 of our dogs.  He was transporting a dog for another rescue at the time he was lost.   These pilots do this for free and ask no money from the rescue groups.  They do this out o

Arizona Officials Planning Shooting Range Near Walnut Canyon National Monument

Mar 19th - 17:55pm | Lee Dalton

How can we expect our "well regulated militia" to practice hitting or missing the target without this range? And now we have the EPA trying to limit lead exposure.  Just more government control of our freedoms.  Limit lead exposure?  Those little bullets flying around have only a little lead in them. There go all our Constitutional rights . . . .

Mar 19th - 12:39pm | Anonymous

To "What ever happened to the Bellemont Shooting Range Site"? It was "shot down" by the NIMBY's previously mentioned as was a porposed site near the Willard Springs exit on I-17 south of Flagstaff. 

Home Stay Program at National Park of American Samoa Lets You Sample Local Life

Mar 19th - 02:50am | John Wasko

This information is a great way to better appreciate your home stay. From American Samoa JW

Park Trips: Canyonlands National Park's Horseshoe Canyon

Mar 18th - 17:43pm | Liz Cohan

Amen!   Really want to see these one day, too.

Vegetation In Joshua Tree National Park Slowly Moving Towards Spring Blooms

Mar 18th - 01:38am | Anonymous

So between now and the end of May when coud we expect the most flowers?

Proposal to Reopen Boquillas Border Crossing At Big Bend National Park Open For Consideration

Mar 18th - 01:13am | Anonymous

I'm glad to hear about this and hope it comes to pass.  We visited Big Bend in 2004 and it would have been nice to be able to cross into Mexico from within the park.  We drove over to Presidio on our way to Fort Davis, but the crossing didn't look very welcoming so we didn't do it.  A legitimate crossing area would probably make the park safer.

PEER Claims National Park Service Director's Order On Wilderness Management Is Off-Base

Mar 17th - 21:09pm | Kurt Repanshek

Richard, it is attached to the above article. DO41-1 pdf.

Mar 17th - 17:33pm | Richard Smith

I looked at the article about fixed climbing anchors, but there is nothing attached to the article, or any hyperlink with that name.  Maybe you could attach it somewhere on this site?

For $30 Million You Could Have Zion National Park in Your Backyard

Mar 17th - 14:38pm | Old Zion Ranger

A wonderful piece of property, which blocks public access to Parunaweap Canyon within the park.  That might not be all bad because it also protects the archeological resources and bighorn sheep habitat.  Trees constructed a wonderful replica of the DeMille "castle" in Shunesburg.  That replica sits right off SR 9 behind the current Springdale Fruit Company stand.  I have fond memories of backco

Mar 16th - 20:10pm | Megaera

I wish they had the wherewithall to donate the land so that it could be added to the park.

Mar 16th - 14:55pm | Anonymously-Yours

good for Mr. Trees, hopefully the sellers will remain true to his vision... it would be a shame to see this priceless area fall to the profit mongers...

Are We Nearing The Day When Yellowstone National Park Allows A Bison Hunt Inside Its Boundaries?

Mar 16th - 22:20pm | hikegnp

What about allowing hunting similar to what is done in Grand Teton Park occasionally to reduce the elk population?  /2009/10/annual-elk-hunt-scheduled-begin-grand-teton-national-park-oct-104681

National Park Mystery Spot 22: See the Sunrise

Mar 16th - 19:48pm | Bob Janiskee

Not Mount Desert.

Mar 16th - 16:59pm | Anonymous

Mount Desert in Acadia?

Mar 16th - 12:42pm | Kurt Repanshek

Nope, not Clingmans...

Mar 16th - 12:37pm | TsugaLover

Looks like sunrise from Clingmans Dome in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Mar 16th - 12:16pm | Bob Janiskee

Congrats to Anon 8:20, who first ID-ed the mystery spot. At least 12 other Traveler readers have also figured it out, including (in order of submission): Bob M Benjamin Ogan RangerLady Mizzou mizzou bluke Will Anon 3:12 Anon 5:59 JimBob Tom Wylie-Coyote toothdoctor B. Grant

Nesting Golden Eagles Lead To Some Closures At Colorado National Monument

Mar 16th - 18:31pm | Tom Wylie - Coyote

Closure is the right thing to do. Exciting to know eagles are nesting in Monument Canyon.

Keeping Track of What The National Park Service Is Up To In Your State

Mar 16th - 15:46pm | Lee Dalton

Thanks for pointing out the "list view."  It works very well.  But perhaps it needs to be made much more noticeable -- and maybe given a better label, like "Click here to view all parks in this state."

Mar 16th - 10:35am | Jeff

Kurt and Jennifer, First, thank you for replying, its nice to know that people are listening. Kurt, while I agree that that list view is available it provides no value when it comes to planning a road trip.  And I must quibble with your term "beta".  Anything that is the de facto page on is "in production". 

Mar 16th - 09:22am | Jennifer Mummart

Good morning,

Mar 16th - 08:22am | Kurt Repanshek

Lee, The folks in Washington -- and more than a few of the field staff -- read the Traveler regularly, so I'm sure they've already seen the response. But I'll drop them a note just the same.

Mar 16th - 08:06am | Lee Dalton

MM, it doesn't work when you enter by the traditional method.  If I zoom in on Utah, Golden Spike shows up as a blob with no label until you click on it.  Timpanogos Cave's blob is so small even at high zoom that it's still nearly invisible. Kurt, do you have some avenue by which you can get word back to WASO about this?  Can we Travelers have some influence through  you?

A Highway Project in Congaree National Park Sparks Legal Challenges

Mar 16th - 15:17pm | Anonymous

I believe that the park is not large enough.  However I believe that a program of hog hunting should be allowed to elimanate them entirely - not to put meat on the table.  You are really ignorant if you think backyard birdwatching is anything akin to stalking the birds (and other plants and animals) of the wilderness.

Cleanup From Tsunami Under Way At National Park Sites in Hawaii

Mar 16th - 14:28pm | Seakona

Just though this video of He'eia Bay during the surge on 3/11/11 at 7:30 am may be of interest. It shows the force of what the water can do in a small bay.

Grand Canyon "State" Park? A Look Back At The 1995 Government Shutdown And The Battle Over the Grand Canyon

Mar 16th - 13:22pm | anonymous


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