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Consider Signing Up For Weekly Email Updates From the Traveler

Aug 9th - 21:54pm | Lee Dalton

If we are faithful followers of Traveler and check in almost every day, is this something we will need? Or will this feature extras that are not available on your excellent website?

Aug 9th - 12:03pm | Anonymous

I love your information, keep up the good work.

Loggerhead Sea Turtle Hatchlings Released Into the Atlantic Ocean

Aug 9th - 21:02pm | Bogo

"""I'm curious as to what will happen when the turtles reach sexual maturity. Usually they come back to the beach they were hatched on to lay their own eggs. Does this mean in the future not as many turtles will be heading to the Gulf coast to lay their eggs?"""

Reader Participation Day: Should Pets Be Given More Leeway in National Parks?

Aug 9th - 20:43pm | Bogo

I'm firmly in the no pets period camp. It is a training, disease and wildlife issue. Way to many pets are untrained/unexperienced for dealing with wildlife.

Aug 9th - 20:33pm | Elizabeth

I would like the NPS ban on pets dropped during the late fall/winter seasons. During this time of year the Smokies (I live in TN) are alot less crowded.I only hike at this time of year because my dogs are Siberians Huskies (lots of fur!) Also my dogs are always on leash because Siberians love to run.

Aug 9th - 13:21pm | NPS staff

I've been with the NPS my entire career and have been a dog owner my entire life. I am torn by the NPS dog policies as I understand the resource protection and the pet protection issues all too well. While at Golden Gate we were within earshot of the blood curdling scream of a heartbroken dog owner whose pet ran off the edge of a 300' high cliff - while chasing sea gulls.

Aug 7th - 15:45pm | UtahMom

Absolutely not! Pets should not be allowed in national parks. Pets can be dangerous (two people in my family have been bitten, one required surgery!) by 'friendly' dogs. In addition, there are too many irresponsible pet owners out there who refuse to clean up after their pet. All too often, the doo-doo gets left behind for someone to clean up or step on.

Aug 7th - 12:21pm | RangerLady

I can see both viewpoints on this, but personally I don't like seeing dogs in parks. I've been attacked by dogs several times and, while I don't have a fear, I am wary when I see them running around off leash or when there are several dogs at one time on a trail.

Aug 6th - 23:29pm | Meg

I'm just reminded of the story in Lee Whittlesey's book Death in Yellowstone, where a fellow and his dog were at Fountain Paint Pots, the dog got loose, jumped in one of the hot pools, and his owner jumped in after him to rescue him. Both died from their burns. Please, at least, keep dogs out of the geyser basins. It's just not safe for them there.

Aug 6th - 17:26pm | Anonymous

As a Park Ranger who is faced with all too many folks who do not take the time to read, understand, and follow park regulations and then complain when you try to politely tell them that they are in violation and educate them about the law, I'd LOVE to see dogs/pets be banned for good from the parks.

Aug 6th - 14:57pm | pkrnger

Dear Park Superintendent, I agree with you totally. Thank you for sharing your experiences and perspectives.

Bottle Carrying Tribute to British Soldier Killed in Afghanistan Washes Up At Gulf Islands National Seashore

Aug 9th - 19:01pm | Sue H.

Thanks to Kelly, Patricia and their group for recognizing the importance of this bottle and the service of James Adams! Thanks for making a difference!

Judge Tosses Personal Watercraft Rules at Gulf Islands National Seashore, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

Aug 9th - 17:00pm | Mike Lawrence

Is this an ouright ban on PWC? Are other watercraft regulated/banned? Cars? Besides the actual ruling, what is the practical impact here on watercraft?

Grizzly Attacks Man in Grand Teton

Aug 9th - 13:36pm | andrew drasch

its called bear pepper spray, bear mace, whatever you want to call it. you put yourself in more danger with a gun then you do pepper spray.

Updated: Strong Positions Developing As Yosemite National Park Officials Again Attack Merced River Plan

Aug 9th - 12:57pm | Anonymous

Yosemite valley is a large city not a wilderness. The situation is completely out of control. The level of front country develolpement is wildly out of alignment with the purpose of the national park service. A realistic user capacity is less then 10% of the current visitaion.

Musing From Canada's National Parks

Aug 9th - 11:48am | tahoma

I think it's very revealing that Parks Canada's budget is so much more frugal than the National Park Service's. One reason is that their road maintenance costs, including extensive 24/7 snowplowing, are covered by the provinces rather than the parks.

Federal Judge Overturns Federal Government's Delisting of Gray Wolf From Endangered Species Act Protection

Aug 9th - 01:40am | Anonymous

Anecdotes are only anecdotal. They sure sound scary though. Sigh.

Aug 7th - 07:18am | Anonymous

Daryl L. Hunter, "Ever expanding wolf country"? Please. It's a fraction of what it once was.

Aug 7th - 06:09am | Daryl L. Hunter

First let me say that I am a wildlife photographer that gets no bigger thrill than photographing grizzlies and wolves.

Aug 6th - 15:50pm | Anonymous

this is actually a boon for wyoming, it will essentially force montana and idaho to quit knuckling under pressure from the environmentalists and force them to step back to the original issues of having wolves not under their control.

Getting Your First Close-up View of Denali National Park and Preserve

Aug 8th - 19:41pm | Yellowstone98

The NPS History website has several online books about the history of the park and the area, including a very detailed administrative history, all free to read online, here:

Aug 8th - 15:40pm | Smoky Mtn Hiker

Great write-up, Danny!

Visiting the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail

Aug 8th - 18:29pm | Meg

Oh, wow. The first time I visited the eastern Washington scablands, I was a kid. I now live in western Washington, and have been back and forth to that part of the state several times, once with a birder friend who showed me some seriously magnificent wildlife over there.

Young Woman Dies After Being Submerged in Firehole River in Yellowstone National Park

Aug 8th - 17:04pm | LGS

Thank you so much for your reply, anonymous! You have answered my questions and given me some peace of mind, as well as some VERY valuable information about the undertows and currents. I hope that a lot of people will read these messages so that your information can help to keep others safe. (Which is one reason why I wrote such a long message with so much detail.)

Aug 8th - 10:49am | Anonymous

We have swam in the firehole several times as well as tube floated/swam several rivers around MT. My first experience was very much like urs. My friend as well. I am a very strong swimmer but had no idea that if u didn't get away from the rocks after jumping into the rapids it would "pull u under".

Aug 7th - 04:09am | LGS

I had a very scary experience there a few days later, on Saturday, July 31, 2010. In fact, that's why I found this site. Because of what happened to me, I was googling to see if any incidents have happened there.

NPCA Criticizes Utah Decision to Allow Strip Mine Near Bryce Canyon National Park

Aug 8th - 16:28pm | Anonymous

Stop whining. Over 50% of our electricity comes from coal. It may seem "last century", but unless you have a windmill in your backyard, most of your electricity comes from coal.

Aug 6th - 17:27pm | WickedLady

Guess I won't be going to Bryce after all.

Aug 6th - 15:21pm | Lee Dalton

It's just Utah's Environmental Ethic at work: Multiply, multiply and pillage the Earth.

Body of Missing Oklahoma Man Found in Yellowstone National Park

Aug 8th - 16:27pm | Anonymous

I too am very sad that this fine marine felt there was no choice but to end his life. We were in Yellowstone in early June and I felt saddness when I saw the poster.

Bison That Charged Yellowstone National Park Visitors Was Provoked

Aug 8th - 13:56pm | Ranger Rick

We were in the park when this happened. We heard the guy threw a rolled up newspaper at the bison because it wasn't looking at the camera. This prompted us to search the net to see if it was recorded, and sure enough, we found the entire uncut video on Youtube. They should be charged for approaching and harassing wildlife. Thank God this woman wasn't seriously injured or killed.

National Parks Road Trip 2010: Great Falls to Fort Benton

Aug 8th - 12:15pm | justinh

Julie, All history is pretty obviously "interpretive," and I doubt anyone is suggesting that "interpretive center" is synonymous with history.

Full Senate To Consider Various Park Bills,

Aug 7th - 18:33pm | Tom Ribe

There are some unsettling details behind this group of very fine bills that came out of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. First, the republicans did not attend the session where the bills were voted on. There is some tension between the two parties on the committee. When the committee had a hearing for the Valles Caldera Bill on June 20, no republicans attended.

Lodging in the Parks: Beware the St. Mary Lodge & Resort

Aug 7th - 17:30pm | Jane Timmerman

Since the Black's sold the resort it has gone TOTALLY downhill. I've heard similar comments/complaints for over a year now. Main problem = all the owner wants is your $. And who, making reservations from all over the country, would expect such conditions & service (and ATTITUDE). They're stuck once they get there because there are very few "options".

Aug 6th - 19:50pm | cici

I think all these comments should be sent to Johnny Noe - does he understand the following that you have here on "National Parks Traveler".....word of mouth is EVERYTHING and it will definitely spread and business will be dwindling for sure. I certainly would not stay there on your word and will tell friends not to either.

Sky-High Ginseng Prices Boost Illegal Harvest in Blue Ridge Parkway and Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Aug 7th - 17:10pm | Anonymous

you can tell by counting the rings below the stem

Three Canyoneers Survive Flash Flood in Zion National Park

Aug 7th - 11:43am | Judy

As Joe's mother.....I want to THANK THANK THANK the group who pulled him out of danger and also the rangers and the medical unit that transported him to the hospital so quickly. We thank God every day that Joe and his 2 friends are alive and healing. It was a terrifying reminder that we should not take life for granted. Big hugs to all of you that helped!

House Fails to Pass Massive Lands Bill That Would Have Aided National Park System

Aug 7th - 11:29am | Rene'

Curt I now live in WA. state but I'm curious if you are the son of my foster family from AZ. They took good care of me & taught me alot. James & Faith Buchholtz. Kevin,Sandra,Tammy,Curt & then Nancy.I'm just curious how you folks are,you were all part of my life for a good year.If this is you folks,take care,I miss you all. Rene' Hensley

By the Numbers: National Monuments

Aug 7th - 11:04am | Anonymous

@tomp Don't forget the "National Scenic Riverways", such as Ozark and St. Croix.

Aug 7th - 08:19am | Anonymous

I am on vacation and not accepting challenges. I will chip in President's Park, though, just to keep this thread going. Bob Janiskee

Aug 7th - 01:47am | MRC

@MM: Great find. Yes, President Lincoln and Soldiers' Home National Monument is situated in Washington D.C. And I could not find it, because it is not a unit of the NPS but administrated by the National Trust for Historic Preservation for the Armed Forces Retirement Home. But it is a designated National Monument, so Bob's original listing of D.C. was correct and should be restored.

Aug 6th - 21:48pm | y_p_w

The only "Park" designation I recall is Anacostia Park in D.C. Doing a little research, there appear to be a total of 7 places designated "Park" as part of National Capital Parks - East. Are they really separate units though?

Aug 6th - 21:27pm | MM

Hi: Isn't President Lincoln's Cottage in Washington, D.C. a National Monument? M

Aug 6th - 19:26pm | tomp

Ha-- I had the data in front of me from another analysis I was running. I was wrong, "National Historic Site" is the most common unit designation in the NPS system. Just to ruin it for a future quiz:

Aug 6th - 19:10pm | tomp

Is "National Monument" the most common unit type or designation in the NPS system? I suspect that it is, but I'm too brain-dead on a Friday evening to look it up myself.

A Piece Of History

Aug 7th - 10:35am | Anonymous

Why do you need to carry in a Park?

Yearling Wolf Killed In Vehicle Collision in Grand Teton National Park

Aug 6th - 22:35pm | Reality22

Another benefit of wolves! It's to bad - this wolf is in the right place.... the park is a place where they belong not out on range eating cattle.... Its funny when you hear these people talk about non-lethal ways to get them to stop predidating once they start...............

Wolverine Sightings Growing in Rocky Mountain National Park

Aug 6th - 15:46pm | Jeff Connor

Sorry, but this is not a wolverine. It is a very wet young badger. Keep looking though and you might get lucky like Mr. Rafitti. What he saw and photographed was indeed a wolverine.

Aug 6th - 15:20pm | RonT

That's a badger - a very muddy, 'just got done digging up some rodent' badger.............note the very long pigeon-toed claws - note the short legs.

Grizzly Bear Shot and Killed By Hikers In Denali National Park and Preserve

Aug 6th - 15:06pm | Anonymous

I've really enjoyed reading these arguments. I'm not going to comment on who is right but point out a flaw in all the arguments. Everyone seems to assume that all 9 rounds hit the bear and some people have gone on to write that maybe one or two hit the front and the rest hit the rear etc. etc. making them cowardly- where in the report did it say that all 9 rounds hit the bear?

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.