Beginning January 1, 2024, all America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Annual Passes and park-specific passes will have a single signature line for one passholder.
This is a change from the previous policy of allowing two signatures on the Interagency Annual Pass. The change from two signatures to a single signature is necessary to ensure consistency and fairness among all Interagency Passes and park-specific passes, and to prevent fraud and reduce revenue loss, the National Park Service explained.
The change will affect purchasers of the passes at all pass sales outlets, including the park entrance and the USGS Store site. Park passes are not transferable.
All current passes will continue to be honored and may be used by both signatories through the pass expiration date.
So if the family member who signed isn't on the trip, then its not valid for the spouse/partner? That's really disappointing.
Try signing it with "The Jones Family" and see if that works.
Lee, on our most recent trip when we did show the pass, I also had to provide an ID to go with it. Pretty sure they won't take The Jones Family as an acceptable signature. I too am a bit disapointed as occassionally one of other of us could make a separate trip and want to use the pass.
We are really disappointed in this decision. my Husband and I bought a card. His name is on it and now I his wife can't take my friend to the Grand Canyon. The card should be for a family to use.
the change was so unexpected we didn't even have time to think through whose name should be on it. This is very unfair!
So now a family needs to purchase 2 passes if the same family member isn't in the car? In essence you've doubled the price of the pass for us as we live in west yellowstone and share the vehicle. What about Cook city? Us border communities supprt park staff and visitors year round but if we need to cut thru the park or use it we're penalized.
This policy would take place with your next renewal. If you bought it in 2023, you can still both use it.
Our family purchased an annual pass at the gate to Sequoia NP Last week. My husband purchased the pass and now I see that I, his wife, can no longer also have my name on the annual pass. My husband doesn't always accompany me and the kids to the Parks and National Monuments. So why even bother with a "family" pass now? I am absolutrly furious and will be demanding a refund.
This is really disappointing. I understand the fraud and abuse aspect, but this really should include "family" or at least the last name the same.
We bought one for our daughter as she traveled cross-country, thinking we could use it once she returned home. But now she has to be with us every time?