There are rabid bats, rapid cats and dogs, and apparently rabid deer.
A white-tailed deer buck that charged a ranger at Chesapeake & Ohio National Historical Park in Maryland tested positive for rabies.
Park officials said the ranger was responding Wednesday to a report of a deer in distress near Sycamore Landing along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. The animal was dispatched after the encounter and turned over to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for a necropsy, which produced the positive rabies test.
Park Service officials say any visitors and pets that may have come in contact with the deer should report the encounter and seek immediate medical treatment.
The risk of rabies transmission from deer to humans or even other animals is very low. Rabies is more commonly seen in bats, skunks and raccoons. At this time, it is unknown if other animals in the park are affected.
Rabies is an infectious disease affecting the nervous system of humans and other mammals. Infection can occur through the bite or scratch of an infected animal or if saliva from an infected animal gets into the eyes, nose, mouth or an opening in the skin. If left untreated, rabies is fatal in humans.
If you believe you or your pet may have come in contact with the deer at the canal, call the Montgomery County Disease Control Office at 240-777-1755. Symptoms of rabies may be very similar to those of the flu, including general weakness, discomfort, fever or headache.
Sycamore Landing is about 14 miles northwest of Potomac, Md. and about 1 mile to the west of River Road.
Rabies is a very serious illness. Bats get a bad rap however. Only between 3-5% of bats have rabies. But when in doubt, leave it alone.