All major roads leading to and within Yellowstone National Park are opening for the Memorial Day holiday weekend—and for the summer season. There will some construction delays on park roads beginning in late May.
The Beartooth Highway, the section of US-212 linking Red Lodge, Montana, with Cooke City, Silver Gate, and the northeast entrance of Yellowstone National Park, opened for travel at 8:00 Friday morning, May 22.
The road between Tower Fall and Canyon Junction over Dunraven Pass is also now opened to travel.
Many seasonal visitor services in Yellowstone National Park are open for the Memorial Day weekend. Details and current conditions are available online, by consulting the park newspaper handed out at entrance stations, or by asking the staff at visitor centers and information stations in and near the park.
There will be no construction work, delays, or closures in the park during the Memorial Day weekend, but that will change after May 26.
The contract for the reconstruction of the road between Norris and Madison through Gibbon Canyon was awarded last week. Once work begins the week of May 26, visitors can expect up to 30-minute construction delays. Beginning Monday, June 1, the road through Gibbon Canyon will also be closed to all travel between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
There will be no construction delays or night time road closures during the July 4th holiday weekend.
This same section of the road through Gibbon Canyon will be completely closed to all travel between Artists Paint Pots and the Tuff Cliff Picnic Area beginning August 17, in order to remove an existing bridge and build a new span across the Gibbon River. It will remain closed until it reopens to snowmobile and snowcoach travel in December.
Maps and additional details on park road construction projects are available at all visitor centers and on the park's website. Updated Yellowstone National Park road information is always available 24 hours a day by calling 307-344-2117.
if "This same section of the road through Gibbon Canyon will be completely closed to all travel between Artists Paint Pots and the Tuff Cliff Picnic Area beginning August 17" is the case, the road between Norris and Madsion will completely be closed, right? Thanks.
That indeed seems to be the case.