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Good Start: Bald Eagle Chick Hatches At Channel Islands National Park

It wasn't too long ago that you couldn't find a nesting bald eagle at Channel Islands National Park, but things are definitely different today. Just the other day the 2012 bald eagle breeding season got of to a record start with the earliest known natural hatching of a bald eagle chick on the Channel Islands, according to park staff.

It's the Centennial Year for Washington D.C.'s Cherry Blossoms. Will the Blooms Cooperate?

This year marks the centennial for Washington, D.C.'s famous cherry trees, and that adds a little extra drama to the "big question" facing organizers of the National Cherry Blossom Festival every year: Will the trees bloom on the same schedule as the Festival events? The official "peak bloom" prediction for 2012 has now been released.

Shot Of Kayaker In Sequoia National Forest Judged Best In Federal Recreational Lands Photo Contest

A photo of a daredevil kayaker negotiating the Kern River in Sequoia National Forest received the grand prize in the National Park Foundation's Share the Experience photo contest, while a scenic from Glacier National Park was awarded first prize.