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National Park Service Working With IUCN To Bolster National Park Protection World-Wide

Though the national park movement is more than a century old, efforts are ongoing to support that movement and enhance the protection of national park lands globally. Recently the National Park Service bolstered those efforts by agreeing to work with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature on the support of parks and other protected areas world-wide.

Crisp September Weather Brings Crisp Apples, Along with History, To the National Parks

Finally, the most-anticipated month for visiting national parks has arrived. That's right, September, the month when apples ripen and are ready for picking. From Pennsylvania to Utah and on west to California, the desire to bite into a nice crisp apple, or pick a bag or bushel for pies and sauce, are luring visitors to parks.

Could You Handle This Job? Arrowhead Hotshots Celebrate 30 Years of Fire Fighting Excellence

A small group of men and women hold one of the most highly sought after jobs in the National Park Service, but the work is also some of the most challenging anywhere in the country. This year the Arrowhead Hotshots celebrate 30 years of service as one of the elite wildland fire crews in the U.S.A.