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Reader Participation Day: Has Your Cell Phone Replaced Your "Real Camera" For Taking Photos?

The equipment we use to capture photos of our park visits has changed dramatically over the years, and although they aren't likely to replace a "real camera" for serious photographers, the ability of cell phones to capture quality images has made them increasingly popular with many people. Has your phone replaced your camera for your photos, in parks and elsewhere?

Birding In The National Parks: This Fall In The National Park System

Spring migration may be the grand pageant of color for birders across North America, but the flip side in autumn is not to be overlooked by birders hoping to catch some rare sightings or just hone their birding skills. Spring is a frenzied rush to breeding grounds. Food, sex, and territory are all that’s on the minds of our feathered friends in May. In the fall, it’s all about heading south for a relaxing winter with the new kids.