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Reader Participation Day: What Questions Do You Have For National Park Service Director Jarvis?

As we near the end of 2013, with 2014 on the very near horizon, it's time to reflect on the past year in the National Park System. As you reflect -- on your visits, on the parks you'd like to visit, on budgetary matters and everything else that goes into running the park system -- what questions do you have for National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis?

How To Boost Kids' Science Aptitude? Encourage A National Park Service Career

Earlier this month you no doubt heard that America's 15-year-olds' science scores, when compared to those of their peers in other countries, were just average. How might they be improved? Well, if your daughter or son enjoy visiting national parks, nudge them in the direction of a career as a scientist working in the parks.

Four-Acre Slice Of Civil War History Saved At Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

Though not quite 4 acres in size, a parcel of land on the western end of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park long has been treasured by the National Park Service for the Civil War battle that raged on that land. Today that land has been protected from development and eventually will be added to the park.