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You Can Make A Difference In Coverage Of National Parks And Protected Areas


History within national parks. Explorations of park lands. Wildlife to see and admire. Tips for RVers and outdoor recreationalists. Book reviews. Coverage of management and congressional actions. Podcasts. That and more is what you find at 

You can directly help increase that content.

Send us story ideas at [email protected], or use the Contact page to send us tips to stories we might want to look into, or to pitch op-ed pieces. If you work for the National Park Service and have something to say, but are concerned about retribution, you can do it anonymously.

Support our work with a donation. We've made no secret about it; there are more stories than one person can handle. With your support, we can add staff and double or triple the coverage we currently provide. But it requires a significant number of our readership to make that possible. Even a small editorial operation of three or four writers with IT and development support can run in the $300,000-a-year range.

Hindering our efforts to raise working capital is the simple fact that charitable giving has taken quite a hit in the past year due to the tax reform legislation that increased the standard deduction in such a way that it discouraged donations. According to CNBC, "...modest gifts between $250 and $999 fell by 4% and gifts under $250 dropped by more than 4%. The total number of donors also declined."

There are limits to what current resources allow us to provide. While we want our content to be free to reach the widest possible audience so they'll be informed about national parks and protected areas, we need your support. 

* If you work for a business that operates in or near the parks, consider a sponsorship or advertising program to reach our ~3 million readers and listeners.

* If you work for a nonprofit concerned about public lands or wildlife -- NPCA, the Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife, and similar organizations -- consider a donation, as our reach benefits your efforts.

* If you're in the outdoor industry -- REI, The North Face, Columbia, Marmot and hundreds of others -- our news and feature coverage is of interest to your markets. Help us grow that coverage and keep them informed.

For those who have given already, our heartfelt thanks. Without your donations, you wouldn't be reading this.

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The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.