How many of you have your own Instagram account, or follow national park Instagram accounts? You can learn all sorts of interesting things. As a matter of fact, this National Parks Quiz and Trivia #39 was created using facts learned from other park units’ Instagram accounts.
There are quite a few parks associations out there, all with programs to enrich a visitor’s experience while explaining how important national parks and protected lands are. This particular quiz focuses on parks and other protected lands supported by the Western National Parks Association across 12 Western states. See just how much you know about some of these parks before checking the answers at the bottom of the page.
It's time, again, to test your national parks knowledge with the Traveler's National Parks Quiz And Trivia #6. See just how much you know about your national parks, and learn a little, too.
Born of volcanic fire and now home to falcons, eagles and the California Condor, Pinnacles National Park is a landscape of woodlands, chapparal, and towering rock pinnacles offering bird and wildflower viewing opportunities and plenty of adventure for hikers.
Come January 1, it will cost you a little bit more to enter Pinnacles National Park in California, unless you have your national parks pass on your person. Under the plan, the entrance fee for vehicles will increase $5, to $30.
A group of The Peregrine Fund’s California Condors will soon be unfurling their nine-and-a-half foot wings to soar the skies of central California, but first they have to get from The World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho, all the way to central California, where the National Park Service and the Ventana Wildlife Society will release the condors from their respective sites at Pinnacles National Park and in Big Sur. This year, they’ve got a little help from their friends at LightHawk.
With National Park Service sites aiming to standardize entrance rates across the country in 2018, another wave of proposed fee increases is now open for public comment.
Pinnacles National Park took 125 years to become the nation’s newest designated parkland. But it took immensely longer for the mountains to arrive at the present location 40 miles southeast of Salinas, California.
A glance around the National Park System seems to show wine sales can benefit the parks, more and more user fees are being approved despite a five-year-old "moratorium" against them, and Point Reyes National Seashore has had a bumper crop of seals this year.