The road to the Keane Wonder Mine in Death Valley National Park, where visitors were spotted camping illegally, was closed Friday by park staff to protect resources/Basin and Range Watch
Areas of Death Valley National Park were closed to the public Friday due to trash, human waste, unspecified vandalism, and resource damage. Down at Saguaro National Park, meanwhile, volunteers were turning out to pick up garbage.
At Death Valley in California, the Furnace Creek and Texas Springs campgrounds were closed. Access roads to Natural Bridge, Dantes View, and Keane Wonder Mine also were being closed to travel. Earlier during the government shutdown visitors were spotted camping illegally off the mine road. The road to Salt Creek also remains closed.
Visitor services are limited due to the lapse in federal appropriations, a park release said.
All normal park rules and regulations still apply and violators will be cited. Dogs are not permitted on park trails or off leash. Off-road vehicle travel is illegal within the park, vehicles must stay on established roadways. Camping must be in accordance with park regulations. The Stovepipe Wells Campground as well as private campgrounds at The Oasis Furnace Creek Ranch and Panamint Springs remain open and operational.
Visitors are encouraged to stop and use restroom facilities in the gateway communities before entering the park as there are extremely limited restroom facilities in the park. Visitors are also encouraged to practice leave no trace principles and pack in and pack out waste.
In southern Arizona, Friends of Saguaro National Park was "coordinating volunteers to pick up trash at the visitor centers and trailheads," said Fred Stula, the nonprofit group's executive director. "Our volunteers are prepared to pick up trash as long as necessary. Saguaro is a community park and many residents feel personally obligated to step in and help while the government is shutdown."
As with many other parks, Saguaro remained open to the public, though there were no visitor services. Without park personnel, many scheduled programs that benefit the local community and the park have been cancelled.
"Schools have had their field trips, hikes and wilderness camps cancelled due to the shutdown," said Stula. "This is the busy season for the environmental education programs at the park. These field trips, hikes and camps will not be rescheduled (time constraints)."
Those who are to blame for this shutdown should be ashamed of themselves. There is no place for petty bickering and politicising the wonders of our great country just to feed your ego or pander to your base.